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Carols are boring…

Carols are boring…

I would HATE carols without Jesus… 

Seriously: slow, screechy or high pitched – what is there to like? 

But the reality is that now I find it hard to hear a Carol without joining in heartily (even if out of tune). Many carols make me emotional – I will literally have tears as I try to sing along.

As someone who used to like heavy metal bands like Suicidal Tendencies, Pantera and AC/DC, this amazes me. But once you meet the One who was in that manger, who the shepherds visited, who the angels sang to, who came to earth to save us…*everything* changes.

These songs look at different perspectives of the most powerful event in all of human history  … 

God, the Creator of all, in a human body, came to earth to rescue us. He knew how evil we were. He knew how we would ignore Him, deny Him, attack Him and fail Him, yet decided He would willingly be tortured & killed FOR US! 

We deserve only death, judgment and hell – yet He offers life(!), purely based on who He is. Incredible. How could we NOT sing?! 

“From Heaven you came helpless Babe…into our world Your glory veiled…this is our King” 
“Christ the Saviour is born” – the Saviour, King of kings, born on earth?!! 
“Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns” – this Saviour rules even though we saw / see Him as a helpless babe… 
“Hark the herald angels sing” – that’s right, huge, powerful angels sing to Jesus…
“Come let us adore Him”  – What other response could we have???? 

#Christmas #Carols

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