Wild Eden News

Latest news, articles and resources from Wild Eden on sustainable living, organics, permaculture, eco building, homeschooling and more
Wild Eden News

Wild Eden News

A side of God you may have never heard about

There are many places where you will hear about ‘God’, or at least one side of the entity that people believe represents Him… From public figures, movies, mega churches and cults – the difference in messages can be dangerous no matter which side of the fence they sit. I hope this clears things up for you! 

My Wife – Commitment to God & Others

The last few days I have had some amazing conversations at the gate. (I just posted a couple on our blog for those interested or who have the desire to pray).  But one thing I am often amazed at is how people are used to their creature comforts… And if something goes wrong that threatens or takes away said comfort? The reaction is, well, eye opening! As humans, we get used to things that were once a special treat, then we come to expect them and are discontent if we don’t have them… it’s crazy, but unfortunately it happens quickly …

Steve Jobs kicked out of Apple – Never give up!

Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple because of the famous super bowl advert shown on the 22nd January 1984. Imagine that – the company he co-foundered and poured his life into, booted him out. It seemed futile … he would have been forgiven if he had walked away and got on with the rest of his life. People expected that there was no other option. But no, he eventually worked his way back, took the reins again and turned the failing company into a massive success – the momentum of which is still surging. An incredible visionary and great leader – there was one thing he could not claw his way back from, his death. Understandable – no one could right?!
Well One person did… 

What you focus on today will affect all your tomorrows

It is amazing how easy it is to put things off: until tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…  Whether it is eating healthier, exercising (more), education, time with God, spouse, children, parents etc, there is only one time to start: NOW!  Let’s be clear: what you put your time and effort into today, will be reflected in all your tomorrows.  If your time and focus is on your friends, your friendships will grow, maybe at the detriment of your career.  If you spend more time with this person or that than your spouse, your marriage will be at risk.  If …

Life, talking with John, Bill and Joy

I spent some time this morning listening to an elderly man talk about his life.  As he talked about his exploits, mishaps, property sales, business ventures, children’s careers etc – I found myself thinking how long I would need to be here listening and what other ‘more important’ things I needed to do. But at some point I was confronted with a thought process: “This man, with all his memories and achievements, was a mere breath away from eternity. All of it, every single second of what he shared meant *nothing* if he dies in sin.” He uttered a phrase …

the Gospel: more and less than you think!

The Gospel – the message about Jesus as King – can be stated in many, many ways. At best, what we often hear are just short summaries – small snippets – of different aspects of the Gospel.  But the truth is, despite being easy to understand, the Gospel is incredibly complex, unbelievably powerful and incomprehensibly large. Oh, and it is Eternal!  In a million years from now, those who are saved will still be amazed, humbled, empowered and driven by the Gospel.  Simple enough for a child to recite, amazing enough to captivate the most distracted, intellectual enough to engage the …

Is it just me?

My eldest had booked a driving lesson 30 minutes from us. I thought I could sit in the car with him, and walk around for an hour while he drove.  I had some phone calls to make and could just walk around the town. That is not how things turned out though…  As we arrive, I get out of the car and there is an elderly man in the park starring right at me. As is normal I say G’Day & shake the hand of the instructor…  The guy is still looking at me so I go and say hello. …

Silent Night 🎶 Holy Night 🎶

Silent Night, Holy Night  It’s a great carol – but it’s a *crazy* reality… Seriously, the first time I understood & experienced who Jesus was, everything else went eerily silent. And I mean EVERYTHING!  The loud chatter of ‘success’, fame, fortune, self, substances and even the demonic? Silenced immediately! May we all experience more & more of who He is this Christmas… “Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light; radiant beams from thy holy face with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.”  #thankYouJesus

Is it just me? Another hospital visit.

Today I had to go to the hospital for a follow up scan.  I find myself sitting next to a man who is determined to make conversation. Within 30 seconds, we are discussing Jesus.  Turns out he has Jehovahs witness background and is trying to tell me that Jesus is ‘only’ the Son of God. After talking for a few minutes, he was willing to concede that Jesus is the Creator but adamant that only 144,000 will go to Heaven, while the rest of us will just be on earth.  I take him through the scripture about the parable of …

Unbelievable sacrifice: 8 year old dies saving sister from fire.

17/9/1966 Dianne Keidel 12-year-old Susie and 8-year-old Kelly I just learned today about Kelly, an 8 year old girl, who showed incredible love. She saw her sister, (Lori), go back into their house that was on fire to get a cuddly toy. So she follows her sister back into the burning house.  Things only get worse from there…  Lori starts screaming as the fire burns her body. Kelly, knowing they can’t get out of the house, lies down on top of her younger sister.  She comforts her: “they are coming to help us, you will be ok. I love you. …

What is wrong with Murphy?

So today, a piece of celery (filled with peanut butter of course!) was thrown to someone across the kitchen bench.  It landed face down and someone joked:  “Murphy’s Law!”  It got laughs all round, then a barrage of people trying to prove it: crackers were tossed into the air, avocado… well you get the idea!  Murphy’s Law is often boiled down to:  “If something can go wrong, it will!”  For thinking minds, you know this is crazy! Imagine is everything that could go wrong did!  Heart attacks, stroke, seizure, fire, pulled muscles… In everyday situations, millions of things would happen, brakes …

Nativity 12 Set in Stone 1

Nativity #12  This set has 8 hand carved stone characters from Kenya.  I love how clean, smooth and heavy these figures are. Being from Africa, they have a unique slant on the shape and dress of each character.  They remind me of the fact that no matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter your location, demographic or background – the message of Jesus has relevance and power.  Being made of stone reminds me of a powerful truth: that Jesus is the rock!   It also gets me thinking about the whole ‘carpenter’ thing… Tradition says that …

Christmas Play 2021 Galilee Far Away

So today, my 4 youngest children we singing / dancing in a Christmas play.  It was set on a spaceship that travelled back in time to visit earth when Jesus was born.  It was incredible to see how our kids have grown & the way they participated, but there was something far more powerful…  The younger 4 all had different things that they were working on this year. Areas they recognised that were not their strong suit but were willing to try and grow, despite it being uncomfortable. What an encouragement – firstly that they were willing, able and dedicated …

Jesus – the reason for the season!

He Created the world simply by speaking. He emptied Himself and came to earth as a helpless baby.  He taught teachers and gave the most astounding moral advice He healed the sick and raised the dead.  He submitted to unjust treatment and false allegations.  He willingly died for those who ignored and hated Him (you and me). He rose again, defeated sin, death and hell.  He went back to Heaven in front of witnesses.  He rules from Heaven in victory.  And He’s coming back as King of the Universe!  Are. You. READY?  When Jesus is revealed to the world, everyone will …

Nativity 12 White Big Headed China Kids!

The photo of this delicate set does not do it justice – one of our cutest sets…  The fact that all the characters are children, reminds us that all the people in the scene (and us as observers) are all God’s children.  It also captures what Jesus focus is: children! While the adults were concerned with ‘important things’ Jesus directed their attention back to what was valuable: “let the children come to Me!”. We have set up this set in front of our largest set, meaning it actually takes effort to not get distracted by the larger, more colourful backdrop. …

Bees, Bee suits and Beekeepers

The last few days, the warmer weather has excited a hive of bees that had moved into an old dead blackboy a couple of years ago… It has resulted in a few bee stings, and some of the smaller children are fairly allergic. One poor fella’s hand quite badly swollen for a couple of days.  Having visitors coming, we thought it best to try to do something about them today. Our local bee keeper David McCormick kindly offered to come and help, right on dark.  It’s rare to come across someone who loves their profession as much and is friendly enough …

The time for being LUKEWARM is over! Twitters Purge & Jesus’ vomit

Many of you will have some idea that you are being slowly conditioned by volume of God-less and opposed-to-God posts you see on a day to day basis.  Some of you may be aware that the algorithms of social media deliberately filter out certain topics to make sure you are the influenced, not the influencer.  But not many of you will realise that most platforms are actively banning people from their platforms – discriminating – on the basis of belief in Jesus.  You heard that right, but likely have not seen any report of it: While fake and contrived attacks …

Post Op – Surgeon Visit 1: Incredible!!

  So I had an appointment with the surgeon the other day. It was INCREDIBLE on so many levels… First and most important, I got to share parts of my testimony and many miraculous events that have led me towards God. Sharmini and myself had planted seeds and raised the topic on our first visit before the op, but this was much different… As a surgeon, some of the things I shared were very impacting and he could relate. At the end of it he asked me to “sell him on my lifestyle (and kids)”, vastly different to his! After …

Jesus searches everywhere for you – even on Gumtree! – UPDATED!

So today, someone replied to a sales advert, but the item in question soon took second place…  “I was interested in your [deleted for confidentiality], however reading further on your ad I became more interested in your comments regarding Jesus! Haha!! So what do you have to say about this carpenters son? This religion says he’s this, another religion says he’s that, but who do you say he is? What do you believe? Where do you go to church? By the way this is not spam I’m [deleted for confidentiality]. 😀” Below is the reply I typed in between family activities, …

The disgusting house fly & why you would be STUPID to ignore it!

Sometimes inspiration comes from the strangest places!  Being in acute pain, sleep can be really difficult. It was made worse last night by a single fly that kept landing on me and waking me up. So tonight, I was showing one of the younger children how to catch it: make the house dark and turn one light on… the fly would head towards the light.  How amazing is it that we can learn from these disgusting creatures?!  Make out like a fly…and head towards the Light! The Light, is Jesus! The one who is the true light, who gives light …

Are you obeying God or satan? Quick way to know!

This post is going to be brief, hard hitting and you may hate. I do!  It’s because it’s so simple, yet reveals sooo much of what we would prefer to ignore, condone or justify.  But knowing the answer, no matter how harsh, can be the start of positive change…that lasts!  So here it is:  You are either following God, or following satan… there is no third option!  Now you may believe that neither God nor satan exists, but that doesn’t change a thing. There is ample evidence for God and He states clearly that satan is alive and active. If …

What will surprise you about 3 basic COVID responses…

Please folks, start to panic & worry even more as the sky is falling… again!  This new strain… ahh forget it. I’m not going to waste time re-hashing what the media will use to try to create panic in the next few weeks / months about. And I won’t predict the usefulness of any ‘vaccine’ or booster for this new strain. Nor will I go on about how many new strains there will be over the next few years & the accompanying new jabs that will become available and then mandated.  I want to take a different tack:  Well done …

Thank you for your prayers

  For those I have not personally thanked: I wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU! The last 2 years have been the hardest of my life, but for those who have helped practically and prayed / sent love – I am deeply, deeply grateful. From myself, Sharmini and the children – thank you – I would not have made it without your support. For nearly a year I could not get up – I was literally confined to a table in the front room lying on my stomach. Even a short stint upright on crutches had major consequences. It …

Jesus is *the* King!

You’ve heard some Jesus freaks say it…well maybe you haven’t – but you should have!  Jesus Christ is Lord!  But for those of us who never grew up in English Manor life of the1800’s, what does it actually mean?  Let’s break it down:    Jesus: An everyday, unattractive, Jewish man who lived from 4AD to 30AD. Much has been written about His life & death, with the Bible claiming He rose from the dead.  Numerous specific prophecies thousands of years earlier predicted His very unusual and now famous birth: Born in a manger (animal food trough). Born in Bethlehem, Called a …

lies, Lies, LIES! … and how they affect us.

Recently, we had a situation with our children that escalated to a point of tears that is quite rare. After working through the complexity of the situation, it became clear that the cause of it ALL for everyone involved, was LIES… I have to say up front: “I HATE LIES!”  Seriously, at so many levels, lies have affected my life: Believing I was unlovable led me in to (and out of) many unneeded relationships. LIE! Believing I needed to earn people’s approval led me to becoming a workaholic. LIE! Believing there was no God led me to having no respect for people …

18th Wedding Anniversary – it’s all God

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22 This verse is so true, but ‘treasure’ makes it sound like I was looking. Nope, not even close – in fact my first ever words to her? “I’m not looking for a relationship” And her response: Are you really so full of yourself?! Who would have thought it was the start of a 18 years (and counting) journey including 6 children, 3 dogs, 7 moves and and unknown number of adventures. I certainly didn’t! In fact, as someone who had always been …

Conflict in Marriage: A Different Take

Have you ever attacked your wife or partner? Yelled, screamed, used those angry eyes, given silent treatment or just left (emotionally or physically)? Has it ever been because of something that has happened with or to your child? A parenting issue? A dis-agreeance on what has or should happen? Me too. It is a common source of conflict in a marriage. Today I feel God wants me to share a different take on these times. Maybe when you reacted, you just experienced part of God’s heart? What? Maybe – let me explain: As I look back at my childhood, I …

The ‘Excitement’ of Being Young

For my younger friends: please take note!  As someone who lived just for the moment, who lived it up in every way imaginable, someone who thought I was invincible, I can safely say: all good things come to an end! Sometimes it’s a sooner end than you think… I knew some pretty tough people, but ended up in a coma, as slaves to a drug, locked up or dead. The sad fact is, for most of them – I wouldn’t have a clue what happened to them as I really didn’t care. Sure, everyone talked up ‘mateship’ – but it was …

Can God help against two jet airliners and two collapsing buildings?

I recently read about a few people who survived the September 11 attacks, thanks to God’s intervention.  Stanley Praimnath, an assistant vice president for Fuji Bank worked on the 81st floor of the South Tower. You can read more details in various places, but you likely won’t read what could be the whole reason he survived… For instance, you will read on WIKI:  “When American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower, Praimnath started to evacuate from his 81st floor office in the South Tower, but he returned when the building’s security guards said the South Tower was secure, and …