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Category: <span>Fishing</span>

Category: Fishing

Jesus the myth? Why we *want* to agree

Below is a response I felt to post to someone who had claimed emphatically ‘Jesus is a myth’: a claim determined atheists are very bold in making, despite the evidence.  ——————————————————————————————   If you are reading through this thread and just read [Original Posters Name] comment & thought ‘yes, see, Jesus is a myth and the Bible is untrue’ – I want to challenge you: Why do you think you suddenly decided to accept what they claimed, without any actual evidence and no proof of the authors’ credibility?  The truth is the author has ZERO credibility. A bold claim – here’s …

How good am I? I beat drugs! 🙃

Tonight I was reminded yet again of how some people are *completely* blind to some simple truths…  “Well done Adam: you turned your life around, you beat drugs, you parented well”  NOOOOO!!! Twice within an hour I found myself nearly arguing with the people who said things similar to this.   Being in my extended family:– they both know how bad a person I was– they both know of the massive life changing experience I had– they both know I give credit to Jesus, not myself.  But tonight they were both insistent, coming at it from a number of angles, determined to …

Emergency Services Training – Sign up!

Tonight, there was a training event for emergency crews in our area. A multi-car accident with multiple fatalities and various injuries was re-created with *six* Ambulances’, multiple Fire & Rescue Trucks and the SES. It was a hive of activity with what seemed like multiple layers of learning, practising, training and supervising going on at the same time. While we are blessed to have such a thorough spread of emergency services, something hit me: Where is the emergency response (evangelism) training section in the Church? We put so much in to catering to physical injury and keeping people alive, but …

Be a river not a dam…ministry books

 Recently, a friend passed away. They were active in a number of different prayer ministries over the years and attended a training that we ran years ago. Before passing, she had arranged a friend to get all the prayer ministry materials to us in case we could utilise them.  Going through the material today it was heart warming to see some the things we had put together years ago were useful for this precious soul both for their own painful journey and in helping others. But as I continued to go through boxes of material and saw just how much …

Rick and the Jesus shirt swap…

I kid you not – this not made up… not sure if it is an evangelism win or fail (you decide)!  Today, after church I agreed to meet someone who wanted to pick up some fencing supplies. I rarely do this on a Sunday, but a number of ‘coincidences’ and it was arranged.  Rick (not the mans real name), rang a little before the scheduled time to say he was 30 minutes away, though this time it was abundantly clear, he was drunk.  Myself and 5 of the boys took the supplies to the gate & waited to meet him. …

It’s easy to get bogged down in a day…

It’s funny how quickly a day can change around here: A late start after a few big days, and I *really* wanted to have a lazy day. That sounded a lot better than doing my BAS / tax, but I had every intention of being diligent – until the phone rang…  A stranger on the other end was asking if we did towing as they were bogged. An error with a particular search engine means we get calls for a range of things from the listing they refuse to change or cancel. This same search company map had led these …

8 Keys to effective evangelism…

Someone reached out and asked today, in case my response is helpful to others:  “Do you have any good teaching being a evangelist- it’s not my strong point and I feel an urgency with my neighbour but don’t know how to start. I’ve invited her to church, shared love with her through meals and baking. I say God bless and have a good afternoon, she comments on how well [behaved] my kids are behaved?! She is a sweet old lady who is super kind and 92 years but doesn’t know Jesus. I am working with Holy Spirit just to deal with …

Jesus is everywhere!

Despite obvious physical limitations, in the last week or two I have:  – spoken to someone who had the experience of ‘God’ taking them into heaven & giving them a new name, and writing that name on their forehead. (Part of it was the number 666…). He took a Bible and promised to read it.  – connected with a couple from England on the beach who were so excited that I sought them out & shared my testimony…  At oen point one of them actually said: “my soul needs light to be happy”!! What an invitation to share about *the* …

Jesus fed how many??

I remember telling someone about Jesus one time and his condescending reply was something like:  “Yer right as if someone could feed all those people – it was a trick or made up” I remember being very direct with him, challenging him that if that was the only argument he had to face God with on Judgment Day, he should be very afraid. Imagine, facing God, stained with sin, having rejected the Son He sent to suffer & die to pay for those sins and *that* was your defence?!  But it goes much further than that. The more you look …

King Charles Coronation It’s all about the King.

I only watched a little of the highlights of King Charles’ coronation – but of the few bits I saw…  1) Even though a lot of the ceremony was very subdued and for some quite boring, *nobody* else in the room got any attention. Live video coverage around the world from every angle, yet no mention of any of the ‘super important’ people in the room. In fact, if the *most* well known had dropped dead we wouldn’t know – the only thing important in the room? The king! And so it will be at the end of time – …

Do you need forgiveness?

The amazing thing is, it comes with an optional offer of *guaranteed* forgiveness (for everything you have ever done!)! For many, the question “Do you need forgiveness?” results in 3 answers – which reflects you? : “I don’t need forgiveness” “I have to earn forgiveness” “I deserve to be forgiven” The truth is though, we have all violated the rules of the Creator. Some of us know His rules and break them deliberately, others do it without realising, others can’t resist. Either way, the fine *must* be paid. The God who created the universe says that lying, stealing, lust and …

Love Wins – Transgender Terrorist labelled victim – Nashville Covenant School

My heart grieves, not only for the victims’ families, but also for the masses of precious young people being duped into a lie. I know what it is like to live with self-hatred, depression, and addiction. I know what it is like to be ostracised and rejected and bullied. I know what it is like to have questions and confusion about who I am / was (identity). But, speaking from experience, I can honestly say it was when my eyes were opened to who God made me to be, who I *actually* was, (not what other people thought, not what …

Jesus is always at work! 202303

Some of you may know I have had some additional health battles since Christmas. A rapidly deteriorating hernia has made a significant hat on recovery from the lumbar fusion.  Today, it was a fairly bad morning – the pain to get up or walk was pretty intense. Someone was coming to pick up a parcel so I planned to ask one of the kids to walk up to gate and meet them.  As I went to ask them I had a feint thought: “maybe God wants me to talk to Shane (not his real name)”.  I wanted to swat that …

Forgiveness for ‘sale’ – 100% Guaranteed for Catholics

You might be surprised by the claim that you can be forgiven for *everything* you have ever done. That’s right, 100%, guaranteed, no matter what you have done! You may have been told there is a long list of things you must do (and and even longer list of things you must not do) to be forgiven, but this is not true… These rules and regulations are man-made and form the basis of almost all religions, spread by well meaning, but deceived people.   Religious Rules: Keep the 10 Commandments  Get Baptised  Confess your sins to a priest  Do Penance …

Just a thread in the Tapestry of Grace 9/10/22

Today I had the privilege of talking to someone who has been in Alcoholics Anonymous  (and been dry) for 30 years. As I asked him questions, it was clear he was at a cross roads and a new chapter of his life was imminent.  I talked about Jesus, shared part of my story and asked if he would be ok if I prayed for him. I was surprised at how enthusiastic he was. As I prayed, He was moved emotionally and it became clear that his journey has been long and difficult, yet God had brought him through.  It was …

Hey Christian: Position Yourself!

A news reader happy to segregate society and declare that the Saviour of the world should have been killed in the womb. A successful Christian filmmaker whose whole catalogue of film was deliberately erased by Google. The Breastfeeding Association investigating the use of the supposedly offensive term of ‘mother’. A veteran police officer under the same for stating biological facts on his personal Facebook page. Christian bakers, conservative judges, teachers, professors and sports people: all fair game.  The laws of the land are quickly sliding down a slippery slope they said did not exist. It is now virtually impossible to …

Be Bold for Jesus!

  Hi all,I have been going through the deepest valley of my life the last two years. Each time it seems there could be a break, things get worse. I currently do not believe that I will ever emerge from this one, despite experiencing our Saviours faithfulness time and again. When I look around at what is happening I also don’t believe our culture will continue to exist for more than 20-30 years. And physically, my body feels like it is falling apart – I struggle on a daily basis to cope with pain. But every time I talk to …

Wake Up Christian – the fields are RIPE!

With everything that is going on in the world at the moment: the uncertainty, the fear, floods, wars, coming economic strain, disease, government mandates, is sure is good to know how it will all end!  If you read the Bible, none of what is happening is a surprise – it was all written down thousands of years ago so we would not be worried when it happens. And, even if the demise of the West happens in our lifetime (which is highly likely), we need not be afraid: Jesus is in control!  I have found that virtually every person I have …

Pesky Hell-fire Bible Bashers

Ever wondered why some people talk about ‘sin’ and hell so much? The answer may not be what you think… People who talk about hell generally don’t do it because they want to – far from it – they often feel scared and would rather say nothing about it. It’s not because they think you will like it or like them for it – far from it – they often no it will be taken offensively. It’s not because they are religious or have to – most of the groups that have to go out getting people to join their …

Life, talking with John, Bill and Joy

I spent some time this morning listening to an elderly man talk about his life.  As he talked about his exploits, mishaps, property sales, business ventures, children’s careers etc – I found myself thinking how long I would need to be here listening and what other ‘more important’ things I needed to do. But at some point I was confronted with a thought process: “This man, with all his memories and achievements, was a mere breath away from eternity. All of it, every single second of what he shared meant *nothing* if he dies in sin.” He uttered a phrase …

the Gospel: more and less than you think!

The Gospel – the message about Jesus as King – can be stated in many, many ways. At best, what we often hear are just short summaries – small snippets – of different aspects of the Gospel.  But the truth is, despite being easy to understand, the Gospel is incredibly complex, unbelievably powerful and incomprehensibly large. Oh, and it is Eternal!  In a million years from now, those who are saved will still be amazed, humbled, empowered and driven by the Gospel.  Simple enough for a child to recite, amazing enough to captivate the most distracted, intellectual enough to engage the …

Is it just me?

My eldest had booked a driving lesson 30 minutes from us. I thought I could sit in the car with him, and walk around for an hour while he drove.  I had some phone calls to make and could just walk around the town. That is not how things turned out though…  As we arrive, I get out of the car and there is an elderly man in the park starring right at me. As is normal I say G’Day & shake the hand of the instructor…  The guy is still looking at me so I go and say hello. …

Is it just me? Another hospital visit.

Today I had to go to the hospital for a follow up scan.  I find myself sitting next to a man who is determined to make conversation. Within 30 seconds, we are discussing Jesus.  Turns out he has Jehovahs witness background and is trying to tell me that Jesus is ‘only’ the Son of God. After talking for a few minutes, he was willing to concede that Jesus is the Creator but adamant that only 144,000 will go to Heaven, while the rest of us will just be on earth.  I take him through the scripture about the parable of …

Jesus searches everywhere for you – even on Gumtree! – UPDATED!

So today, someone replied to a sales advert, but the item in question soon took second place…  “I was interested in your [deleted for confidentiality], however reading further on your ad I became more interested in your comments regarding Jesus! Haha!! So what do you have to say about this carpenters son? This religion says he’s this, another religion says he’s that, but who do you say he is? What do you believe? Where do you go to church? By the way this is not spam I’m [deleted for confidentiality]. 😀” Below is the reply I typed in between family activities, …

So many ‘gods’…another eBay email

This morning, we received another email from a lost soul, trying to have a joke. I really love how, when responding to people like this, we are forced to remember how we were before Jesus rescued us from our delusion:   “. God . . ?🥴 So many gods to choose between , if you are that way inclined 🤔 Not a weakness I ever would need 😀. I will definitely decline your offers as I have now purchased some Devilishly Wicked headphones to blast my sweet sounds straight from the savage depths of HELL . Thanks anyway , and …

Australians have reason to rejoice.

Today, we were Invited to a BBQ, bonfire & concert of someone I had never heard of at short notice.  We didn’t know what to expect, but it was our weekly ‘family fun’ day so the resulting vote was to go along. My wife and I with 6 children and my niece arrived to a flashing arrow directing cars and large ETERNITY sign on the gate. This humble entrance was hiding something…

Indian date night with a difference.

A brief look into our crazy world…Tonight it was date night so I was cooking a special meal for myself and Sharmini that she has arranged. The children are looking after the babies and buying / selling goods as part of their new business venture. We are running late, and the phone rings with “No Caller ID”. It can only mean one thing: telemarketers. I normally answer and tell them about Jesus, but today I was going to ignore due to time restraints. But Sharmini decided she would answer this time… “Hello” “Hello sir, Do you know that your business can not …

One Crazy Day in our life – and the end of our Bus?

Ted: The new name for our bus[riddle]A day in our life – no this is not made up… Our life can be very varied day to day. Whether it is family issues, the business, our living ‘camp’ or building – things can change dramatically from one moment to the next. Today, I thought I would give a small insight into our day: 6:30 Perusal Bible & Reading & send a message on the scripture message thread we have for the family. 6:50 Sorting the freight parcels 7:00 Sharmini gets back from her run asking for ministry. An argument between us escalates – not normal, and could …

Selling Solar…getting the Son!

Don’t you hate it when you get those cold callers trying to sell you things? We don’t, here’s why: “Are you interested in solar power” “Power from the sun?” “Yes sir we are doing quotes in your area” “I’m not interested as I have power from the Son… of God” “I’m sorry sir what do you mean?” “Have you heard of Jesus?” “Yes sir” “Do you want power from Him? He has unlimited power, no installation costs, no maintenance it’s always free…any time of day or night. Do you need Jesus? Do you want to find out? Have you ever told …

JW Something the Jehovahs Witnesses are missing

Some brief notes on a conversation and some scripture verses that can help with evangelism… Notes: Below are a number of verses that I recently printed out for an (unsaved) family member who has had a slight JW indoctrination – they can be helpful when evangelising. There is also some notes that may be helpful… Description:This family member has had contact with the JW’s and therefore has some serious flaws in his thoughts about God & salvation. I recently went through a number of things in the scriptures with him about Who Jesus is, ‘Jehovah’ and salvation. When he was …

Strange ways the Joy of Following comes….

Sometimes following can be…The Joy of Following Yesterday we received a sales order through one of the sales websites we run. Attached to the order was a lovely note: “We have several of your Australian laminated posters, much love and thanks!!!” It is nice to get little personal notes – especially when they are as nice as this. However, within 5 minutes we received the below email from the same person:     Subject: YUCK!!! you twisted sickos Message: after processing a payment for an item I WAS TOLD yebus is alive go to hell!! mat devils swarm upon you …

What is bad for business, but good for customers?

Today we tidied a small part of the office – but a very vital one…In the small business we run, we often post items out all over Australia and the world. We have a variety of accounts with different freight companies and there are a large number variables in the method – but one thing is constant: Every single order gets a tract, message, book or gift as we feel is appropriate – what we feel God wants for that person. Sometimes, just sometimes, we put an item or gift in the package that is worth more than the total …