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So how does humanity survive from MONKEYPOX? 

So how does humanity survive from MONKEYPOX? 

So how does humanity survive from MONKEYPOX? 

  • a) A ‘vaccine’ that doesn’t actually stop you getting it
  • b) 3 – 5 boosters that don’t stop you getting it
  • c) wearing a mask and don’t visit people
  • d) put everybody in lock down 
  • e) all of the above 
  • f) all of the above PLUS a monkey tax

If you think the government overreach has been bad…wait & see what happens if Labour / Greens get in. Seriously the WHO (who get so much wrong) want total unhindered control over you and your kids. The fact that many haven’t even heard about it is very telling. 

Vote wisely people! 

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