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Category: <span>Personal</span>

Category: Personal

Birthday Thank you 2025

Thank you for all the birthday messages: much appreciated. Take away point: I’m definitely getting older!! 🤣 My amazing family made some of my favourite curries: so tasty! Also played ‘sniper’ with the kids after dark, but I have to say my highlight was noticing a tarot card reader at the car boot sale before church…  I saw a young girl getting a reading, with a young man (presumably her boyfriend) watching on. Their faces looked less than impressed, but they were polite to the reader. I watched at a distance and prayed.  As they left the reading I approached them …

For my birthday….

What do I want for my birthday you ask?  = That’s easy: ‘For you to follow Jesus…’  It is simple, but not that easy. It sounds like religion, but is actually a relationship. It can cost you everything, but you gain even more. It starts with Jesus’ death, but ends in eternal life:  This poor servant child was really the King.Appearing as human, He was actually God. Tempted and attacked, He was never sinning. Dying on the cross, He was actually winning Rising from death, people wanted Him to rule. Instead, He went back to heaven where He waits.Always available giving peace, wisdom and love…Helping us …

Teresa Birthday 2024

Today would have been my late mother in laws (Teresa)s’ birthday. We talked, as we often do, about different memories we have with her, traits she has passed on and things we miss. This year, a couple of huge things come to the surface.  As my sister in law was married last, Teresa missing this was huge. She never even got to meet her husband. The grief & loss over this is just so big it’s crazy. But we were also thinking of our older children, now adults and how proud she would be to know them. And how she would have been so …

Happy Anniversary 2024

21 years ago, I stood, dreadlocks brushed out, sweating in a suit, on a stage, waiting for you to join me at the altar…  I had no idea how things would pan out. I had no idea how difficult the road would be. I had no idea of how to be a good husband. I had no idea of of what a good father was like. I had no idea how to pick a good life partner. In short, I had no idea.  Thankfully God did!  You are such an amazing woman, I’m blown away… No matter which memory, which year, which project, which mammoth stuff up …

Arthritis in upper back.

I just found out that I have arthritis in my upper back, arthritis in one of my SI joints and a flattened ball joint on my left thigh bone leading to continual grabbing, seizing and spasming.  They have been causing me a lot of extra grief since my back fusion (L4, L5, S1), making it very difficult to know how much activity or exercise is helpful.  While it’s not great news, I was starting to believe I was making it up & just needed to keep trying to push through and force everything to move. (Instead it seems that attitude …

I get knocked down – whinge about sickness…

Warning: personal whinge follows (I wrote it more for myself but just in case other chronic pain sufferers find it helpful… )  It’s often surprising just how demoralising small things can be on the pain management / injury recovery journey. This last week or so, a mild flu has knocked me out.  Sure the list of jobs & missed activities with family is disappointing, but it’s the weeks long set back in pain & ‘fitness’ that really stings.  Trying to build up stamina, capability and lower the overall daily pain levels, others wouldn’t be aware of how hard or painful …

The half-life of an Adam

Today marks a milestone for me: today I have been a Christian for exactly HALF of my life!  The first half:  A lack of identity led me to believing that our culture had the answers for happiness: money, success, relationships, alcohol, drugs – live it up – party on!  The problem is – our culture lied. All the fun, all the easy relationships, all the getting what I wanted, all the money & ease of life, the feeling good… It didn’t fulfil but left me trapped, disillusioned, depressed, oppressed by evil & with no desire to live.  The Bible says …

Elijahs Baptism 2024

Proud dad moment: On Saturday, I had the privilege of baptising my 2nd eldest son. I can honestly say, I am more excited & proud than if he had graduated Oxford, or been voted Prime Minister.  Despite all my failures, despite everything around him trying to convince him there is no God and that life is all about feeling good, he has experienced the living, risen Jesus Christ! And not ‘just’ that, he has decided he will live for Jesus, serving others from here on in…  Simply incredible!  It’s amazing, thinking through his life, despite all my failures & mistakes, …

What’s in a bed?

This week, in the lead up to our 20th wedding anniversary, Sharmini found a secondhand bed that would match the drawers we have.  She went to pick it up and I started emptying the room to make way for it. I was certain she would want it in the room the second she got home, yet surprised me with an idea:  “Let’s reminisce about our early married life and sleep on the floor!”  What an amazing idea!  When we were first married, we lived in my parents house, in a room crowded with things I was selling, our clothes and …

Budget for your marriage NOT your wedding!

Look what I found today! It is the actual budget tally for our wedding 20 years ago… We had 200-300 at the ceremony and around 150 at the reception. We cut corners everywhere we could:  Catering was a voucher and friends / family chipping in. For cars, we found an old Holden lover. For table decorations we did ourselves – bowls with pebbles and fish.Sharmini’s dress? Borrowed. The rings – secondhand.  The total including catering, hair, cars and photography? All in $3,070!!!  At that time, that was a *huge* amount of money for us, I clearly remember the $300 to rent chair …

20th Anniversary 2023

Over SEVEN THOUSAND days with me darling, you really do deserve a medal. Putting up with my weird and crazy ways, and especially my many (really) bad days. Your strength and perseverance are immense, with you beside me I am blessed. Homely, caring, selfless and loving, and a close second, all your mothering. Our children’s character / stability a credit to your input, and of course their good looks! I doubt any one else could last the distance, nor give me needed Godly resistance(!). Willing to sacrifice at so many levels, and diligently work on your ‘devils’. Absence of niceties, money or comfort, living on a higher …

Connect, Share, Love

Today, being the anniversary of my mother in laws death, we spent some time reflecting on her life.  This photo is one of my favourites of her. Battling cancer, walking in uneven sand up from the old caravans were were living in. She had spent the time to come and visit and on the trek back to the car she didn’t miss a trick connecting with one of my younger sons.  It is such a reminder that life is ‘just’ a collection of moments where we can spend time and actually connect with others. The clothes, the money, the house, …

Sharmini – Amazing Mother

I am humbled and amazed when I think of all you do in this family honey. I know at times, it is tiring, stressful. chaotic and even seems futile. But be encouraged, God uses *every* single action, every word and sacrifice! Your prayers early in the morning and late at night.  Your honesty and humility with personal faults  Your example in going to God and dealing with said faults.  Your modelling of commitment to and respect of your husband.  Your sacrifice giving up your desires, friends, activities to lead your children to Him.  Your understanding of your children’s feelings and …

Mothers Day 2023

Watching our children this week I was reflecting on the way that you have prayed, inputted in to them, trained them, taught them and schooled them. It really is amazing – they are so blessed and their characters all reflect how God has used you in their lives.  I am deeply grateful for all that you have done and do:Your continual sacrifice, putting God and His ways first, has led to our 6 children having amazing spiritual privilege. So many times you forgo what would feel nice, what you would like, what is relaxing, what is easy…and instead do what …

How a Hernia Op is evidence of A Changed life

How a Hernia Op is evidence of A Changed life TRIGGER WARNING (drug use). Some of you may know that, just to add insult to injury, I have been struggling with the addd complication of a hernia the last few months. Typically, it was on the side that I have to use to stand up (due to back / SI joint issues), so it has been pretty painful and debilitating. Thankfully, within a couple of weeks of the doctor diagnosing, I was in hospital getting the procedure done. I was informed that the recovery would be painful due to where …

Happy Mothers Day to my amazing wife!

To my darling wife this Mothers Day:  Thank you for your continued commitment and effort for the benefit of our children. I am truly, truly blown away and blessed.  The emotional maturity and openness you have sown into (and drawn out of) them is incredible. They have a lot to be grateful for – as do their future spouses(!)… I see your struggles and the way you have coped with and responded to so many hardships this last few years and again I am amazed.  I know how hard it is to not be able to talk to your own …

Six Lessons from Six years since my brother passed away.

Six years ago today, my brother in law passed away after complications from a bee sting. Looking back, I can clearly remember getting the phone call that he had been rushed to hospital…  When this phone call came through, I instantly knew that it was a dire situation even though the doctors were very optimistic, saying there was at least 70% chance he would be ok.  God had prepared us for two weeks before that something big was coming. He also told us specific things about Naveen, so we we did reach out. I didn’t fully believe it was God, …

My Wife – Commitment to God & Others

The last few days I have had some amazing conversations at the gate. (I just posted a couple on our blog for those interested or who have the desire to pray).  But one thing I am often amazed at is how people are used to their creature comforts… And if something goes wrong that threatens or takes away said comfort? The reaction is, well, eye opening! As humans, we get used to things that were once a special treat, then we come to expect them and are discontent if we don’t have them… it’s crazy, but unfortunately it happens quickly …

Post Op – Surgeon Visit 1: Incredible!!

  So I had an appointment with the surgeon the other day. It was INCREDIBLE on so many levels… First and most important, I got to share parts of my testimony and many miraculous events that have led me towards God. Sharmini and myself had planted seeds and raised the topic on our first visit before the op, but this was much different… As a surgeon, some of the things I shared were very impacting and he could relate. At the end of it he asked me to “sell him on my lifestyle (and kids)”, vastly different to his! After …

Thank you for your prayers

  For those I have not personally thanked: I wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU! The last 2 years have been the hardest of my life, but for those who have helped practically and prayed / sent love – I am deeply, deeply grateful. From myself, Sharmini and the children – thank you – I would not have made it without your support. For nearly a year I could not get up – I was literally confined to a table in the front room lying on my stomach. Even a short stint upright on crutches had major consequences. It …

18th Wedding Anniversary – it’s all God

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22 This verse is so true, but ‘treasure’ makes it sound like I was looking. Nope, not even close – in fact my first ever words to her? “I’m not looking for a relationship” And her response: Are you really so full of yourself?! Who would have thought it was the start of a 18 years (and counting) journey including 6 children, 3 dogs, 7 moves and and unknown number of adventures. I certainly didn’t! In fact, as someone who had always been …

Happy 15th Anniversary

Today it’s our FIFTEENTH Wedding Anniversary!  To say it has been a FULL ON 15 years with many highs and lows is an understatement! Many, many failures & mistakes but always matched and overcome by God’s love and grace. We are very thankful to Jesus who brought us together and really is the reason we are still together. We had decided that we weren’t going to go anywhere or do anything special, but would tidy up the property and possibly try to sort either some bedroom furniture or bed sheets for our room. After doing some normal morning duties, we were told …

My Mother in Law – An Amazing Lady

An incredibly hard week and even harder day, the funeral of my mother in law, Teresa. I am so proud of Sharmini and the strength she showed in the preparation for the funeral despite the emotional pain of loosing her mum. Then showing such courage and sharing so deeply about her mum at the funeral. Also very proud of our children, from feeling with the emotional pain of loosing their beloved Nanna, to supporting Sharmini and extra chores while their mum travelled to make continual visits, to one of them postponing their birthday, to 4 of sharing at the funeral …

Another windy night..

A little damage form the storm last night – and an opportunity to bless people in the community:  Some heavy winds (and hail) last night led to a number of things flying past the house with lots of crashes and bangs. We ran around picking up bins and building materials that had come loose – in gusts it was hard to stay upright – crazy! This morning we found it had turned our large trampoline into a kite. It was discovered near the edge of our property in a crushed mess with about 150m path of destruction behind it…. so thankful …