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8 Keys to effective evangelism…

8 Keys to effective evangelism…

Someone reached out and asked today, in case my response is helpful to others: 

“Do you have any good teaching being a evangelist- it’s not my strong point and I feel an urgency with my neighbour but don’t know how to start. I’ve invited her to church, shared love with her through meals and baking.

I say God bless and have a good afternoon, she comments on how well [behaved] my kids are behaved?!

She is a sweet old lady who is super kind and 92 years but doesn’t know Jesus. I am working with Holy Spirit just to deal with fear at the moment… I find this area hard.

Any help would be great… you seem to be so good at sparking conversation about Jesus etc.” 


As someone who is often nervous sharing about Jesus, who regularly misses opportunities (or outright resists sharing) and has no real qualifications,  there are a few basic principles that can really help: 

1) Ask God to motivate you, convict you and encourage you. Without His input, without  His guidance, without His power, whatever you say or do will be useless. Also pray for the person / people specifically – either in your set prayer times and/or when they come to mind… but *always* when before / after you talk to them. 

2) Be aware of what Jesus is doing for you, in you and through you on a daily basis. Make it normal with your spouse and kids to talk about these things. We do this in a number of ways. Before a meal we often go around and everyone will share one thing they are thankful for.

Our Thursday morning devotions (Jesus Time) we call “Thankful Thursday” where everyone shares at least one testimony of what God has done for them, in them or through them that week. We share the details, but also what it shows us about God’s character. 

3) Read the Bible regularly, again make mental note of (or better write) the things that stand out. We share with each other and have a message thread where we share scriptures morning & night. His Word is never silent…unless we avoid it! 

4) Use #2 & #3 to bring Jesus into everyday conversations with everyone. Even antagonistic atheists are often intrigued when we share about what Jesus is doing in our lives as it is personal and they can see He is part of our everyday lives. They are forced to decide whether Jesus is real or we are insane….

Point to Bible verses, principles and parables that relate to the conversation. Any wisdom or input you have, give the Bible / Jesus credit. We have set phrases for this when people comment on our kids we say things like: “yes they are amazing, God has done so much in their lives despite all our mistakes”. We will often share specifics of what they have struggled with, and how God has helped them, so people can see it is Him and His word that has enabled them to be different to what is normal in our culture. 

5) Be intentional about trying to share the Gospel. If you have been doing #4, they already have some type of faith (or at least curiosity) about Jesus / the Bible which is great. Sowing & watering seeds is vital, however sharing the Gospel is different.

There are unlimited ways to do this, so watching and learning this from others is a huge help and encouragement. Watching people like Ray Comfort, Cliffe Knechtle, Sam Shamoun will encourage you and make sharing the Gospel normal as well as train you in techniques and theology.

I liken this to putting different tools in your toolbox, when you are in the moment, the Holy Spirit will reveal which tool you should use in said situation.

When the opportunity arises, BE BOLD! The hope of glory is in you! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. He promises to speak through you, and let’s face it – we have every reason to be confident in Our Saviour! 

6) Show love to whoever & wherever you can. We have seen very affluent people melt after being given a loaf of bread (!). When we give, serve, help, support, listen, forgive…people notice. These things are not common in our culture, so attract attention. They are a means to being able to share about and point to the One who fills us with His love.

7) Leave the results up to God. He loves the person/people you talk to far more than you. He knows the beginning from the end and knows the heart of the one you are talking to. Unless He opens their eyes, unless He gives them life, they are blind & dead. Know that whenever you speak out *for Him*, He will use it…every single time! 

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Know that he is with you, He has prepared the persons heart, He will speak through you and will reveal Himself to them in His time if they are His. If they are adamant in refusing Him, leave them to Him and their pride: don’t waste your energy on them. As Jesus says, shake the dust off… (Matthew 10:13-15)

Love everyone, but put your time & energy into those who respond & desire to walk with the Saviour too – disciple them, serve them, do life with them. You will grow in Him and together as He leads you and adds to those being saved. 

They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. Acts 2:46-47 (NLT)

 As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.
Take note of those who refuse to obey what we say in this letter. Stay away from them so they will be ashamed. Don’t think of them as enemies, but warn them as you would a brother or sister. 2 Thessalonians 3:13-15 (NLT)

Lord, use our efforts for Your glory. Give us hearts that burn for those who need you. May Your love motivate us to share far and wide the love & hope that You offer. Lead us to those You have called by name and use us as Your hands and feet. 

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