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Tag: <span>Christmas</span>

Tag: Christmas

It’s the presence, NOT the presents…

No matter what present/s you received today, *none* will fulfil for long. Within days, weeks or months that thing you love will be worn out, rusted, broken, worthless, lost, stolen or forgotten. There’s only One gift that can fulfil forever: forgiveness and eternal life.  This is the presence of the One who arrived in a manger, determined to die according to the will of God the Father. You either have this gift for free through Jesus or don’t have it at all. You can’t earn it or loose it.  Do you have it or are you deceived, distracted or disbelieving? Your actions, who you love …

It’s more than Magi-Cal

Did you know Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th?  Christmas remembers when the Magi (commonly wrongly called ‘wise men’ or ‘kings’) visited Jesus a couple of years after He was born…not on His birthday!  There are so many incredible parts of this story, many are tempted to call it a myth. Honest research will reveal that despite the improbability, the events are backed by overwhelming evidence.  Which aspects are the hardest to believe?  – the fact that there were so many pin point accurate prophecies about this event: Thousands of years before Jesus was born, prophets told of His coming. Not …

Christmas 2024

I hope you all have a truly blessed Christmas, with family, friends, both or neither. Whether you are in a valley or season of blessing, my prayer is that you would experience a deeper revelation of God’s love… His love is evident everywhere, but most notably it has been revealed by the gift of His Son, Jesus – the King & Creator of all.  Not only did Jesus give up His divine privileges, leave His home in Heaven and visit us on earth in frailty…He also lived sin free and willingly let Himself be unjustly condemned, tortured, murdered and separated from …

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

The whole story of Christmas is meaningless, weird or even ridiculous until God opens your eyes…  As a God-hating anti-christian, I still remember Christmas as just a time where obligation led to getting drunk with family (instead of friends).  I may have been able to tell you it was something to do with ‘Jesus’ or some old religious fable, but that was about it. Imagine my surprise when God opened my eyes to the fact that:  – He existed– I was not the ‘good person’ I thought I was– I was actually guilty of A LOT of things He had …

Nativity #24 Wooden it be wonderful?

This simple nativity is made of wood, it really highlights the wonder of the worshippers around the King in the crib.  Two of the shepherds have mouths open – at least one gaping with awe and wonder. Why would this prophesied King be born here? And why were *we* invited? Lowly shepherds, often neglected in those times, were visited by angels to come and witness the King of the universe!  It reminds us that we too, are invited to witness and worship the King. We shouldn’t be – we deserve death & judgment – but this very King was born …

Nativity #23 Don’t kid the kids

This ceramic set shows each figure as a child.  The set (and each figure individually) is incredibly cute.  I love a number of things about this set:  Each figure has such wide, expectant and joyful eyes. The awe-inspiring event they have come to witness demands wide, attentive eyes. Knowing that they were looking at the King who could save them (and the rest of the world) from sin…could only result in joy. Each figure is a child: revealing that we are all God’s children. We love to try to be grown up, to be certified, to be qualified – but …

Nativity #21 It’s all about me

This set seems to be aimed at children, however the emphasis definitely hits us as adults…  Look at the stature and the face of each figure: they are oozing self confidence – pride.  Mary looks so pleased with herself. Joseph, so competent. The wise men, so distinguished.  Nothing could be further from the Truth! Mary had the humility to accept whatever God wanted to do through her. Joseph had the humility to remain married to Mary, even though she was pregnant without His involvement. The wise men humbled themselves so much that they abandoned their own lives in order to travel and …

Nativity #20 Pure Gold

This set made of high quality glazed china, is quite large and ornate.  Two things stand out clearly with this set:  1) GOLD: Nearly every figure has some gold. This speaks clearly of the very reason the Magi (most people think wise men) travelled so far to honour this baby…HE WAS KING!  Being astrologers influenced by Daniel (you know Daniel in the lions den Daniel!), they were looking for the King, born in Bethlehem, in the line of Judah who would save His people. Amazing things in the heavens shouted ‘King King King’ and so they came to honour Him with …

Nativity #18 Star Gazing!

  This modern resin set is great quality, colourful and sturdy. The detail of nearly every element is amazing – except one… THE EYES! Every figures has eyes that look up but also this distant gaze. For some, it really looks like they are day dreaming: with the King of Kings right in front of them!! But it is often the same with us… We see God’s creation, we witness miraculous events, we understand His specific care, protection and provision in our lives and at times we have Him very, very near. All this and yet we still have at …

Nativity #17 Terror in a cot? 

As I look at this set, made of ‘fired earth’ (terracotta), I often think of an amazing reality: Jesus came into the very world He created and went through incredible (fiery) trials. But He didn’t give up or walk away.  Far from *terror* in a cot, this baby actually achieved the opposite incredible reality: we can avoid terror! He is the only One that can remove us from God’s certain wrath…  Although ignorant of their fate, these people, all people, (you and me included), will face the God who the created them and the universe on Judgment Day. On that …

Nativity #12 Paper has weight

Another different set, this one is made out of paper!  Paper, virtually the opposite of the last set, is incredibly fragile and easy to damage. No strength at all! This reminds us of Jesus’ humanity: weak and easy to destroy… OR SO IT SEEMED!!!!  Helpless baby in a manger. The ruling government wanted Him gone. The religious mob wanted Him dead. A powerful king had dozens of babies killed trying to eliminate Him. False accusations, conspiracies, attempted assassinations – they all failed. Eventually, charges were brought against Him that were true: He claimed to be God and King…  Neither side could …

Nativity #14 Lead balloons

This is a strange set.  Made of lead it reminds us that our culture and even our own souls are toxic, deadly. Left to our own devices, we are drawn to, revel in and are held captive by sin. Sin, while enjoyable for a time, leaves us under God’s wrath and judgement. Without Jesus, we can not escape it.  Another thing that strikes me about this set is that one of the Magi (wise men), is missing his head covering or crown. This reminds us that we can willingly lay down our crowns before Jesus now, or we will be …

Nativity #13 Mind your BEES WAX  

Made from bees wax, this set is incredibly hard to store, especially when living in old caravans!  For this reason, this set reminds me of the miraculous provision of God… For around 15 of of nearly 20 years together, Sharmini and myself have lived in old caravans. Stinking hot in summer, freezing cold in winter. For periods, no power, running water or toilet, it seemed unlikely we would ever have ‘modern conveniences’, let alone a house that could store wax figures!  But here we are, 20 years later, virtually no income, me severely limited in the physical and we live …

Nativity #11 We’re all nuts…and bolts!

My children made this set from bolts, nuts and springs they found lying around.  While definitely not the most ornate and detailed set we own, it certainly is unique! It also communicates some powerful truths about the birth of Jesus…  First of all – that we are all nuts! (Well, maybe only speaking for myself 😂). As the Bible says, we are all wise in our own eyes, but often we are deceived or worse.  Also, this set, made of steel, the set reminds us of: The strength of Jesus The adaptability of JesusThe availability of JesusThe universality of JesusThe pervasiveness …

Food giveaway Christmas 2022

The other day I had the privilege of serving with my family at a food give away and sausage sizzle trying to brighten some peoples Christmas.  We met a barrage of people from all walks of life and for the most part it was a heart warming and rewarding experience.  But a couple of things were definitely *not* enjoyable…  One, seeing a woman use her young child as a ‘mule’ to try to get twice the amount of food. I felt helpless to change this boys reality – obviously embarrassed and equally powerless in his role.  Two, seeing people who …

Nativity 15 Royal Doulton – missing hands

Ironically, the beautiful design and finish of this nativity set is the very thing I hate about it. In fact, I would likely not keep it if it were not for the fact that it was broken!  Royal Doulton have tried to beautify and sanitise a scene that was anything but clean, beautiful or elegant. The figures, the characters and even the finish is so immaculately perfect, it really is jarring. Ironically, two broken and missing hands redeem the piece for me! Due to damage in transit, the set cost us nothing, another reminder of how God provides…  But the broken …

Silent Night 🎶 Holy Night 🎶

Silent Night, Holy Night  It’s a great carol – but it’s a *crazy* reality… Seriously, the first time I understood & experienced who Jesus was, everything else went eerily silent. And I mean EVERYTHING!  The loud chatter of ‘success’, fame, fortune, self, substances and even the demonic? Silenced immediately! May we all experience more & more of who He is this Christmas… “Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light; radiant beams from thy holy face with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at thy birth.”  #thankYouJesus

Nativity 12 Set in Stone 1

Nativity #12  This set has 8 hand carved stone characters from Kenya.  I love how clean, smooth and heavy these figures are. Being from Africa, they have a unique slant on the shape and dress of each character.  They remind me of the fact that no matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter your location, demographic or background – the message of Jesus has relevance and power.  Being made of stone reminds me of a powerful truth: that Jesus is the rock!   It also gets me thinking about the whole ‘carpenter’ thing… Tradition says that …

Christmas Play 2021 Galilee Far Away

So today, my 4 youngest children we singing / dancing in a Christmas play.  It was set on a spaceship that travelled back in time to visit earth when Jesus was born.  It was incredible to see how our kids have grown & the way they participated, but there was something far more powerful…  The younger 4 all had different things that they were working on this year. Areas they recognised that were not their strong suit but were willing to try and grow, despite it being uncomfortable. What an encouragement – firstly that they were willing, able and dedicated …

Jesus – the reason for the season!

He Created the world simply by speaking. He emptied Himself and came to earth as a helpless baby.  He taught teachers and gave the most astounding moral advice He healed the sick and raised the dead.  He submitted to unjust treatment and false allegations.  He willingly died for those who ignored and hated Him (you and me). He rose again, defeated sin, death and hell.  He went back to Heaven in front of witnesses.  He rules from Heaven in victory.  And He’s coming back as King of the Universe!  Are. You. READY?  When Jesus is revealed to the world, everyone will …

Nativity 12 White Big Headed China Kids!

The photo of this delicate set does not do it justice – one of our cutest sets…  The fact that all the characters are children, reminds us that all the people in the scene (and us as observers) are all God’s children.  It also captures what Jesus focus is: children! While the adults were concerned with ‘important things’ Jesus directed their attention back to what was valuable: “let the children come to Me!”. We have set up this set in front of our largest set, meaning it actually takes effort to not get distracted by the larger, more colourful backdrop. …

Jesus is *the* King!

You’ve heard some Jesus freaks say it…well maybe you haven’t – but you should have!  Jesus Christ is Lord!  But for those of us who never grew up in English Manor life of the1800’s, what does it actually mean?  Let’s break it down:    Jesus: An everyday, unattractive, Jewish man who lived from 4AD to 30AD. Much has been written about His life & death, with the Bible claiming He rose from the dead.  Numerous specific prophecies thousands of years earlier predicted His very unusual and now famous birth: Born in a manger (animal food trough). Born in Bethlehem, Called a …

Happy Birthday Jesus – 2019

Happy Birthday Jesus – 2019 Although we were determined to be prepared for our celebration early this year, a number of unforeseen situations yet again led to us have very limited time to prepare. A serious fire threat set us back a full week and an unexpected visitor added to the time constraints. Business had to take a back seat, though we managed to get our gate decorations up in time – sort of…

Building Progress: A Month of Serving

The last few weeks have been CRAZY with a capital K. Often we have deadlines with working on the house, jobs or building, however this last 6 weeks or so has been mainly about entertaining and blessing people – birthdays, Christmas, New Years and more. Today, being my birthday I would have liked to have had time to reflect, but this is the best I could manage: 

Let the ‘magic’ of the Wise Men give you Joy this Christmas!

There are so many aspects to the story of ‘Christmas’ – so many things that are heart warming, but there are also many things we can learn and apply to our own lives. It’s not just the history or beliefs of others. According to the Bible, the planning of the Christmas story started before the world even existed, and the result will last long after the world is gone. But today we are going to look at the Wise Men of the story..

Happy HOLIDAYS! to everyone, especially you…

CHRISTMAS is actually about a guy called JESUS. You know: born in a stable, born sin-free, lived to love, healed the sick, made the lame to walk, raised the dead? Was tortured & killed by crucifixion. Then after 3 days He rose from the dead, surprising everyone. The most amazing thing though – He did it for you & me!He didn’t have to & most of us believe He didn’t need to – but the truth is, every person that has sinned, would be in huge trouble if He hadn’t. Have you ever sinned? Told a lie? Stolen anything? Lusted? Hated anyone? Jesus said if you look with lust you are guilty of adultery, and to hate is the same as murder!We all know that these things are wrong, but normally try to justify them. The problem is, our attempts at justifying only fool us. And sin is not against other people, but against God. And the hard to accept and everyone wants to avoid truth is that God will judge every single one of us by the 10 commandments. Oh O!Religions all have the same incorrect ‘solution’ = do. Do this, do that. Do it some more, pay some money, then don’t do it again. But we all do. We are on the Titanic, heading for the ice berg…but dancing in ignorant ‘bliss’.Jesus told us a different way…trust Him. Trust that He was sent by God to pay the price for your sin. Without Him you are helpless. Trust it and He makes you a son of God! he opens your eyes & you get to *know* Jesus. wow.Follow Jesus – only He has the key to Eternal Life.