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Violence against the pro-life crowd.

Violence against the pro-life crowd.

It should not surprise you that Molotov cocktails are being thrown into the offices of pro life groups. Violent & threatening protests outside of DEMOCRATIC JUDGES HOUSES are just the beginning. 

If someone is willing to defend the right to crush an innocent babies skull & suck out it’s brains, then cut it up & sell it’s organs… why wouldn’t they be violent or try to kill those they disagree with? 

What is the difference? Where is the line? 

There is no length people will not go to to ensure their chosen way of life is not affected. 

My life, my career, my figure, my body – NOTHING will ever force me to… 

The problem is, we know categorically that certain things will make certain that your chosen way of life will *not* happen. Kick & scream as you may, killing your unborn child will not ensure you get to live *your life your way*. 

In fact, quit the opposite. It is something far, far less horrific that will ensure your culture will end, leading you at the mercy of other oppressive / communist / dictator countries. 

The ironic thing is, people who think they are progressive, think that their way of life is the best for a society. They are completely ignorant of the fact that these things have been tried repeatedly in others cultures and the result has *always* been the same. 

Their culture declines and then ends, either being destroyed by another or forced into submission. In all of history, no culture has ever lasted 3 generations past the point we passed in 1970. That means before 2070, the West will be gone. Wiped off the face of the map. 

History shows it, but it was God who spoke it. Ignore His laws at your peril. There is only so much evil He will allow before He allows it to fall on the heads of those who commit atrocities. 

The ‘right’ to kill an unborn baby that can hear, feel and experience pain is incredibly evil – a stain on the whole society that you live in.

But there is something even worse – the person who proclaims to know God, knows what God’s heart is towards children and the defenceless – and stays silent. That is true evil. Cowards. How dare you! 

Stand up for something – put your reputation on the line for a change. If you don’t, you are as bad as Hollywood actors who scorn people but accept paid positions glorifying the same actions. What is the name for them? Hypocrites! 

As always: Jesus nailed it! 

“What you refused to do for the least of these, you refused to do for me” 

Lord, may we stand up for those who are genuinely at risk and voiceless – the true orphans. Please help us to stand up for what is right and preach Your name so that there is some chance that our culture can avoid destruction. 

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