Wild Eden News

Latest news, articles and resources from Wild Eden on sustainable living, organics, permaculture, eco building, homeschooling and more
Wild Eden News

Wild Eden News

Racing to beat winter

We had thought it would be easy – but due to sickness, finances and a number of other issues, it is now going to be very difficult to get a bathroom sorted for hot showers before winter… We have running water (mostly) for doing dishes, though the main plumbing for waste water needs to go right where the north verandah will be. To make things easier and cheaper in the long run, the verandah had to be next!

Hope Less

If it were possible to have less hope… After a long, hard week with many failures, this morning I lay with pain in my body, a mild headache and a huge day ahead filled with activities I *really* didn’t want to face. I reflected on how different things are… With deadlines approaching and the never ending list of jobs to do – completion of this project seems impossible – even futile. How different things used to be! I had numerous desires, goals and aspirations – and I worked *real* hard at attaining them. I had every expectation that I would …

Laying our concrete kitchen bench top!

Thanksgiving Day / Thankful Thursday 22/11/18 A journal of the day we finally laid our main kitchen concrete (GFRC) concrete bench top. Due to it’s size, a friend was sending some workers who specialise in concrete coatings to help. It would be a different way of doing GFRC from what we had previously done. A huge day to say the least, but as always, we wanted to put God first. He was the only reason we are alive let alone made it so far on this building journey. I awoke reading an article of an American man (John Allen Chau) …

The stupid / non existent potter

Does a jar ever say,“He didn’t make me”?or“The potter who made me is stupid”?Nope – but that’s exactly what I did… Convinced there was no ‘god’ based on the actions of others (if ‘he’ existed why would ‘he’ let me suffer) – I determined to do *whatever* felt good. Chasing good feelings, fun – adrenaline – wild times and being drunk / drugged up seemed like the only option and a mostly enjoyable one. “If it feels good do it – and do it some more…” Problem was, the more I did ‘it’ in various and copious forms, the less …

The difference a little water makes!

Yet another ‘Choose Day’ – and an object lesson that I couldn’t have planned better if I tried! As our bathrooms are not yet functional, one has been used as a nursery of sorts for seedlings through winter and spring – chillies, tomatoes and this week – cucumbers. As it happened, the last day and half they received no water and had started to shrivel… Definitely time to kill two birds with one stone… I didn’t let on to the kids what the object lesson was about, but said todays Bible Sword was a scripture about the Holy Spirit from Genesis – …

Indian date night with a difference.

A brief look into our crazy world…Tonight it was date night so I was cooking a special meal for myself and Sharmini that she has arranged. The children are looking after the babies and buying / selling goods as part of their new business venture. We are running late, and the phone rings with “No Caller ID”. It can only mean one thing: telemarketers. I normally answer and tell them about Jesus, but today I was going to ignore due to time restraints. But Sharmini decided she would answer this time… “Hello” “Hello sir, Do you know that your business can not …

Happy 15th Anniversary

Today it’s our FIFTEENTH Wedding Anniversary!  To say it has been a FULL ON 15 years with many highs and lows is an understatement! Many, many failures & mistakes but always matched and overcome by God’s love and grace. We are very thankful to Jesus who brought us together and really is the reason we are still together. We had decided that we weren’t going to go anywhere or do anything special, but would tidy up the property and possibly try to sort either some bedroom furniture or bed sheets for our room. After doing some normal morning duties, we were told …

Bethesda Palliative Care

It’s just over two weeks since my mother in law passed away. After a 6 year battle with cancer, the intensity and the difficulty mounted.  In the last two weeks she was admitted into Bethesda hospital / palliative care as the cancer overtook her body.  Although this was a gruesome reality and very very difficult time, it was made much more bearable by the care she received at Bethesda.  It wasn’t just the sense of peace in the place or the amazing views either… Every one of the staff showed genuine care and compassion both towards my mother in law …

My Mother in Law – An Amazing Lady

An incredibly hard week and even harder day, the funeral of my mother in law, Teresa. I am so proud of Sharmini and the strength she showed in the preparation for the funeral despite the emotional pain of loosing her mum. Then showing such courage and sharing so deeply about her mum at the funeral. Also very proud of our children, from feeling with the emotional pain of loosing their beloved Nanna, to supporting Sharmini and extra chores while their mum travelled to make continual visits, to one of them postponing their birthday, to 4 of sharing at the funeral …

Another windy night..

A little damage form the storm last night – and an opportunity to bless people in the community:  Some heavy winds (and hail) last night led to a number of things flying past the house with lots of crashes and bangs. We ran around picking up bins and building materials that had come loose – in gusts it was hard to stay upright – crazy! This morning we found it had turned our large trampoline into a kite. It was discovered near the edge of our property in a crushed mess with about 150m path of destruction behind it…. so thankful …

When TRY TRY AGAIN doesn’t work

How we normally put all our effort in the wrong place and fail…Today we were thinking about the disciples – in particular Simon Peter and how his life is an example for us to follow, but only in some ways!  Simon Peter followed Jesus for years, saw the miracles and heard Him preach many, many sermons. Some teachings were abstract and others, very, very direct, like this: Matthew 10:32-34“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in …

Made in the Image of God

 I find it far easier to believe that God created humans over the alternative…and I am always amazed at Gods signature that can be seen in everyone. Sure, it is often hidden under copious layers of sin-riddled masks, boundaries and hurtful behaviour, but it is always there. When you take the time and listen, really listen to what people are continually revealing about themselves, you find incredible wealth, value and creativity – however you will also find hurt, pain, anger, illogical beliefs, depression and addictions. But the root cause is always the same – sin. It is exhilarating to be …

How to get in your wife’s good books (I hope)!

It was coming up to Sharmini’s 16th Christian Birthday, the floors should be finished, could we manage to surprise her?  For those who know Sharmini, you know that she is an incredibly kind, loving and generous person. She is always looking for ways to bless others and one way that she has planned to do that once the house is finished is by doing High Teas for ladies. She has often purchased tea sets or saucers at garage sales and started storing them in the shed. I knew once we had done the first one, the excitement of it would be …

Guinea Chestnut / Saba

For ‘Choose Days’ lately (Tuesday’s Jesus Time), the children have been regularly choosing ‘looking at what God made’. We normally read a scripture about God being the creator – and we challenge the children to find a verse that we haven’t used before. Then we walk as a family around the property, to a particular place or even to the house / building site to explore Creation. It’s amazing what we find, it’s always a surprise despite the fact that we spend nearly all of our time on this block and this day was no exception…

A Clean Skin admits: “I smoked drugs”

Admitting that to the police was probably not the best thing to do… I was reminded this morning of the first time I was arrested for dealing drugs, some ‘trivial’ events stood out in my mind. It wasn’t so much the police, the handcuffs, the being locked in the paddy wagon. But the actions of a ‘clean skin’ – a person who had never used drugs but was present and essentially dobbed himself in. Let me back up a bit. This morning I had a ministry session… When weakness is strength… I had been feeling slightly tense and irritable yesterday – …

One Crazy Day in our life – and the end of our Bus?

Ted: The new name for our bus[riddle]A day in our life – no this is not made up… Our life can be very varied day to day. Whether it is family issues, the business, our living ‘camp’ or building – things can change dramatically from one moment to the next. Today, I thought I would give a small insight into our day: 6:30 Perusal Bible & Reading & send a message on the scripture message thread we have for the family. 6:50 Sorting the freight parcels 7:00 Sharmini gets back from her run asking for ministry. An argument between us escalates – not normal, and could …

Rachael Denhollander Vitim or Victor

Rachael DenhollanderVictim or Victor? Today, I read an excerpt from former gymnast Rachael Denhollander’s victim impact statement. It was moving and powerful to say the least. Having spent much time with survivors of sexual abuse her words reveal so much to both those struggling, those abusing and those in charge of making sure others are protected. It is so incredibly sad that so many precious young lives had to be tainted so deeply before this case came to light. It always grips me when I see people who have been wounded by the people who were meant to love them. The life-changing …

Erly Kerly – how this drawing brought me to tears

🎶You are my freedom – You are the reason…I kneel at Your throne once again. 🎶🎶Where would I be without You…here in my life? 🎶The words of this song were playing as I pulled out a picture given to me by my daughter last night…  To set the scene: for Jesus time this morning we imagined the depiction of Heaven in Revelation 4: thinking about each line – what is actually described. Amazing, powerful and glorious beings that surround God’s throne. Lightning, Thunder, pillars of fire, the glow of Emeralds, a glass sea, Elders / Kings bowing and strange but powerful creatures worshipping. Then …

Killing Rats, Stealing Cars and why it matters

But the reality was, the police were trying to save this thief. You see just before the car was stolen, the owner placed some crackers on the front seat. A tempting treat for the thief, but not intended for him. The crackers were there for rats that had infested the owners house. He had laced them with a deadly poison that would kill the thief should he eat any. The owner told the police, triggering a fervent search for the thief…to save him. We are often like that with God – we run, thinking He wants to hurt, punish or kill us – but the reality is He is pursuing us to save us – to forgive us. Is it time you turned back to God? Is it time to give up and allow Him to forgive you? To hand ownership of ‘your’ life over to Him? 

You Stink – I have much to be ashamed of in my life…

Recently I read a little about a case in America where 13 children were supposedly abused and kept locked up in a suburban house. The story, as portrayed, was horrific and hard to read, let alone imagine through one of the children’s eyes… I think there is much more to the story than has been reported – and the presented story has quite obvious flaw and inconsistencies*… (possibly to champion the public call for a ban on homeschooling or further deride Christianity). However, this is not the focus or object of this article. I do have to say first though, …

Homosexual Faith in Marriage

The real reason homosexuals want marriage re-defined…and how we can relate. The current debate has settled down to the ‘re-definition of marriage’, a definition that includes any two men and two women. If you talk to people who want this change they will be very careful to try to point out that ‘love is love’, ‘it doesn’t affect anyone’ and ‘it is about equal rights’. But this doesn’t make sense – a huge number of people will be affected (even if you ignore the links to sex education, transgenderism, freedom of speech and religious rights), what is labelled love isn’t …

Christianity – think about it! – it’s MORE than a Journey…

Christianity is a journey, but a journey where the start and end destination are unimportant compared to the position you are in along the way. It is a journey where you walk with the Creator, while He changes you – gives you new desires and the power to follow those desires. Each step of ‘progress’ is simply about you putting into action and practice what He has enabled and provided the grace for as He walks with you. He is not just holding your hand, but holding your very being safe and secure. As you walk each day with Him, …

Selling Solar…getting the Son!

Don’t you hate it when you get those cold callers trying to sell you things? We don’t, here’s why: “Are you interested in solar power” “Power from the sun?” “Yes sir we are doing quotes in your area” “I’m not interested as I have power from the Son… of God” “I’m sorry sir what do you mean?” “Have you heard of Jesus?” “Yes sir” “Do you want power from Him? He has unlimited power, no installation costs, no maintenance it’s always free…any time of day or night. Do you need Jesus? Do you want to find out? Have you ever told …

Building Progress: A Month of Serving

The last few weeks have been CRAZY with a capital K. Often we have deadlines with working on the house, jobs or building, however this last 6 weeks or so has been mainly about entertaining and blessing people – birthdays, Christmas, New Years and more. Today, being my birthday I would have liked to have had time to reflect, but this is the best I could manage: 

Let the ‘magic’ of the Wise Men give you Joy this Christmas!

There are so many aspects to the story of ‘Christmas’ – so many things that are heart warming, but there are also many things we can learn and apply to our own lives. It’s not just the history or beliefs of others. According to the Bible, the planning of the Christmas story started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone. But today we are going to look at the Wise Men of the story..

Happy HOLIDAYS! to everyone, especially you…

CHRISTMAS is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though – He did it for you & me!He didn’t have to & most of us believe He didn’t need to – but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn’t. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!Religions all have the same incorrect ‘solution’ = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don’t do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg…but dancing in ignorant ‘bliss’.Jesus told us a different way…trust Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.Follow Jesus – only He has the key to Eternal Life.

Vote Today 2016

#AUSVOTESThis could be the biggest election by way of noticeable results in a generation. Not for financial reasons… I’m amazed at how far we have fallen as a nation in the last 10, but especially 5 years. I am hoping and praying that people, especially Christians, vote with their heads TODAY! Imagine where we could be in 5 years if the Greens get in…a world where the planet, plants and beasts are worth more than humans and where for humans anything is acceptable except the Creators chosen way…where every religion is fine and should be tolerated even if violent, except for …