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Tag: <span>slavery</span>

Tag: slavery

The slave trade, being repeated right now!

Just watched a movie / documentary about the end of the slave trade with African Americans and John Newton.  Looking back at this point in time I think that if I was alive during this time, I would have lost it in rage and killed those who were abusing and torturing people for their own benefit.  I imagined fighting back and saving the slaves. But then I had a sobering thought: before Jesus arrested me on a cliff, I was willing to do anything to anyone for a small amount of gain.  I would lie to people. I would rip …

The Slavery of Sugar

There is a lot of talk about sugar and it’s addictive qualities at the moment. While I agree that there are dangers of consuming too much refined sugar, the link between sugar and slavery has another, often overlooked, and possibly more powerful link… While many hold to a relative, social based (or humanistic) moral code, we don’t have to look far to see the results of this belief. When we base our morals on what we see around us, an ‘internal check’ or social norms, many terrible things can and do occur. Slavery is a obvious example. Only a couple …