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Tag: <span>composting toilets</span>

Tag: composting toilets

How to get in your wife’s good books (I hope)!

It was coming up to Sharmini’s 16th Christian Birthday, the floors should be finished, could we manage to surprise her?  For those who know Sharmini, you know that she is an incredibly kind, loving and generous person. She is always looking for ways to bless others and one way that she has planned to do that once the house is finished is by doing High Teas for ladies. She has often purchased tea sets or saucers at garage sales and started storing them in the shed. I knew once we had done the first one, the excitement of it would be …

Composting Toilet Base

Today we battled the rain to finish the base for the composting toilets. While we never planned to have a base under the toilets, a series of ‘coincidences’ led to a rather remarkable outcome… We have opted to use composting toilets in the building we are working on. They use no water, the by products are safer and better for the ground and the set up cost is exponentially lower than septics / sewerage. The problem for composting toilets often comes due to lack of planning. The cost effective units need a space under the slab to sit under where …