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Roe versus Wade – OVERTURNED!

Roe versus Wade – OVERTURNED!

So it seems that the Supreme Court in the US (@SCOTUS) is about to overturn Roe versus Wade. So years after incomplete information allowed / condoned people to murder babies that can feel in womb, there is some justice for these, the most vulnerable, the truly voiceless, in our society.

And now, wait to hear the reaction of those who demand the right to stamp on the rights of the one they were responsible in creating. I won’t be surprised if there are angry mobs and death threats towards those who have rightfully voted on this stain on our society.

I regret that I was dupped into this lie and am partly responsible for innocent life being taken. I look back now with horror at how my own selfishness and pride that allowed me to come to ridiculous conclusions. The Bible nails it: “sin deceives” and “all a persons ways are right…in his own eyes”. Nothing could be further from the truth – my ways were *not* right.

I don’t write here to condemn you if you too have made bad choices – in fact I am here to tell you that no matter the despair, the guilt, the shame – Jesus came to remove that from you so you can be pure & blameless in God’s sight. No matter what you have done. 

If you have ever watched an abortion taking place, if you have ever seen the baby recoil in pain and try to get away from the torture, if you have ever known your baby before it was born, you know that this decision to overturn Roe versus Wade is long over due. Science now knows categorically that it is not a clump of cells, but a new human, with a soul and beating heart. It can feel and is being formed in what should be the most holy and safe place on earth.  

If you have read the Bible, you will know that allowing this murder is a crime against humanity, leaving the culture that condones it at risk of God’s Judgement.

I have recently written an article that argues that the West’s days are numbered…The indicators seem *far* less than this crime: Sex before marriage and Marital Faithfulness.

We, as a culture, said in 1970 that these things were ‘beneath’ us – we chose personal pleasure over what God calls moral. The result in every known culture in all of history? Annihilation. Not one of them made it more than 100 years…if we do that is 2070 – 50 years from now.

But when we look around, the indicators are that we won’t last that long. The third indicator that a culture is doomed? Loss of rational thinking. And we have well and truly passed that mark. In our obsession to be progressive and inclusive, we are hindering the very ones our goal was to help. We as a culture have shot ourselves in the foot – we are bleeding out. 

We need Jesus – true forgiveness and a willingness to turn from our ways and *as a nation turn back to the way God says we should live*. Otherwise the end is a fore-gone conclusion.

Lord, please protect the judges that have willingly stood up for truth and for the truly voiceless / vulnerable. And help us to have the courage to do that same. Give us a conviction for what you say is important so that Your Son is glorified.

#prolife #scotus #voteforlife #Jesusneeded

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