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Tag: <span>death</span>

Tag: death

Joe Biden / Abortion

So, we need to protect, pardon and provide housing, food and legal expenses to those who choose to rape and kill in the community, but innocent babies who have never made a bad choice or hurt anyone, they can be murdered by their ‘mother’?! #pureevil #hypocrisy #lastdays #life #protectinnocents What sorrow for those who saythat evil is good and good is evil,that dark is light and light is dark,that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyesand think themselves so clever.  Isaiah 5:20-21 (NLT)  The law forces a man to provide …

What was Jesus crucifixion really like?

At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death. At the time, crucifixion was the most painful and humiliating method of killing available. It was designed for the worst criminals and those the Romans wanted to make an example of. As it so happened, there were 3 people they wanted to make an example of on this day: (not theives as traditionally mentioned) they were revolutionaries, insurrectionists . They wanted to bring down Rome’s domination & occupation of Jerusalem and used violence to achieve it. They were rebels and Rome was about to show what happens when you dare …

Close Calls Second Chances & the ultimate backup plan

Driving a machine today, if I had done what was normal, what I normally do, one of my younger children would likely be in the morgue tonight. For some reason, in that split second, I didn’t do what was ’normal’ and ½ a second later I saw them.  It is truly humbling, scary and makes me feel physically sick to think about how close it was. Something in me would not allow me to control the machine as per normal.  It is a sober reminder that we never know when life will change *drastically* forever. Sometimes, for whatever reason, we get …

The significance of 31

31 – it’s the age I was 15 years ago! Hard to believe, but 31 has a lot more significance than that… It’s also the number of babies that have survived an abortion attempt in Western Australia:  Born alive and able to live, they were left to slowly die. That’s right – in this world where people are up in arms if you smack a child, or kill a fox, or cut down a tree that a bird might live in… trained doctors and nurses stood back and did nothing as a helpless babies struggled in pain and slowly died.  As …

Violence against the pro-life crowd.

It should not surprise you that Molotov cocktails are being thrown into the offices of pro life groups. Violent & threatening protests outside of DEMOCRATIC JUDGES HOUSES are just the beginning.  If someone is willing to defend the right to crush an innocent babies skull & suck out it’s brains, then cut it up & sell it’s organs… why wouldn’t they be violent or try to kill those they disagree with?  What is the difference? Where is the line?  There is no length people will not go to to ensure their chosen way of life is not affected.  My life, …

The day I thought I would die…

I will never forget the memory of an intense argument. It affected my soul so much – my stomach was tense, my whole being in desperate fear. I actually thought I was going to die. Looking back – most people I know would say that I should have died. More accurately, they would say I should have been killed.  I was going to be born to a woman who’s partner was an alcoholic. He was bad news, offered her nothing – no support, no care. The woman already had two children to a previous relationship. This baby would push her …

I won a PUPPY at a raffle!!!

I went to a country fete the other day.  There was a raffle to raise money for animal welfare. I hadn’t planned to participate, but I LOVE raffles: so many great prizes – and surprises. And this one certainly was a surprise…I won a puppy! I hadn’t taken much notice of the prizes being drawn, but this little fella was sooooo cute! His tail wagged the whole way home… My excitement was short lived though: As I passed a park I started thinking of all the things that would change. I would have to walk it every day – feed it …

Six Lessons from Six years since my brother passed away.

Six years ago today, my brother in law passed away after complications from a bee sting. Looking back, I can clearly remember getting the phone call that he had been rushed to hospital…  When this phone call came through, I instantly knew that it was a dire situation even though the doctors were very optimistic, saying there was at least 70% chance he would be ok.  God had prepared us for two weeks before that something big was coming. He also told us specific things about Naveen, so we we did reach out. I didn’t fully believe it was God, …

Don’t follow the dead…

Death is a tragic thing. The death of a loved one has such a deep and lasting effect – in fact it is actually hard to believe just how much it can affect someone. The closer you were to the person, the harder it can be. The more open you are and connect emotionally, the more painful it is. The regrets can be crushing, leaving people to try to cope in many different ways. Through all the pain and tears, regrets, hopes and grappling with my brother in laws recent death, there is one thing that was never tempting:I haven’t …

John, Angie & Jesus

Recently, someone we met at church years ago, passed away. She was an incredible lady, happy, loving and full of beans. Although very slight in build, she came across as very strong and was certainly brave. She would talk to anybody about Jesus and often handed out Gospel tracts. We had only run into her once since Her husband, John, passed away – she was still full of love for her Saviour. As my parents had attended her funeral, they bought us a booklet printed by the family, chronicling parts of her life. Two parts had me riveted: 1) Angie’s …

My Mother in Law – An Amazing Lady

An incredibly hard week and even harder day, the funeral of my mother in law, Teresa. I am so proud of Sharmini and the strength she showed in the preparation for the funeral despite the emotional pain of loosing her mum. Then showing such courage and sharing so deeply about her mum at the funeral. Also very proud of our children, from feeling with the emotional pain of loosing their beloved Nanna, to supporting Sharmini and extra chores while their mum travelled to make continual visits, to one of them postponing their birthday, to 4 of sharing at the funeral …