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Is it just me?

Is it just me?

My eldest had booked a driving lesson 30 minutes from us. I thought I could sit in the car with him, and walk around for an hour while he drove. 

I had some phone calls to make and could just walk around the town. That is not how things turned out though… 

As we arrive, I get out of the car and there is an elderly man in the park starring right at me. As is normal I say G’Day & shake the hand of the instructor… 

The guy is still looking at me so I go and say hello. I honestly don’t know how the conversation started or developed, but I never moved off that bench for an hour. 

He shared about issue with his marriage, depression, how years of counselling hadn’t helped and how he had made 3 attempts on his life. I was able to talk to him about Jesus and encourage him in his walk, his marriage and oddly enough, his ministry for the Lord.

Please pray for “Kenneth” (not his real name), and may I encourage you – be bold for your Saviour – King Jesus. You will never cease to be amazed at how He orchestrates things and you will be encouraged that He can use you. 

I have no idea if I will ever see “Kenneth” again, two days later my back still suffering from sitting down, but I know we were both far better off after that hour than before! 


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