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Tag: <span>Love</span>

Tag: Love

Christmas 2024

I hope you all have a truly blessed Christmas, with family, friends, both or neither. Whether you are in a valley or season of blessing, my prayer is that you would experience a deeper revelation of God’s love… His love is evident everywhere, but most notably it has been revealed by the gift of His Son, Jesus – the King & Creator of all.  Not only did Jesus give up His divine privileges, leave His home in Heaven and visit us on earth in frailty…He also lived sin free and willingly let Himself be unjustly condemned, tortured, murdered and separated from …

Ever wondered how much God loves you? 

Ever wondered how much God loves you? You can find out…  Think about writing down every sin you have ever committed – everything. Every time you have lied, every time you have dishonoured your parents. Every time you have put yourself before God or others, every time you have lusted / fornicated, every time you have been angry at someone…  Now think about how serious those sins are to God: He *HATES* all sin. It is grotesque to Him. Think of how angry He should be at you for sinning, deliberately ignoring and going against the very One who gave you …

Kindness is more than a hug and lasts more than a day… 

Far from the statement from Kindness Day (“Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and location.”) it is only true love and forgiveness that can bridge the hatred and selfishness that is intrinsic to all of us. It has been in all humanity, and has been since the beginning.  Kindness is an admirable goal, but often gets distorted by the insidious self: this is why so many ‘acts of kindness’ are video’d, often adding shame of the receiver but building up the givers ego. It makes us ‘feel’ nice, but …

Remember Me – 2024 Remembrance Day

It is so easy to forget the sacrifice of others…  Your parents time in raising & training you, work in housing & feeding you, money in educating & clothing you…  Your grandparents who spent time with you, teachers who went the extra mile for you, bosses who overlooked your mistakes…  And even if that is not your reality, there are hundreds of thousands of people that willingly sacrificed for you:  Separated from their families & friendsLiving in horrendous conditions, no beds, out in the cold / rain, not even taking their boots & socks off for weeks at a timeWorking …

Christian Wife should be deepest love

For the Christian, it is so easy to want to serve, help & save others – often outside of our family and even our country.  While we are called to share with others, we need to continually be aware that our *first* and most important ministry is to our spouse…not people ‘out there’.   At home, more issues, hardship and insecurities come up so it is natural to want to run or put our energy elsewhere. Don’t do it!  De dedicated, disciplined and purposeful in your ministry to your wife…even if you think she is not worth it, Jesus commands …

Happy Mothers Day 2022

The outlook was bleak and there were many risks.  This was the worst time to fall pregnant – no income, already two children to care for and the bills were mounting.  It was clear that the father was bad news – sure enough he left as soon as he heard the news. No support, no income, no house, no financial security, no child support.  The choice for many reading this would be simple: have it killed.  Thankfully, my mother had come to believe that life was precious and sacred, even before birth. This is what she had read in the …

Pesky Hell-fire Bible Bashers

Ever wondered why some people talk about ‘sin’ and hell so much? The answer may not be what you think… People who talk about hell generally don’t do it because they want to – far from it – they often feel scared and would rather say nothing about it. It’s not because they think you will like it or like them for it – far from it – they often no it will be taken offensively. It’s not because they are religious or have to – most of the groups that have to go out getting people to join their …

Unbelievable sacrifice: 8 year old dies saving sister from fire.

17/9/1966 Dianne Keidel 12-year-old Susie and 8-year-old Kelly I just learned today about Kelly, an 8 year old girl, who showed incredible love. She saw her sister, (Lori), go back into their house that was on fire to get a cuddly toy. So she follows her sister back into the burning house.  Things only get worse from there…  Lori starts screaming as the fire burns her body. Kelly, knowing they can’t get out of the house, lies down on top of her younger sister.  She comforts her: “they are coming to help us, you will be ok. I love you. …

What will surprise you about 3 basic COVID responses…

Please folks, start to panic & worry even more as the sky is falling… again!  This new strain… ahh forget it. I’m not going to waste time re-hashing what the media will use to try to create panic in the next few weeks / months about. And I won’t predict the usefulness of any ‘vaccine’ or booster for this new strain. Nor will I go on about how many new strains there will be over the next few years & the accompanying new jabs that will become available and then mandated.  I want to take a different tack:  Well done …

Love-Without it we are nothing.

Love: Without it we are nothing. If I asked “what is love?” what comes to mind? Liking something – a thing or activity? Feeling attracted to a particular person? Wanting to be near someone? Being happy around them? Experiencing comfort while with them? Engaging in good conversation with them? Enjoying the same activities? Avoiding conflict / keeping the peace with someone? Is love something we can touch or taste or feel? Is it summed up by a phrase that is used sometimes: ‘that person completes me’? There are many things that are common answers as to what love is, but …

Last Minute Mothers Day Ideas for your wife…mostly FREE!

As a dad with 6 children, a big part of being a good husband and father is to model how to show love and help the children to love and honour people – especially their mother. This is an area where I have failed heaps, but over the years there has been a few ways that have stood out that have ‘worked’ in this regard for me. The first is receiving love from God. Don’t switch off – seriously – we have often received either only a little love while growing up or a tainted version of love. This leaves …

God’s Love Letter to you.

This letter reflects the truth of God’s love for you. If He could fulfil one thing, it would be that you know and experience His great love for you. He has already done a lot for this to happen: including sending His Son to die for you… Hello My child, this is Me, God: your real dad. I formed you in your mothers womb, creating you just the way I wanted. With care and deliberate thought, I fashioned you. I loved what I saw and I still do. I made you to be a little like Me. You’re made in …

Hope Less

If it were possible to have less hope… After a long, hard week with many failures, this morning I lay with pain in my body, a mild headache and a huge day ahead filled with activities I *really* didn’t want to face. I reflected on how different things are… With deadlines approaching and the never ending list of jobs to do – completion of this project seems impossible – even futile. How different things used to be! I had numerous desires, goals and aspirations – and I worked *real* hard at attaining them. I had every expectation that I would …

Happy 15th Anniversary

Today it’s our FIFTEENTH Wedding Anniversary!  To say it has been a FULL ON 15 years with many highs and lows is an understatement! Many, many failures & mistakes but always matched and overcome by God’s love and grace. We are very thankful to Jesus who brought us together and really is the reason we are still together. We had decided that we weren’t going to go anywhere or do anything special, but would tidy up the property and possibly try to sort either some bedroom furniture or bed sheets for our room. After doing some normal morning duties, we were told …