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Category: <span>Soul Food</span>

Category: Soul Food

No matter how hard you try as a parent…

No matter how hard you try as a parent, you can never: protect your children from everythingensure your good intentions (or lessons) will be interpreted correctlyimagine the highs & lows you will experience as they grow upforce God to open their eyes, convince or convert them…  Far from trying to brain wash them into religion, we have always wanted our children to *know* the Truth for themselves. (The Truth is Jesus, the living King of all, *not* a set of religious beliefs or doctrines). Tonight was one of those times where I saw evidence that He was revealing Himself to …

Victorian Protests Israel / Palestine

7000 people, Christians and Jews included, standing side by side, legally, against racism & terrorism. You’d think in this day & age it would be non-news… However: Pro Palestinian supporters arrive, try to get around police barriers, carrying signs written in ‘blood’, stamping on Jewish symbols and start chanting ‘from the river to the sea’ (a universally condemned phrase calling for genocide). This happened today in Victoria. As of yet, no mention on ABC, 7 or 9. (Link to Sky news article in the comments.)Is this the ‘progressive’ society we are building? Is this the unity we can expect under …

I get knocked down – whinge about sickness…

Warning: personal whinge follows (I wrote it more for myself but just in case other chronic pain sufferers find it helpful… )  It’s often surprising just how demoralising small things can be on the pain management / injury recovery journey. This last week or so, a mild flu has knocked me out.  Sure the list of jobs & missed activities with family is disappointing, but it’s the weeks long set back in pain & ‘fitness’ that really stings.  Trying to build up stamina, capability and lower the overall daily pain levels, others wouldn’t be aware of how hard or painful …

How GMO products highlight our need for God

Watching a movie on companies that sued and indebted farmers to further their profits. It brought me to tears – it’s horrific to think there are people, companies and even a culture that thinks it is ok to force people off their land, split up communities and allow people to literally die instead of help them.Buts it’s not isolated- this is more than Monsanto or James Hardie or any singular entity. It goes to core of our culture (and human nature) and accuses each one of us who refuses (at any level) to serve God.That is not my opinion, but …

Besides religion, what else is a scam to trick people

If you are an atheist, a thinking person, you should be able to read to the end…experiences tells me you won’t. I just saw a post that something like: “Besides religion, what else is a scam to trick people”  Well, what about: Culture telling you money, success & selfish gratification will be fulfilling. Virtually every politician (or political party) that lie to get your vote. Climate ‘specialists’ who tell you tax will save the planet Known hoaxes in science lessons being used to support evolutionary theory Atheists telling you religion causes death & is illogical Scientists acknowledging all evidence points towards an Intelligent Designer, …

Best Mother Ever?

Does anyone else find all the ‘best mother in the world’ posts funny? They always make me laugh (same as ‘best wife / husband / dad’ posts)… More than just funny, I think it points to the fact that there *has* to be a God: Think about it – you’ve met some of these ‘best’ people haven’t you? If you’re honest, you don’t want to spend 20 minutes with them let alone 20 years!! 😝 But for that person, that marriage, that family, those kids, they *are* perfect. How could this be? With all the variety, intricacies and quirks that …

Australian government threatens GAB with USD $500,000 fine video removal demand.

Do you know that the Australian government recently threatened to fine a certain social platform U$500,000 if they did not remove a specific news video?  They refused, while Meta (Facebook) and X complied right away, meaning those users (here), did not get to see what the government didn’t want you to see. This is a regular occurrence from a supposedly transparent government in a supposedly progressive society. Talk about shady!! What else have you been denied? One thing is sure: the current Labor government has plans for *far* worse… #communism #duped #freespeech #puppets

The half-life of an Adam

Today marks a milestone for me: today I have been a Christian for exactly HALF of my life!  The first half:  A lack of identity led me to believing that our culture had the answers for happiness: money, success, relationships, alcohol, drugs – live it up – party on!  The problem is – our culture lied. All the fun, all the easy relationships, all the getting what I wanted, all the money & ease of life, the feeling good… It didn’t fulfil but left me trapped, disillusioned, depressed, oppressed by evil & with no desire to live.  The Bible says …

Why are leftists up in arms about Palestinian babies dying? 

If only their mothers had used their #choice to abort, there would be no problem right?! 

#prochoice #evil #hypocrisy #abortion #atheism

Friend or just friendly?

Speaking to a friend the other day they quoted something simple but profound:

“Poms are not friendly, but they are your friends. Aussies are friendly, but they are not your friends.” 

Having lived in both locations, I found the phrase is incredibly accurate. 

But disturbingly, I have witnessed this from Christians (and been guilty of it myself).

Are we quick to smile at people and have a nice chat, but walk away unconcerned with their salvation, growth or the valley they are going through, maybe to think bad or even to slander and avoid them latter? 

Or do we genuinely and intimately care for people, whether we like them, whether they are weird, whether they agree or have the same theology as us, whether they can return the favour or whether it will cost is?

Do we uplift them in prayer, encourage them, serve them, help them and stand up for them in any way we can? 

Or does it end the second they are not in front of us?

This is a challenging thought for myself. At times I don’t have the emotional, spiritual, mental or physical strength in myself for the day ahead, let alone for others! 

As a husband, anything I have more than enough goes to my wife first, then my children. I would love to have more for others, to be a good son, brother, nephew, uncle or friend – to input in the lives of others, but I regularly withdraw, acutely aware I have nothing left to give. That I need to ‘save’ what little I have for those God has commanded me to love, serve, lead and wash. 

Priorities matter. 

But it doesn’t give me (or any of us) a free pass. Our Lord & Master has given us parables and commands to love, genuinely love, everyone, including the unlovable. 

We need to put the love He has shown us (the least deserving) into action for our neighbours (who is more deserving than us). And maybe, just maybe, we can (and should) do that as part of our marriage and family life. 

Yes indeed, it is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.
James 2:8-9 (NLT) 

Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?
James 2:15-16 (NLT)

Lord, give us the strength we need to make it through today. Keep us close, draw us closer to yourself so we can draw what we need from You. Use us for those close to us and for those we would naturally avoid. Have Your way in us and through us. 

We are Hamas:

“We will attack, injure, rape kill and kidnap people but then blame their home country for it.

We will refuse to come to peace agreements unless we can get the upper hand by breaking them.

We will hide in schools and hospitals making it impossible to get to us without civilian casualties.

We will use women and children as part of our arsenal and use families to ‘house’ hostages.

We will kill anyone who does not agree with our cause or follow our religious rules stringently.

We will fire rockets into civilian areas so often that 50% of Israeli children will have serious stress disorders.

We will reframe and lie to gain support from those we would quickly kill if we were in power.

We will try to convince and brainwash the ignorant to fight our popularity battles. We are so convincing that they will actually believe the victim is the aggressor.

We are so blinded by hatred (and the need to dominate) that we will never surrender nor be at peace with people from our own religion let alone others.

We will commit cowardly acts to fight ‘allahs’ battles as set out in the Quran”

–  Hamas

If you support Hamas or the ‘Palestinian’ chants for ceasefire, while hostages are still be held, tortured, raped and killed, you are a puppet for an agenda that has no place in a modern, stable or advanced society. #stopsupportingterrorism 

Boycott Israel / the Jews??

Passing through Leederville (W.A) the other night, I briefly took my two youngest through the skate park. All over the place was blatant antisemitism.

These people seem oblivious to the fact they are falling for terrorists propaganda & spreading hatred & racism. Talk about hypocrisy! So sad that one people group has so much racism directed against it that it has its own term. 

It seems that many leftists are quite ok with terrorism, kidnapping, rape and murder if it is against those they disagree with. 

Thankfully, for now at least, our culture is based on what Jesus modelled: that all humans have intrinsic worth as they are made in the image of God. 

I hope we continue to listen otherwise genocide, war and collapse of culture are all that remain. 

Antisemitism Zionists winning propaganda Hamas Palestine

Two bullets collide Gallipoli Hoax

The below photo has been doing the roads again, supposedly two bulltes that collided in mid air. A quick glance at the left bullet indicates this is another example of people being gullible (no rifling marks are all). If these were actually from Gallipoli, it is nearly certain the left hand bullet was stationary, likely still in a soldier’s belt or magazine.  Regardless, the supposed statistics for such an event piqued my interest…  One edited meme showed that it was a “1 in a billion” chance! While I doubt it was anywhere near that remote (tens of thousands of guns …

I love you, son. How connection with the Father changes *everything*

“I love you son”  A short sentence that you can say in less than a second, but it can change a persons day, life and destiny. Have you received these words? Or do you need to say them?  I personally never heard them from my biological father: in fact, the last time I spoke to him he said:  “I never wanted a son and I still don’t. Please don’t contact me again Adam”  That was the last time I talked to my ‘dad’ – I honoured his wish: As far as I know he is now dead…  I had met …

You lie for the Lord – how others explain transformation

Tonight, I had a very bizarre experience…  I was talking to an aunty about Jesus and all He had done for me when she blurted out: “But you lie for the Lord”  I was intrigued. “What do you mean?”.  She went on to explain that I have presented myself as a drug addict that lies in the street with a needle hanging out of their arm, while she thought that I was just a ‘normal teenager who experimented with drugs'(!).  I was completely taken back… I remember this aunty pleading with me not to leave family Christmas parties as I …

Do not drift!

“Drifting results in either being stranded at sea or crushed by the waves”  As with nearly everything in this life, drifting along, coasting, does *not* result in anything worthwhile. Humans gravitate towards ‘bad’, just as the rest of the natural world does. Just as well known scientists defined laws of thermodynamics of the natural world, Carson defined it for the spiritual: “People do not drift toward holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, ­people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and …

What was Jesus crucifixion really like?

At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death. At the time, crucifixion was the most painful and humiliating method of killing available. It was designed for the worst criminals and those the Romans wanted to make an example of. As it so happened, there were 3 people they wanted to make an example of on this day: (not theives as traditionally mentioned) they were revolutionaries, insurrectionists . They wanted to bring down Rome’s domination & occupation of Jerusalem and used violence to achieve it. They were rebels and Rome was about to show what happens when you dare …

Meaty hands

Not sure if this is an example of good or irresponsible parenting…  So we talk about what we need to do today. Options include:  Paying billsConcreting Planning drainage & concrete for the driveway Jesus Time (our morning devotions) Finishing sermon prep Planting out some fruit trees Prep work for stepsPostage  Picking up items Prep for BSF Yet I find myself, at nearly 11am, eyes stinging from onion & hands covered in meat juice. Somehow, I am in a cook-off with one of my sons trying to make the best beef burger for Sharmini & the others to try(!).   They were (are) delicious but seriously, how does …

Rick and the Jesus shirt swap…

I kid you not – this not made up… not sure if it is an evangelism win or fail (you decide)!  Today, after church I agreed to meet someone who wanted to pick up some fencing supplies. I rarely do this on a Sunday, but a number of ‘coincidences’ and it was arranged.  Rick (not the mans real name), rang a little before the scheduled time to say he was 30 minutes away, though this time it was abundantly clear, he was drunk.  Myself and 5 of the boys took the supplies to the gate & waited to meet him. …

the ‘new’ Benefits of Gratefulness

Would you listen to a Professor of Clinical Medicine, Director of Behavioural & Social Sciences and Behavioural Medicine who is also a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist Holding Bachelor (BS) in Brain Sciences and a Phd in Clinical Psychology? Recently a great deal of research shows that ‘an attitude of gratitude’ leads to: Better Health Sounder Sleep Less Anxiety & Depression Higher long term satisfaction with life Kinder behaviour towards others (including partners)Less likely to turn aggressive when provoked Robert Eamons’ study[1] showed that in only *two months* people: Were more Optimistic Were happier Worked out more Had fewer physical complaints That, …

A couple of days in my life…which would you prefer?

A Day in my life #1 I wake after a night getting little sleep due to pain. I have a head ache and my back is painful. It is early and I know it will be pointless trying to sleep so I get up. It is freezing and cold. My feet are wet as I get to the house. I try to do wiring, but everything is going wrong. The babies have moved my tools. A switch I take an hour putting in is not working so I have to pull it out again. Before I finish, I have to …


Today, two things seperate things struck me about ‘prostitutes’: 1) I met a man who (after I started to tell him about Jesus), shared how he was struggling with resentment towards the ‘church’ for what he had seen: A couple of prostitutes started attending the church he was at while young. These girls were never really accepted by the regular church goers. They were excluded while the ‘good’ kids & ‘proper’ people kept to themselves – hung out in their own clicks. Eventually after a few weeks, these two women left the church. He shared that a while later one …

It’s easy to get bogged down in a day…

It’s funny how quickly a day can change around here: A late start after a few big days, and I *really* wanted to have a lazy day. That sounded a lot better than doing my BAS / tax, but I had every intention of being diligent – until the phone rang…  A stranger on the other end was asking if we did towing as they were bogged. An error with a particular search engine means we get calls for a range of things from the listing they refuse to change or cancel. This same search company map had led these …

Goodbye 2023

Throughout the year of twenty twenty three, It has hurt terribly, like being hit by a tree. Areas of sin, physical pain and at times lonely,Finding out the ‘care’ of others is just baloney. As bad as it’s been, I know it is not just me…  Daily fighting to stay afloat but only just survivingMentally, physically, emotionally it seems like we’re diving. Nothing seems to help despite all the constant striving Hoping & Praying for more, but a long way from thriving. Things shouldn’t look like this – in need of total reviving. This next year may be better or worse – I am not …

BC/AD Before and After Jesus

Reflecting on this year (and especially the Christmas season) I was plagued by  negative thoughts… There is so much I wanted to do, to get done, to achieve, to be, and *so much* of it has not eventuated.  Financially, health & pain wise, machinery & appliance breakdowns, materials hold ups,  it really has been a long hard year. Physical pain is a daily grind just to survive – and the coping mechanisms further add to my dismayXXXX. I can’t even maintain a level of healthy fitness. Relationally with people outside my immediate family I have been hopeless – a far …

8 Keys to effective evangelism…

Someone reached out and asked today, in case my response is helpful to others:  “Do you have any good teaching being a evangelist- it’s not my strong point and I feel an urgency with my neighbour but don’t know how to start. I’ve invited her to church, shared love with her through meals and baking. I say God bless and have a good afternoon, she comments on how well [behaved] my kids are behaved?! She is a sweet old lady who is super kind and 92 years but doesn’t know Jesus. I am working with Holy Spirit just to deal with …

Carols are boring…

I would HATE carols without Jesus…  Seriously: slow, screechy or high pitched – what is there to like?  But the reality is that now I find it hard to hear a Carol without joining in heartily (even if out of tune). Many carols make me emotional – I will literally have tears as I try to sing along. As someone who used to like heavy metal bands like Suicidal Tendencies, Pantera and AC/DC, this amazes me. But once you meet the One who was in that manger, who the shepherds visited, who the angels sang to, who came to earth …

Nativity #25 Presenting my BEST self

This self contained nativity is quite strange… First off, the figure of Joseph seems to be admiring Himself in the mirror. Despite the fact that the very Son of God, Creator in a human body is before Him, he is looking at himself!  This reminds me of just how vain, fake and hypocritical we are at times. Compare this to any, hubby bowing to her Son, and it becomes quite stark.  Unfortunately, I see this in myself and many men in our culture: while the woman seeks God, studies, surrounds herself with Godly accountability, the man may present well, but …

The SIGN for Jesus

One of my children has been learning Auslan (Australian sign language) on the side. Today, she was explaining how sign language from country to country is different. So much so that even different states in Australia have different signs for the same word!!  As we discussed how absurd this is we learned that there is One that shares the same symbol across all states (and most countries). Can you guess?  A clue: He is the reason our date is 2023, the reason we have humanitarian aid, healthcare, welfare, freedom of religion and the reason why we have the Christmas season. …

How great Thou art? You don’t need a mountain to realise how big God is.

Singing an old well known song at church today, I started to think how some of the lyrics were just *so* irrelevant to me…  “When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur…”  Seriously? Here I am in church, wearing thongs, in hot, desert-like, flat and featureless WA and I am singing about ‘mountains’?? And what exactly is grandeur exactly?  I think about a time when I was at the highest peak in WA. And then about different *actual* mountains in Switzerland or volcanoes in Tenerife I have visited… They were amazing – picturesque – powerful scenes. But here, singing this …

So close to getting scammed!

I was *so* close to getting scammed…they nearly got me!! To save money while building, we often fill up a large diesel tank at a discount fuel station. I had filled the maximum once, and so hung up the fuel hose and swiped my card again… A loud beep indicated that this second transaction did not go through. This is a fairly common occurrence – we regularly run out of money so need to be careful in how much we spend… As I removed my card, my phone started ringing… “We are are ringing to see if you authorised a …

Jesus is everywhere!

Despite obvious physical limitations, in the last week or two I have:  – spoken to someone who had the experience of ‘God’ taking them into heaven & giving them a new name, and writing that name on their forehead. (Part of it was the number 666…). He took a Bible and promised to read it.  – connected with a couple from England on the beach who were so excited that I sought them out & shared my testimony…  At oen point one of them actually said: “my soul needs light to be happy”!! What an invitation to share about *the* …

Jesus is my crutch

Tonight, I was reflecting on what some (condescending) people say:  “If you need religion, it’s ok for you” or:  “Religion is good for those who need it”  Seriously? If you’re an ex-addict who has met Jesus, you know how ludicrous these sorts of statements are. Religion? Easier? Really?  First off: religion can’t help *anyone*. Religion is a man-based system of rules to help people think better of themselves. From Atheism to Islam, religions simply deceive People into believing their perception of morality is correct and that they are *good*.  Second: if you’ve met Jesus & know what He He wants …

Jesus fed how many??

I remember telling someone about Jesus one time and his condescending reply was something like:  “Yer right as if someone could feed all those people – it was a trick or made up” I remember being very direct with him, challenging him that if that was the only argument he had to face God with on Judgment Day, he should be very afraid. Imagine, facing God, stained with sin, having rejected the Son He sent to suffer & die to pay for those sins and *that* was your defence?!  But it goes much further than that. The more you look …

Close Calls Second Chances & the ultimate backup plan

Driving a machine today, if I had done what was normal, what I normally do, one of my younger children would likely be in the morgue tonight. For some reason, in that split second, I didn’t do what was ’normal’ and ½ a second later I saw them.  It is truly humbling, scary and makes me feel physically sick to think about how close it was. Something in me would not allow me to control the machine as per normal.  It is a sober reminder that we never know when life will change *drastically* forever. Sometimes, for whatever reason, we get …

Has He met you?

Reading a famous section of the Bible today, where Jesus ‘had’ to go through a ‘bad part of town’.  If you know Jesus (or the area), you know He didn’t ‘have’ to at all – but He had decided to meet a specific person at a specific time for a specific person.  This person had no idea that He was coming to meet her – nor did she know who He was.  She was a despicable person, shunned by her whole town (likely slut shamed) – a dirty sinner. Yet this is the very type of person Jesus came to …

Face to face with evil…

Recently. I watched a documentary about ‘encounters with evil’. Police investigative and psychological interviews (+ descriptions) of people who they considered evil.  Some of the acts were gruesome, the detective work to find and convict them riveting. But one particular phrase really grabbed me:  What is it like to come face to face with evil? While these heinous crimes were disgusting, there is a difference between those who do evil things and evil itself…  I remember clearly the day I came face to face with actual evil. A spiritual entity that had so much power it captivated me. A master …

When they don’t want you in church…Fathers Day 2023

It was 23 years ago today I discovered I had a Father. A real, tangible Father that had never left me, always protected me and gently guided me, despite my determined rebellion. It made an instant, lasting difference. – My biological father left before I was born – leaving me insecure and chasing identity. I met him when I was in my 20s for the first time. After seeing him a few times I asked if he would want to come to my wedding. His reply is the last thing I heard him say:  “Adam I never wanted children and …

ChatGPT: when AI wants to send you to hell.

It matters what you have as your source for Truth. Unfortunately many will have a terrible awakening as they have been gullible to believe government, Hollywood, the media, religion… “Be not afraid, for in the kingdom of God, there is no man nor woman, as all are one in spirit. The gates of my Father’s kingdom will open for those who love and are loved, for God looks not upon the body, but the heart.”  – ChatGPT [not what the Bible states!] Here is what God *actually* says: – We all only live once, then will face Judgement. ¹   – …

Connect, Share, Love

Today, being the anniversary of my mother in laws death, we spent some time reflecting on her life.  This photo is one of my favourites of her. Battling cancer, walking in uneven sand up from the old caravans were were living in. She had spent the time to come and visit and on the trek back to the car she didn’t miss a trick connecting with one of my younger sons.  It is such a reminder that life is ‘just’ a collection of moments where we can spend time and actually connect with others. The clothes, the money, the house, …

Murder of Melko

My wife recently read out a news report about a murder…  the unique name sounded familiar and sure enough, the victim was someone I knew briefly in my previous ‘life’.  As I looked at the news photo of his house, I could remember vaguely doing drugs with this guy. Carefree, fun loving and generous, this person now bludgeoned to death, would never interact with anyone again…   How many people did I meet in these dark years, that are no longer alive? It is impossible to know. Even of the people who came to my house – there are many I …

King Charles Coronation It’s all about the King.

I only watched a little of the highlights of King Charles’ coronation – but of the few bits I saw…  1) Even though a lot of the ceremony was very subdued and for some quite boring, *nobody* else in the room got any attention. Live video coverage around the world from every angle, yet no mention of any of the ‘super important’ people in the room. In fact, if the *most* well known had dropped dead we wouldn’t know – the only thing important in the room? The king! And so it will be at the end of time – …

Housing & Economy Crisis yet the Government does THIS??

There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church! No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW2 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! Surely that isn’t legal? Well it wasn’t so guess what – they are changing the law to allow it. Ponder the implications… And if you are wondering what horrendous thing they did…nothing. They didn’t want to sell out to a new hospital – …

Housing & Economy Crisis yet the Government does THIS??

There would be no hospitals at all in Australia if it were not for Christianity. So it should be alarming to, that the Government has just forcibly taken over a *private* hospital run by an order of nuns from the Catholic Church.  No, not in Indonesia or Saudi Arabia or WW3 Germany, but in Australia’s own Capital Territory! And before you wonder if they have done something horrendous – no. It is likely due to etc fact that they treat life – all life – as sacred.  That means they serve and love people and do their best to offer …

Anzac Day 2023

Over the last few months, we have been learning about different periods of history, specifically about war between different nations.  One of the things that has been amazing to me, is just how many wars there have been throughout history. So many, that times without war really stand out – periods of peace are actually *very* rare.  So much death, so much horror it just beggars belief.  But here, in the West, living in this time, it is easy to naively start to take our freedoms for granted. I know I did… As a raging alcoholic all I cared about was …

Do you need forgiveness?

The amazing thing is, it comes with an optional offer of *guaranteed* forgiveness (for everything you have ever done!)! For many, the question “Do you need forgiveness?” results in 3 answers – which reflects you? : “I don’t need forgiveness” “I have to earn forgiveness” “I deserve to be forgiven” The truth is though, we have all violated the rules of the Creator. Some of us know His rules and break them deliberately, others do it without realising, others can’t resist. Either way, the fine *must* be paid. The God who created the universe says that lying, stealing, lust and …

First time in church…

One of the first times I went into a church off my own back, something *very* weird happened… I was a drug and alcohol addict, on a road trip to end my life. I had been in a remote location (Peak Charles) from somewhere between 1 and 3 weeks. Strangely, I had no come-down, no headaches, no vomiting and no shakes, which baffled me. I did what any good addict would do: I drove 3 hours to the nearest pub (Norseman). I bought a jug of beer, but didn’t even get through my second glass. It affected me so strangely, …

Neighbour collapses and unresponsive

One of our neighbours had a medical episode last night, and their spouse phoned me in a bit of a state. We rushed over there and helped, until they were stable. At the end I asked if I could pray for them both, which they gratefully received. They messaged this morning to say how thankful they were and that everything was now ok. It only occurred to me a few hours later, just how amazing this actually was… People who used to live near me feared and avoided me. Burnouts, parties, 4+ loud & vicious attack dogs, drugs, car wrecks …

What is more evil than guns?

It has been incredible, that, after the latest USA shooting in a school, there has been *very* little talk of how evil guns are. It’s a stark contrast to the normal news cycle after a shooting, so I thought I’d look at why…  Surprise, surprise, it comes down to what they are trying to get you to believe. And it turns out there is something more evil than guns (or gun laws) they want you to blame.  No, no NO certainly NOT transgender people (or transgender activist / terrorists) – don’t be CRAZY! That must not be your conclusion, no …

Love Wins – Transgender Terrorist labelled victim – Nashville Covenant School

My heart grieves, not only for the victims’ families, but also for the masses of precious young people being duped into a lie. I know what it is like to live with self-hatred, depression, and addiction. I know what it is like to be ostracised and rejected and bullied. I know what it is like to have questions and confusion about who I am / was (identity). But, speaking from experience, I can honestly say it was when my eyes were opened to who God made me to be, who I *actually* was, (not what other people thought, not what …