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How great Thou art? You don’t need a mountain to realise how big God is.

How great Thou art? You don’t need a mountain to realise how big God is.

Singing an old well known song at church today, I started to think how some of the lyrics were just *so* irrelevant to me… 

“When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur…” 

Seriously? Here I am in church, wearing thongs, in hot, desert-like, flat and featureless WA and I am singing about ‘mountains’?? And what exactly is grandeur exactly? 

I think about a time when I was at the highest peak in WA. And then about different *actual* mountains in Switzerland or volcanoes in Tenerife I have visited…

They were amazing – picturesque – powerful scenes. But here, singing this song, those scenes mean *nothing*. It is not the ‘extravagant’ what comes to mind and causes me to worship – it is the things *far* more ‘mundane’ and valuable… 

The many days where I really can’t handle the pain – where death seems so attractive, the days I don’t have the strength or capability to be all I want to be for my wife. The many days I don’t have the answers for my children or the ability to play / wrestle / teach or work with my children.

The many times I can’t fulfil a normal days work or am completely overwhelmed with the pressure of finances, trying to finish the house, run a ‘business’, catch up on taxes, fix our vehicle/s, be some kind of witness or achieve *something* for Jesus while completely inadequate…

In *those* times, when I feel so helpless, less than complete, useless and powerless that Jesus keeps me going. He sustains me and at times gives me this tiny, intimate signs that remind me:

He is in control
I am not alone, He has not abandoned me
He cares about me.  
He actually loves me and those around me. 
He has sustained me for 45+ years – through thick and thin, through every valley, through a life lived against Him and His people and through the many innumerable times that I have failed Him. 

So, so holy. So, so faithful. So so forgiving. 
But there is more. 
He brings to mind the fact that if I open my tear filled eyes, I will see my beautiful, faithful, forgiving wife worshipping too. 

And if I looked to her side I will see my six incredible children, all wanting to worship and serve this incredible God too. In fact, I can hear them singing – they may be out of tune or time, I wouldn’t know and do not care.

I know in this moment that if I actually submitted to the overwhelming emotion of all this, the indescribable joy, the unending and immeasurable love – I would collapse in a helpless bundle of tears. I try to keep it at bay – the last thing I want is to be a spectacle or detract people from worshipping this Almighty King. 

I have nothing of myself for Him, all I have is a weak, out of tune song: 

🎶 “How great thou art”  🎶 

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