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Happy Birthday Jesus – 2019

Happy Birthday Jesus – 2019

Happy Birthday Jesus – 2019

Although we were determined to be prepared for our celebration early this year, a number of unforeseen situations yet again led to us have very limited time to prepare.

A serious fire threat set us back a full week and an unexpected visitor added to the time constraints. Business had to take a back seat, though we managed to get our gate decorations up in time – sort of…

A small fire started down near Yanchep (30+kms away) and that very day I sensed that God said it would get to us, but I also sensed that we would not have to actively defend against it. In the natural both seemed implausible – that the fire could get to us was nearly unthinkable, and if it did – how would we not need to defend?

I shared with the family that we would prepare the place as best as possible and be ready to defend, but that I didn’t think it would get to that. Each day, the prospect got more and more real – and we realised more and more just how ill-prepared we were!

Blackboys were overgrown, two large cool rooms (flammable) were stacked next to the house, the roof had no flashings (exposed to fire), caravans and shed were surrounded by huge quantities of dead leaves and a clear path in the direction of the fire was evident.

We were under fire and moving bans, which meant we were not allowed to drive the bobcat or quad after 7am and were not allowed to use any petrol powered machines like chainsaws. This left us breaking off branches by hand, using axes and snapping the Blackboy leaves by hand. Huge quantities of them. Load after load after load.

It seemed like God was testing us – as soon as one area seemed better, we would see the potential fire path in another direction. Unsurmountable – however relaxing in the fact that He is in control was possible.

Then, a pipe in the orchard split, meaning we lost all the water we needed to fight the fire. Then the bore pump was left unplugged. Then, while trying to make a fire break, the bobcat gave out, spewing large quantities of (flammable) hydraulic oil all over the place.

It was amazing what we managed to do in a few days – they were long (16hrs), but still enjoyable. A large area that was a huge risk to the house was transformed from a messy fire waiting to happen to a neat and clean area. If it caught fire we would now have a chance to defend it.

Snapping the leaves by hand:

The worst area nearly finished, Saturday as the fire approaches just a few kilometres away now:

That night, the fire brigade were on our property, preparing to defend and asking about our water supply etc. The emergency warning had been in place for a few days and many had listened to the warnings to evacuate.

There was much ash and smoke, though knowing God was in control, we went to bed and slept. When we awoke the wind had shifted yet again and no smoke was evident. Over the next couple of days, the emergency warning was lifted. The fire burnt around 14,000 hectares, coming right to the boundary of our subdivision, though we never had to actively defend.

We started right away decorating the gate with lights and signs from last year – after a full sleep!

Unfortunately, a number of the light sets were no longer working. A friend offered to pick up some new lights for us, so all was sorted – or so we thought. A little later, we received a phone call from this friends phone though it was his young daughter. Something was very wrong.

We deciphered that an ambulance had been called for my friend – which would leave his two young children with no one to look after them. We raced down to his house and arrived just as the ambulance was arriving.

As someone who I had lived with in the drug / alcohol years before Jesus changed us, this situation was eye opening. The love & care these two children had for their dad in time of emergency was amazing and humbling. A clear indication of how much God had changed my friend and enabled him to sow love into these children, despite the incredibly hard situations over the years – that would have led many to give up. It is so easy to only be able to see our failures, and not see the vital impact that we have on children, it is worth the effort!

We looked after the two children that night and took them to the beach in the morning, meeting back at his house upon his release. Recovery will take a while, though it seems all will be ok.

Back to the gate!

The neighbours had agreed to let us decorate their gates / fences as well, so there was a great opportunity.

Using reflective tape, given to us at a garage sale to make a (bold) sign…

Yet again, we used the cross near our gate, using some free LEDs that we repaired…this time adding a manger a baby Jesus. The shed was illuminated to try to look like a stable. Later (after this photo) an angel was added…

The reflective sign could be seen clearly from the end of our street. Then we added love hearts to the water tank and some blackboys, lights in the trees and on fences – it looked amazing, though hard to capture in photo.

On Christmas Eve, we set up a donut fryer at the gate and gave away donuts to people who came to look at the lights. We hope to make this much bigger and more interactive next year – would love to hear from those who are keen on helping. Maybe a living Nativity? Carols?

The next morning was filled with decorating the inside of the house , setting up Nativities, printing quiz sheets and preparing for the visitors of the day.

The day was amazing – our best yet!

Our goal was to celebrate the birth of Jesus in a fun and interactional way – with the focus on Him and what He would want for and from the day.

The activities and quiz was entered on Him as were the colouring competition and word search – the highlight for me was the Carols.

Teams were given the task of writing and performing their own carol. It was fantastic – true worship and fun!

Sooo many great conversations and encouragement – and of course the visit by the Racehorse lizards that the kids loved…

And of course, the birthday cake that Jesus had to multiply for many to eat… 😀

The last visitors left around 8pm and although exhausted, we all felt thoroughly blessed and encouraged. An incredible day – and it’s just the beginning. We hope to have this as a family tradition – open to any who want to celebrate Jesus, and those who need Him or have nowhere else to go…

Thank you to all who came, joined in or helped and of course – thank You Jesus!!

May we daily celebrate the life of Jesus – drawn to Him to receive His truth & love and then reflect His grace to others. Lord, help us to spread the truth of who You are and what you desire. Be glorified in our lives.


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