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Tag: <span>provision</span>

Tag: provision

Toranas Holdens and Jesus!

It’s actually quite sad when I look back…  Tonight, I was sharing with someone some elements of my former life (before Jesus), and specifically, my love of old Holdens / Toranas.  I loved them so much I had ‘shrines’ in my house with all kinds of rare collectibles. I owned literally hundreds of them and built a business around them: selling parts & repairing them. At one stage, I wouldn’t even allow people to park on my property if they weren’t in a Holden.  It seems *so* ridiculous now – I mean *WHO CARES??!!* Sure I still like the look …


Another example how ridiculous God is at a garage sale after church… I saw an office printer that I thought might be a good deal, but decided I would wait before asking him the price to get a good deal. Before I had a chance he tried to sell it to me, offering it at a song – but I was more interested in talking to him about Jesus. He shared how he used to be a drug addict and was quite sure he had found freedom. After talking for a while it was evident he had just exchanged addictions …

Sometimes God’s provision sucks!

God promises to provide all that we need: And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 Is this a promise of financial prosperity or ‘blessing’? I would argue it can mean the opposite at times. Sometimes what we need is a life hardship to get our attention, to see things differently, to change our ways. Sometimes our comfort leads us to apathy or worse, neglect. A loving Father will see that and do what doesn’t feel nice for the …

Bus – to be or not to be

With both vehicles off the road, we were stranded. What could be an intense and stressful time was far from that…In the past, we would have had at the very least a few hours, though more likely a number of days of stress in thsi situation. Sharmini had failed to tick a box on the change of address form leading to the car being unlicensed. This would either be the end of the road for this vehicle or it would be time and money to fix – both of which are in short supply. And I had failed to check …

Composting Toilet Base

Today we battled the rain to finish the base for the composting toilets. While we never planned to have a base under the toilets, a series of ‘coincidences’ led to a rather remarkable outcome… We have opted to use composting toilets in the building we are working on. They use no water, the by products are safer and better for the ground and the set up cost is exponentially lower than septics / sewerage. The problem for composting toilets often comes due to lack of planning. The cost effective units need a space under the slab to sit under where …

A property in Sovereign Hill?

We had always loved the area around Guilderton. We regularly camped on the beach in the area and tried to whenever possible. So we looked at looked for properties in the area. From Woodridge to Guilderton to Redfield Park to Sovereign Hill to Seabird and further east – to Gingin, Beermullah are beyond. There was a big jump from large farm type properties to the smaller semi suburban lots.Woodridge was well established but we couldn’t afford it. Sovereign Hill was smaller lots (2.5 acres) and scrubby like bush, Guilderton was more holiday tpe housesout of our price range. Redfield Park …