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Post Op – Surgeon Visit 1: Incredible!!

Post Op – Surgeon Visit 1: Incredible!!


So I had an appointment with the surgeon the other day.

It was INCREDIBLE on so many levels…

First and most important, I got to share parts of my testimony and many miraculous events that have led me towards God. Sharmini and myself had planted seeds and raised the topic on our first visit before the op, but this was much different…

As a surgeon, some of the things I shared were very impacting and he could relate. At the end of it he asked me to “sell him on my lifestyle (and kids)”, vastly different to his!

After sharing about the way God used my back to bring about massive change, he shared some incredible things of his own. Without going in to details, please pray for “Dr B” (no he’s not a rapper! 😂), God is doing incredible things. He has given me his private number and was enthusiastic about receiving a Bible I had purchased for him.


Better than chocolates! 


He is such a nice guy, it’s crazy! He gave his breakfast to the kids I had with me & would not take no for an answer. (Gourmet croissants & carrot cake no less!). I would appreciate prayers as to when / how to make next contact. I am hoping he will bring his wife up for a meal…

As if all that wasn’t good enough, he told me I am only 25% of the way through my recovery!!!

This is incredibly good news:

When he inserted the largest titanium cages they make, there was still a couple of mm gap at the top and bottom between the cage and the bone.


L5 S1 Lumbar Fusion Titanium Cages big gaps Fused at 2 levels back surgery



As the bone is growing down to meet the cage, the pain it quite intense, but as of today, the bone is only just touching cages. Each time I move, the pain feels like a broken bone (in 4 places), however this should get much better than it is now.

That news is hard to describe. I was actually a bit emotional hearing it as I had been psyching myself up to try to handle the level it is at until I depart. I shared with Sharmini that although difficult I could do it – so far, far better than before.

L5 S1 Lumbar Fusion Titanium Cages bone regrowth Fused at 2 levels back surgery


But, as of writing this, today I did my first bit of (gentle) shovelling, helping my older boys do a mix of concrete. I am very weak, crazy unfit and a bit uncoordinated…but it felt GREAT!!!

Sure the pain is worse this afternoon, but the surgeon is confident that I will be able to be quite active (and useful!) as it heals over the next 6 months.

Incredible! For the first time in years, I am optimistic that physically I will be ok. I long to be able to play or even wrestle with the kids again…they have missed out on heaps.

And, who knows where this interaction with the surgeon could lead?

Again, thank you for your prayers! “




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