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18th Wedding Anniversary – it’s all God

18th Wedding Anniversary – it’s all God

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure,

and he receives favor from the LORD.

Proverbs 18:22

This verse is so true, but ‘treasure’ makes it sound like I was looking. Nope, not even close – in fact my first ever words to her?

“I’m not looking for a relationship”

And her response:

Are you really so full of yourself?!

Who would have thought it was the start of a 18 years (and counting) journey including 6 children, 3 dogs, 7 moves and and unknown number of adventures. I certainly didn’t!

In fact, as someone who had always been a bit racist and abusive in relationships, God really had to convince me. Seriously – I asked for 3 signs…

1 came from a friend, one from driving through the end of a rainbow whole she was in the car and the last was very, very specific:

I thought God had said it was from Him. A friend had confirmed it without knowing. My pastor had confirmed it but I wanted to run. Big time! Everything in me was tearing up against being tied down and possibly slipping into old bad ‘habits’.

So I asked God:

Is this *really* from You?

Immediately, the reference “Ecclesiastes 9:9” came into my mind. I had no idea what that said or even what the topic was. So I grabbed a Bible and turned to it:

Live happily with the woman you love through all the meaningless days of life that God has given you under the sun. The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil.


This was my reward from God for my ‘earthly toil’?

From that point on, I didn’t really doubt – I just worked at trying to make sure I was ‘ready’. There was a lot of work to do – and it was heart changing stuff that only God could do.

It wouldn’t be long before I found myself attending Bible College (that I never planned) with this woman, most people commenting ‘why we were even together as all we did was fight!’

Due to past behaviours we both thought it would be a good idea if we attend some sort of counselling before getting married and pursued this through a variety of means. 

In the term break from Bible College we drove up to Kalbarri and got engaged – getting married in the next break and the ball was rolling (quite fast!).

The journey has been incredibly hard at times – but also a huge blessing. It was nothing like what I had thought or hoped but exactly what I needed: someone to balance me out and be used by God to refine and challenge me.

We often talk with our kids now about how bad things would have been for them had one of us not been on the other end of that balance – God really knew what He was doing!

Fun when the other was grumpy, addressing issues when the other was in denial, responsible when foolish, level headed when overly ‘creative’, selfless when hurt – this amazing woman has been used by God in incredible ways for me and the good of our children. And, apparently, me for her!

I am so blessed and get to reflect a lot on the wisdom of a loving God. Doesn’t always feel nice, but His purpose is accomplished in everything He does.

Follow Him with a passion, deal with your own issues and serve Him – the result will be beautiful. Not as beautiful as my wife, but beautiful all the same!

Love you, Princess of the King!

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