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Tag: <span>God’s Guidance</span>

Tag: God’s Guidance

Just a thread in the Tapestry of Grace 9/10/22

Today I had the privilege of talking to someone who has been in Alcoholics Anonymous  (and been dry) for 30 years. As I asked him questions, it was clear he was at a cross roads and a new chapter of his life was imminent.  I talked about Jesus, shared part of my story and asked if he would be ok if I prayed for him. I was surprised at how enthusiastic he was. As I prayed, He was moved emotionally and it became clear that his journey has been long and difficult, yet God had brought him through.  It was …

Can God help against two jet airliners and two collapsing buildings?

I recently read about a few people who survived the September 11 attacks, thanks to God’s intervention.  Stanley Praimnath, an assistant vice president for Fuji Bank worked on the 81st floor of the South Tower. You can read more details in various places, but you likely won’t read what could be the whole reason he survived… For instance, you will read on WIKI:  “When American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower, Praimnath started to evacuate from his 81st floor office in the South Tower, but he returned when the building’s security guards said the South Tower was secure, and …