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Category: <span>for thought</span>

Category: for thought

I am a friend of God! 

The holy, perfect, just, powerful, all knowing Creator and judge, should hate me… He should want to judge & punish me. He would be totally justified in condemning me & sending me to hell.  But He doesn’t. He loves. He forgives. He even loves to forgive!  This God who I used to love to hate, who I thought was horrible, vindictive, abusive – He is actually the embodiment of love: True love, not the Hollywood erotic, selfish love, but the pure, selfless and transformative love.  He saw how much I would hate Him, how much I would go against Him and hurt …

Octavian versus Jesus who is a son of God?

Listening today of some light history about one of the worlds most powerful leaders: Augustus, also known as Octavian… He was an incredible ruler: defeating the determined armies to ensure Rome would become an imperial empire.  Claiming to be the saviour of the world, he promised peace (through violence) and prosperity: a golden age. His influence so great that glimpses of his political structures are still evident today in many countries.  But the thing that is almost incomprehensible to me: he is virtually unknown as far as famous history figures go. The law demanded everyone to worship him as a ‘son …

Trump / Musk versus Australia

Just read how this morning Elon Musk, working for free for his country, has found *another* $1.9 *billion* USD of wasted money. Trump, despite determined opposition from Democrats is ridding the country of drug dealers, rapists, murderers and making hard calls for the good of his country and its people. They have uncovered incredibly deceptive and manipulative methods previous administrations have used to trick not just Americans, but the world. Liberal media outlets are in free-fall as people wake up to the false narratives and blatant lies they have been fed. Many social media users are yet to catch up, …

Jesus the myth? Why we *want* to agree

Below is a response I felt to post to someone who had claimed emphatically ‘Jesus is a myth’: a claim determined atheists are very bold in making, despite the evidence.  ——————————————————————————————   If you are reading through this thread and just read [Original Posters Name] comment & thought ‘yes, see, Jesus is a myth and the Bible is untrue’ – I want to challenge you: Why do you think you suddenly decided to accept what they claimed, without any actual evidence and no proof of the authors’ credibility?  The truth is the author has ZERO credibility. A bold claim – here’s …

Truck Breakdown Jan 2025

The lights went green, yet the truck wasn’t going anywhere. The gear stick went limp, so we jumped out, put out the emergency triangles and lifted the cab.  I scrambled underneath, amazed at how hot the road surface was underneath me. With the heat of the truck engine & gearbox above me it was like being in a grill. I found the problem quickly, though typically it was nearly impossible to get to, right behind the burning hot exhaust and of course – we had no tools!  A personal boast – I did actually pray very quickly, a testament to …

Longing for my true home 

Some days are worse than others, today wasn’t great.  As far as pain goes- it wasn’t as bad as many days. Health wise it was a struggle, making simple tasks seem monumental. Relating and parenting overwhelming, let alone building or earning money.  In the physical, it really is too hard – overwhelming an understatement.  But there’s more – faced with my failure to live up to who I want to be for God. This Father who saved me from so much, who showed so much love and grace, He deserves so much better!  When I try, I fail. When I …

For my birthday….

What do I want for my birthday you ask?  = That’s easy: ‘For you to follow Jesus…’  It is simple, but not that easy. It sounds like religion, but is actually a relationship. It can cost you everything, but you gain even more. It starts with Jesus’ death, but ends in eternal life:  This poor servant child was really the King.Appearing as human, He was actually God. Tempted and attacked, He was never sinning. Dying on the cross, He was actually winning Rising from death, people wanted Him to rule. Instead, He went back to heaven where He waits.Always available giving peace, wisdom and love…Helping us …

Toranas Holdens and Jesus!

It’s actually quite sad when I look back…  Tonight, I was sharing with someone some elements of my former life (before Jesus), and specifically, my love of old Holdens / Toranas.  I loved them so much I had ‘shrines’ in my house with all kinds of rare collectibles. I owned literally hundreds of them and built a business around them: selling parts & repairing them. At one stage, I wouldn’t even allow people to park on my property if they weren’t in a Holden.  It seems *so* ridiculous now – I mean *WHO CARES??!!* Sure I still like the look …

Who is Jesus…to you?

You may be surprised at what some people think about Jesus: ‘the brother of the devil’ = Mormon teaching ’the sin-free prophet of Allah’ = Muslim teaching ‘a Reiki healing master’ = Reiki teaching‘a servant, a lesser ‘god’ = Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching ‘an amazing moral teacher’ = Philosophers teaching ‘an unparalleled historical figure’ = Historians / Archeologists teaching’the son of the blessed Mary’ = Catholic teaching‘one of millions of gods’ = Hindu teaching‘a myth’ = Atheists’ claim contrary to all evidence Many groups try to claim Jesus as part of their field / religion, yet miss the Truth. Zealots from all are adamant in …

It’s the presence, NOT the presents…

No matter what present/s you received today, *none* will fulfil for long. Within days, weeks or months that thing you love will be worn out, rusted, broken, worthless, lost, stolen or forgotten. There’s only One gift that can fulfil forever: forgiveness and eternal life.  This is the presence of the One who arrived in a manger, determined to die according to the will of God the Father. You either have this gift for free through Jesus or don’t have it at all. You can’t earn it or loose it.  Do you have it or are you deceived, distracted or disbelieving? Your actions, who you love …

It’s more than Magi-Cal

Did you know Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th?  Christmas remembers when the Magi (commonly wrongly called ‘wise men’ or ‘kings’) visited Jesus a couple of years after He was born…not on His birthday!  There are so many incredible parts of this story, many are tempted to call it a myth. Honest research will reveal that despite the improbability, the events are backed by overwhelming evidence.  Which aspects are the hardest to believe?  – the fact that there were so many pin point accurate prophecies about this event: Thousands of years before Jesus was born, prophets told of His coming. Not …

Christmas 2024

I hope you all have a truly blessed Christmas, with family, friends, both or neither. Whether you are in a valley or season of blessing, my prayer is that you would experience a deeper revelation of God’s love… His love is evident everywhere, but most notably it has been revealed by the gift of His Son, Jesus – the King & Creator of all.  Not only did Jesus give up His divine privileges, leave His home in Heaven and visit us on earth in frailty…He also lived sin free and willingly let Himself be unjustly condemned, tortured, murdered and separated from …

Ever wondered how much God loves you? 

Ever wondered how much God loves you? You can find out…  Think about writing down every sin you have ever committed – everything. Every time you have lied, every time you have dishonoured your parents. Every time you have put yourself before God or others, every time you have lusted / fornicated, every time you have been angry at someone…  Now think about how serious those sins are to God: He *HATES* all sin. It is grotesque to Him. Think of how angry He should be at you for sinning, deliberately ignoring and going against the very One who gave you …

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

The whole story of Christmas is meaningless, weird or even ridiculous until God opens your eyes…  As a God-hating anti-christian, I still remember Christmas as just a time where obligation led to getting drunk with family (instead of friends).  I may have been able to tell you it was something to do with ‘Jesus’ or some old religious fable, but that was about it. Imagine my surprise when God opened my eyes to the fact that:  – He existed– I was not the ‘good person’ I thought I was– I was actually guilty of A LOT of things He had …

How good am I? I beat drugs! 🙃

Tonight I was reminded yet again of how some people are *completely* blind to some simple truths…  “Well done Adam: you turned your life around, you beat drugs, you parented well”  NOOOOO!!! Twice within an hour I found myself nearly arguing with the people who said things similar to this.   Being in my extended family:– they both know how bad a person I was– they both know of the massive life changing experience I had– they both know I give credit to Jesus, not myself.  But tonight they were both insistent, coming at it from a number of angles, determined to …

Check Facts that Trump you

Surprised at Donald Trump being elected? Wonder how people could be against ‘clean energy’? Amazed that some would refuse the Covid jab?Fail to understand the support of Israel?  Angered at transphobia, racism or xenophobia? The below may explain why… Recently, the New York Times ‘fact-checked’ Robert F. Kennedy Junior. This famous senator and His family have a long history in the Democratic party in the USA. Fed up with what he saw happening in His country & community, he broke ranks, risked family relationships and came out publicly to support Donald Trump, a republican.  After Trumps’ landslide win, Robert F Kennedy …

Kindness is more than a hug and lasts more than a day… 

Far from the statement from Kindness Day (“Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race, religion, politics, gender and location.”) it is only true love and forgiveness that can bridge the hatred and selfishness that is intrinsic to all of us. It has been in all humanity, and has been since the beginning.  Kindness is an admirable goal, but often gets distorted by the insidious self: this is why so many ‘acts of kindness’ are video’d, often adding shame of the receiver but building up the givers ego. It makes us ‘feel’ nice, but …

Remember Me – 2024 Remembrance Day

It is so easy to forget the sacrifice of others…  Your parents time in raising & training you, work in housing & feeding you, money in educating & clothing you…  Your grandparents who spent time with you, teachers who went the extra mile for you, bosses who overlooked your mistakes…  And even if that is not your reality, there are hundreds of thousands of people that willingly sacrificed for you:  Separated from their families & friendsLiving in horrendous conditions, no beds, out in the cold / rain, not even taking their boots & socks off for weeks at a timeWorking …

With Jesus, there is ALWAYS more!

Are you coasting, unfulfilled, doubting or wondering if there is more in your walk with Jesus?  YES. THERE. IS!  If you just go to church reluctantly, read your Bible occasionally and have Jesus ‘on the side’ of your life – you are missing out – BIG TIME!  It’s like:– burning most potent buds as incense outdoors– baiting up the perfect rig and casting into a shallow rock pool – building a sick V8 but using a straw for the intake– buying the best meal, but having a gag on when trying to eat– planting a range of rare & exotic seeds …

Another indicator of the Bibles colourful reliability

Studying the book of Revelation at BSF at the moment so found this bit of data interesting – and it adds more weight to the argument that the Bible is trustworthy and unique.  In describing the gem stones that will be in Heaven, the Bible details the names of the 12 gems that will be there. Amazingly, every single Gem stated is classified as ‘anisotropic’. Scientists have only discovered that gems can be classified as either anisotropic or isotropic in the last century, but Revelation was written nearly 2000 years ago.  Out of the 28 common gems, only 16 are anisotropic, …

When the worst hurricane seems like nothing

Praying for people in Florida tonight and it got me thinking… I’ve only experienced ~300KPH wind on a motorbike designed to cut through the wind and it is *still* a sobering experience. Needing to cling on with all your strength, facing a storm with a wall of this kind of destructive force is *not* something you would want to do. Hurricane Milton approaching Florida at the moment has so much ammunition in the form of debris (from Hurricane Helene last week), it is hard to comprehend. Thankfully, people currently in Florida have a number of things counting *for* them… the …

JWs & the Gospel

Today, we received this in the mailbox {Declare the Good News Pamphlet}. It is easy to see from the artwork it is from the JW’s (AKA Jehovahs Witnesses, or followers of the Watchtower organisation). The ironic thing? They don’t even know what the Good News actually is!!  If you ask a JW to share the Gospel with you, they will stutter. Ray Comfort asks this regularly:  “I only have 1 minute to live, how can I be saved?”  They don’t know, because the Watchtower has perverted the Gospel to be a religious system (or cult), that insists its’ members earn …

If Only you knew…

If only you knew… – Where your love of self & money will end up…– The futility of fighting against God…– The peace & joy that come from knowing Your maker…– How much God loves you…– Who Jesus actually is… – What power He has & what He offers…– The way God can direct your life as you trust Him…– What it feels to be *free* from sin…– The incredible plan God has for you…– What the eternity He has purchased for you will be like… – What being adopted by the Creator of the universe feels like… It would change EVERYTHING …

All ‘my’ success and how to imitate it…

Today I was thinking: ‘what have I actually achieved in life’ and a few things came to mind…  I: Turned $8 into $200,000 in less than 4 years (I started with a $8 TV from the tip)Started and ran my own business, doing what I loved with no loan or capital (sold parts off my Torana after a high speed chase left me on crutches, which grew into a full time business)Avoided jail despite breaking the law incessantly, getting raided repeatedly and being charged a number of times (including from high up cops lying in court to try to put me …

Spiritual Blindness on FULL display…

This week, I saw on a post claiming religious people were bigoted. I pointed out that it was ironic that the post itself was…you guessed it – bigoted! I really don’t care, but I just find it ironic when people post ‘you should respect everyone’s beliefs’ one minute, then attack Christians the next.  An old acquaintance and an unknown person, (both staunch atheists), have been ‘debating’ me for a number of days since on said post.  As is common with atheists, they avoided the actual topic, kept changing the direction and were rude & derogatory: nothing out of the normal. But …

Fathers Day 2024

A few key events that have shaped my Fathers Day….  BIOLOGYThe last thing I heard my own father say to me was: “I never wanted children Adam, I still don’t, please don’t contact me again.” He had left after finding out my mum was pregnant with me – I grew up in a cloud of rejection and lack of identity. I met him when I was around 20 years of age while still an alcoholic (he was too), then saw him again a year or two later as a Christian and invited him to my upcoming wedding. I honoured his wish, and …

No God = gullibility – The two main reasons people do not want God to exist

I was once so convinced that: – there was no ‘god’ – if ‘god’ existed, ‘he’ was a mongrel – people who believed in ‘god’ were brainwashed and/or evil Everything I did, everything I read, everything I watched, everything I listened to, all seemed to confirm these beliefs: I knew I was right and would avoid, argue with or attack anyone who was Christian or Bible-believing. Now however, when I look back, I can see that my assumptions were not based in evidence, facts or even dependable logic. Although I wasn’t aware of it I simply didn’t *want* there to be a …

Christian Wife should be deepest love

For the Christian, it is so easy to want to serve, help & save others – often outside of our family and even our country.  While we are called to share with others, we need to continually be aware that our *first* and most important ministry is to our spouse…not people ‘out there’.   At home, more issues, hardship and insecurities come up so it is natural to want to run or put our energy elsewhere. Don’t do it!  De dedicated, disciplined and purposeful in your ministry to your wife…even if you think she is not worth it, Jesus commands …

The Best commentary on the Bible?

When we allow our current struggles, pain, grief, frustration, fear (or any hardship) to drive us to God through His Word… He will reveal His true character and nature. He will remind us of His faithfulness. He will expel fear. He will expand our understanding of His power. He will grow our faith. He will convict us of sin. He will forgive and cleanse us. He will challenge us. He will teach us patience.He will encourage us despite our failures. He will motivate us to share with others. But you, O LORD, are a shield around me;you are my glory, …

Are you Born Again? Quick test…

Are you born again? “Unless you are born again, you can not see the Kingdom of God”   – Jesus If we are born again…  1) Our view of Jesus will change: He is the Creator, the Everlasting God, yet became human, lived sin free, died a crimes death on the cross and then rose from the dead. He now reigns in Heaven & will return to bring all of creation under His rule.  2) We will be Convicted of Sin: Instead of thinking we are good, God will open our eyes to understand that we are saturated with sin, opposed to …

Are you Born Again? How to know…

4 Areas to assess if you are born again: – Our view of Jesus– Conviction of Sin – Genuine Repentance – Transformation: Assurance of Salvation / Adoption / Love / Obedience & Discipleship / Peace / Humility / Forgiving Others Jesus said you can not see His Kingdom unless you are born again, so knowing this is *very* important, especially as the Bible says we are so good (and persistent) at deceiving ourselves.   Each of the 4 points addresses a different aspect – you need to look at all four to be sure!  Bookmark this page & come back often!    1) It …

When you ‘can’t’ be born again…

Today, I was contacted by someone wanting to purchase something. Within a few minutes, we were talking about Jesus…  He asked me “are you born again?”. “Yes” I answered,” I was born again 23 years ago when Jesus rescued me off a cliff…”  I asked him and he replied that his wife, who had now passed away, was born again but he ‘couldn’t be’. I asked what he meant. His answer saddened and angered me…  He had attended many meetings with his late wife, mentioning the name of a particular (Charismatic type) church. They had prayed over him and talked …

Be a river not a dam…ministry books

 Recently, a friend passed away. They were active in a number of different prayer ministries over the years and attended a training that we ran years ago. Before passing, she had arranged a friend to get all the prayer ministry materials to us in case we could utilise them.  Going through the material today it was heart warming to see some the things we had put together years ago were useful for this precious soul both for their own painful journey and in helping others. But as I continued to go through boxes of material and saw just how much …

Trans Last Supper Backfires – Revives Jesus!

It’s old news that a group of trans people decided it was ok to deliberately try to offend Jesus and His followers.  I’m sure they never imagined the response and I’m not talking about city-wide blackouts, rail sabotage, constant rain, mayhem at the soccer or even the (fake report) of tens of thousands that worshipped Jesus on the streets in response.  I’m talking about the way that the event has piqued the interested of millions of people wondering what ‘the Last Supper’ is all about. Even generic terms like “Jesus” have spiked…    You see, God can not be mocked. …

Trans’ phobia of Christ

So a group of transexuals / homosexuals think it is ok to deliberately and knowingly offend billions of people publicly. Shaking ‘their’ fist at the God who created humans, defined marriage & assigned the genders…What could go wrong?!  Even if you have no understanding that virtually every benefit & blessing we have in our Western culture is because of Jesus and His impact (welfare for the underprivileged, comprehensive healthcare, value of all human life, universal education, science & hygiene etc etc), *surely* you don’t think it is ok to deliberately offend a group of people on their beliefs?  Aren’t these …

Arthritis in upper back.

I just found out that I have arthritis in my upper back, arthritis in one of my SI joints and a flattened ball joint on my left thigh bone leading to continual grabbing, seizing and spasming.  They have been causing me a lot of extra grief since my back fusion (L4, L5, S1), making it very difficult to know how much activity or exercise is helpful.  While it’s not great news, I was starting to believe I was making it up & just needed to keep trying to push through and force everything to move. (Instead it seems that attitude …

The New Nature

Talking with someone today, I was reminded of just how powerful God is…  I recounted how, despite being very head-strong & capable, I was unable to quit certain substances (or activities), even for one night: I was thoroughly addicted despite my best attempts. Even my hatred of being addicted was not enough to ‘empower’ me to change.  But something far, far deeper than my many addictions was my love of things that were bad. Whether it was fuelled by rage or gratification, the very core of who I was (and what made me tick) was dark, evil and selfish. Despite …

How to win tomorrows war…NOW!

We all face many battles, some on a daily basis.  Whether it is battling to stay clean / sober, trying to avoid porn / infidelity, struggling to say no to things / working too much, suffering from over / comfort eating or finding yourself hooked on social media / seeking others approval…the same techniques and principles can help. But be of good cheer!…  “There are simple things you can do today, that help you win the war tomorrow!”  How good would it be to *know* that tomorrow’s (or next week’s) battle can be won today?!  It’s true, something that any war …

Out in the cold – A cold call.

This morning a parcel arrived for a neighbour. Normally, one or more of us would run it over to them right away. But this wasn’t a normal day.  A number of urgent jobs took far longer than planned, and soon it was getting dark. As I walked into the house, I saw the parcel and didn’t realise the next thought I had could have led to someone dying.  “We will sort it tomorow”  It was cold & drizzling with rain – the neighbour may not even be there. I was sore, we were all tired & cold.  But thankfully, I …

Parables & Discipleship

Thinking today about what an absolute Master Jesus was at sharing Truth and discipling people.  “In fact, in his public ministry He never taught without using parables; but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.”  [Mark 4:34 (NLT)] I am convinced I get this backwards more often than not, so good to be reminded again the correct Way! “Lord help us bring your Word of Life to those who are deceived, dead and dying. Convict them so they would see the Light, turn to Him and experience Resurrection. Help us to Shepherd those who …

Two bullets collide Gallipoli Hoax

The below photo has been doing the roads again, supposedly two bulltes that collided in mid air. A quick glance at the left bullet indicates this is another example of people being gullible (no rifling marks are all). If these were actually from Gallipoli, it is nearly certain the left hand bullet was stationary, likely still in a soldier’s belt or magazine.  Regardless, the supposed statistics for such an event piqued my interest…  One edited meme showed that it was a “1 in a billion” chance! While I doubt it was anywhere near that remote (tens of thousands of guns …

I love you, son. How connection with the Father changes *everything*

“I love you son”  A short sentence that you can say in less than a second, but it can change a persons day, life and destiny. Have you received these words? Or do you need to say them?  I personally never heard them from my biological father: in fact, the last time I spoke to him he said:  “I never wanted a son and I still don’t. Please don’t contact me again Adam”  That was the last time I talked to my ‘dad’ – I honoured his wish: As far as I know he is now dead…  I had met …

You lie for the Lord – how others explain transformation

Tonight, I had a very bizarre experience…  I was talking to an aunty about Jesus and all He had done for me when she blurted out: “But you lie for the Lord”  I was intrigued. “What do you mean?”.  She went on to explain that I have presented myself as a drug addict that lies in the street with a needle hanging out of their arm, while she thought that I was just a ‘normal teenager who experimented with drugs'(!).  I was completely taken back… I remember this aunty pleading with me not to leave family Christmas parties as I …

Do not drift!

“Drifting results in either being stranded at sea or crushed by the waves”  As with nearly everything in this life, drifting along, coasting, does *not* result in anything worthwhile. Humans gravitate towards ‘bad’, just as the rest of the natural world does. Just as well known scientists defined laws of thermodynamics of the natural world, Carson defined it for the spiritual: “People do not drift toward holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, ­people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and …

What was Jesus crucifixion really like?

At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death. At the time, crucifixion was the most painful and humiliating method of killing available. It was designed for the worst criminals and those the Romans wanted to make an example of. As it so happened, there were 3 people they wanted to make an example of on this day: (not theives as traditionally mentioned) they were revolutionaries, insurrectionists . They wanted to bring down Rome’s domination & occupation of Jerusalem and used violence to achieve it. They were rebels and Rome was about to show what happens when you dare …

Meaty hands

Not sure if this is an example of good or irresponsible parenting…  So we talk about what we need to do today. Options include:  Paying billsConcreting Planning drainage & concrete for the driveway Jesus Time (our morning devotions) Finishing sermon prep Planting out some fruit trees Prep work for stepsPostage  Picking up items Prep for BSF Yet I find myself, at nearly 11am, eyes stinging from onion & hands covered in meat juice. Somehow, I am in a cook-off with one of my sons trying to make the best beef burger for Sharmini & the others to try(!).   They were (are) delicious but seriously, how does …

Rick and the Jesus shirt swap…

I kid you not – this not made up… not sure if it is an evangelism win or fail (you decide)!  Today, after church I agreed to meet someone who wanted to pick up some fencing supplies. I rarely do this on a Sunday, but a number of ‘coincidences’ and it was arranged.  Rick (not the mans real name), rang a little before the scheduled time to say he was 30 minutes away, though this time it was abundantly clear, he was drunk.  Myself and 5 of the boys took the supplies to the gate & waited to meet him. …

the ‘new’ Benefits of Gratefulness

Would you listen to a Professor of Clinical Medicine, Director of Behavioural & Social Sciences and Behavioural Medicine who is also a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist Holding Bachelor (BS) in Brain Sciences and a Phd in Clinical Psychology? Recently a great deal of research shows that ‘an attitude of gratitude’ leads to: Better Health Sounder Sleep Less Anxiety & Depression Higher long term satisfaction with life Kinder behaviour towards others (including partners)Less likely to turn aggressive when provoked Robert Eamons’ study[1] showed that in only *two months* people: Were more Optimistic Were happier Worked out more Had fewer physical complaints That, …

A couple of days in my life…which would you prefer?

A Day in my life #1 I wake after a night getting little sleep due to pain. I have a head ache and my back is painful. It is early and I know it will be pointless trying to sleep so I get up. It is freezing and cold. My feet are wet as I get to the house. I try to do wiring, but everything is going wrong. The babies have moved my tools. A switch I take an hour putting in is not working so I have to pull it out again. Before I finish, I have to …