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Category: <span>Culture</span>

Category: Culture

The Bible – the book we love to hate…

Today, while listening to the Bible, it hit me: “No wonder people hate the Bible!!”   “No wonder people hate the Bible!”  Seriously, it’s no wonder it get’s so much negative press…it deserves it! While 95% of what is presented is completely false, no one cares: it’s a book we all love to hate…  I did too. Anyone who dared to try direct me towards it would get an instant and angry attack: those who had represented it to me while young had hurt me, so NO WAY! But today, I see things very differently.   Here’s the verse that I was …

How Discipline Proves Love

I recently wrote an article looking at the ‘Death of the West’: how history reveals that we can not survive the next 40 years. (Article is Here)   All through history, powerful, educated, military nations that should rule the world have ceased to exist. However, it is small, insignificant, uneducated nations like the Jews, have survived through the ages (despite concerted efforts to the contrary!) . It just does not make sense… Unless of course there is some supernatural power at play. Interestingly, the Bible describes this very scenario: a God who punishes nations who violate His law. According to this incredible book, the …

Brandon Sanderson – Start Kicking the false fantasy and embrace TRUTH!

I just read that the largest backing for a Kickstarter project ever is for a set of four books from Brandon Sanderson.  Let that sink in – Over 32 MILLION dollars has been pledged by people who want to read the books on a fantasy world created by a Mormon with a creative, though agenda-driven, imagination.   I find it so incredibly telling that in this culture, that elevates supposed knowledge and rational thought so much, we have lost the very notion of truth altogether.  We should not be surprised, as history has universally shown that for cultures that embrace …

Floods, Fires, Famine, Earthquakes, Wars…APOCALYPSE much?

It is not a surprise that I have been asked a number of times recently:  “Is the Covid [ jab / mandate / passport ] ‘the mark of the Beast’ the Bible talks about?”  The answer is incredibly alarming, but likely in a totally different way than you might think…  First, the ‘Mark of the Beast’ as described clearly in the Bible:  He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. 17 And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either …

Censorship: the tip of the iceberg of evil in the West

I guess many of you know of the censorship of social media, but I wonder if you are aware of the root, goal and result? It might not worrying you, but it should.  While history shows that our culture should not survive past 2060 , I firmly believe that, if we return to our values, we can see a reversal of our destruction.  By values I don’t mean ‘doing good’ or some socialistic charity type thing: far from it! I mean by returning to the foundation of our values, based on the Bible, based on the ruler of the universe: …


The Death of the West – Why my grandchildren will never know the Australia I love

History throughout all of known history has confirmed something very sobering: No culture has ever survived more than 100 years after the point the West reached in 1970. Every single one has been destroyed – wiped off the face of the map – for good. If we don’t want this to happen to the West, we had better understand -at the very least – what the indicators are!

Australia Day 2022 – Are you ready for the end of Australia as we know it?

This Australia Day, I gleaned a little from some of the mainstream media across the country and world. It is quite interesting to see just how clear the agenda of each news outlet is: many owned by the same umbrella company or person. They are very clever at the way they reach their target market and influence them towards the set agenda.  Of course, the position of the vast majority is that of the left, liberal or progressive ideals that will chop away at the country we love. (If you can’t handle that truth – I suggest you stop reading!) …

The time for being LUKEWARM is over! Twitters Purge & Jesus’ vomit

Many of you will have some idea that you are being slowly conditioned by volume of God-less and opposed-to-God posts you see on a day to day basis.  Some of you may be aware that the algorithms of social media deliberately filter out certain topics to make sure you are the influenced, not the influencer.  But not many of you will realise that most platforms are actively banning people from their platforms – discriminating – on the basis of belief in Jesus.  You heard that right, but likely have not seen any report of it: While fake and contrived attacks …

What will surprise you about 3 basic COVID responses…

Please folks, start to panic & worry even more as the sky is falling… again!  This new strain… ahh forget it. I’m not going to waste time re-hashing what the media will use to try to create panic in the next few weeks / months about. And I won’t predict the usefulness of any ‘vaccine’ or booster for this new strain. Nor will I go on about how many new strains there will be over the next few years & the accompanying new jabs that will become available and then mandated.  I want to take a different tack:  Well done …

Can God help against two jet airliners and two collapsing buildings?

I recently read about a few people who survived the September 11 attacks, thanks to God’s intervention.  Stanley Praimnath, an assistant vice president for Fuji Bank worked on the 81st floor of the South Tower. You can read more details in various places, but you likely won’t read what could be the whole reason he survived… For instance, you will read on WIKI:  “When American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower, Praimnath started to evacuate from his 81st floor office in the South Tower, but he returned when the building’s security guards said the South Tower was secure, and …

Allegiance to the Taliban…

I can’t help but think that many of us Westerners are going to be caught out far worse than the Afghans we are seeing on TV at the moment.  Do I think that the Taliban are about to storm Australia? No, not even close. As calculated and deliberate as I see the political and militant arm of Islam, I think there is far more chance of something from China eventuating – but that is nothing to do with the risk I am talking about.  To think that we as Australians could suffer the same fate as these poor Afghans – …

Rachael Denhollander Vitim or Victor

Rachael DenhollanderVictim or Victor? Today, I read an excerpt from former gymnast Rachael Denhollander’s victim impact statement. It was moving and powerful to say the least. Having spent much time with survivors of sexual abuse her words reveal so much to both those struggling, those abusing and those in charge of making sure others are protected. It is so incredibly sad that so many precious young lives had to be tainted so deeply before this case came to light. It always grips me when I see people who have been wounded by the people who were meant to love them. The life-changing …

Homosexual Faith in Marriage

The real reason homosexuals want marriage re-defined…and how we can relate. The current debate has settled down to the ‘re-definition of marriage’, a definition that includes any two men and two women. If you talk to people who want this change they will be very careful to try to point out that ‘love is love’, ‘it doesn’t affect anyone’ and ‘it is about equal rights’. But this doesn’t make sense – a huge number of people will be affected (even if you ignore the links to sex education, transgenderism, freedom of speech and religious rights), what is labelled love isn’t …

Christianity – think about it! – it’s MORE than a Journey…

Christianity is a journey, but a journey where the start and end destination are unimportant compared to the position you are in along the way. It is a journey where you walk with the Creator, while He changes you – gives you new desires and the power to follow those desires. Each step of ‘progress’ is simply about you putting into action and practice what He has enabled and provided the grace for as He walks with you. He is not just holding your hand, but holding your very being safe and secure. As you walk each day with Him, …

Happy HOLIDAYS! to everyone, especially you…

CHRISTMAS is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though – He did it for you & me!He didn’t have to & most of us believe He didn’t need to – but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn’t. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!Religions all have the same incorrect ‘solution’ = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don’t do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg…but dancing in ignorant ‘bliss’.Jesus told us a different way…trust Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.Follow Jesus – only He has the key to Eternal Life.

Vote Today 2016

#AUSVOTESThis could be the biggest election by way of noticeable results in a generation. Not for financial reasons… I’m amazed at how far we have fallen as a nation in the last 10, but especially 5 years. I am hoping and praying that people, especially Christians, vote with their heads TODAY! Imagine where we could be in 5 years if the Greens get in…a world where the planet, plants and beasts are worth more than humans and where for humans anything is acceptable except the Creators chosen way…where every religion is fine and should be tolerated even if violent, except for …

Look the other way

I saw today a post where someone had put the words:   “as a Christian I would never enforce my view on anyone”   I could hardly believe my eyes – is this why so many professing ‘Christians’ are unwilling to stand up and say no to abortion or the re-definition of marriage? If I were walking down the park and saw a group of boys throwing stones at a Magpie, using a stick to stab a cute kitten, throwing acid at a dog or using a crossbow to shoot a Kangaroo – should I walk or look away? What …

Protecting life, getting strife!

Part way through a hectic and problematic week, a trip to Perth turns ‘sour’ – but it is just the beginning…   The good in the ‘bad’… Scripture(s): Psalm 32, 51 A day of prep for a long drive to the pro-life rally yesterday, didn’t quite go as planned… If there is one event of the year that I believe all Christians of all denominations and theological backgrounds should attend or be part of – it would be on the theme of defending the lives of precious children and standing against their mass, legal, murder. To say I was excited …