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Tag: <span>God’s Love</span>

Tag: God’s Love

Christmas 2024

I hope you all have a truly blessed Christmas, with family, friends, both or neither. Whether you are in a valley or season of blessing, my prayer is that you would experience a deeper revelation of God’s love… His love is evident everywhere, but most notably it has been revealed by the gift of His Son, Jesus – the King & Creator of all.  Not only did Jesus give up His divine privileges, leave His home in Heaven and visit us on earth in frailty…He also lived sin free and willingly let Himself be unjustly condemned, tortured, murdered and separated from …

Ever wondered how much God loves you? 

Ever wondered how much God loves you? You can find out…  Think about writing down every sin you have ever committed – everything. Every time you have lied, every time you have dishonoured your parents. Every time you have put yourself before God or others, every time you have lusted / fornicated, every time you have been angry at someone…  Now think about how serious those sins are to God: He *HATES* all sin. It is grotesque to Him. Think of how angry He should be at you for sinning, deliberately ignoring and going against the very One who gave you …

Remember Me – 2024 Remembrance Day

It is so easy to forget the sacrifice of others…  Your parents time in raising & training you, work in housing & feeding you, money in educating & clothing you…  Your grandparents who spent time with you, teachers who went the extra mile for you, bosses who overlooked your mistakes…  And even if that is not your reality, there are hundreds of thousands of people that willingly sacrificed for you:  Separated from their families & friendsLiving in horrendous conditions, no beds, out in the cold / rain, not even taking their boots & socks off for weeks at a timeWorking …

Out in the cold – A cold call.

This morning a parcel arrived for a neighbour. Normally, one or more of us would run it over to them right away. But this wasn’t a normal day.  A number of urgent jobs took far longer than planned, and soon it was getting dark. As I walked into the house, I saw the parcel and didn’t realise the next thought I had could have led to someone dying.  “We will sort it tomorow”  It was cold & drizzling with rain – the neighbour may not even be there. I was sore, we were all tired & cold.  But thankfully, I …

I love you, son. How connection with the Father changes *everything*

“I love you son”  A short sentence that you can say in less than a second, but it can change a persons day, life and destiny. Have you received these words? Or do you need to say them?  I personally never heard them from my biological father: in fact, the last time I spoke to him he said:  “I never wanted a son and I still don’t. Please don’t contact me again Adam”  That was the last time I talked to my ‘dad’ – I honoured his wish: As far as I know he is now dead…  I had met …

The Procession – will you be in it?

Yesterday, I saw a glimpse of something very powerful: It was of a day that is actually coming. A day where there will be a great procession of people. A GREAT procession… It will leave the (even the pre-Covid) Olympics for dead, it will be VAST in size! The people in this procession will be from every country, every nation, every type, every tribe, every colour. In the middle of this procession, the Creator of the universe – Jesus – in human form. Every human who has ever lived on the planet – past, present and future – will be …

My Reality this Mothers Day

Today, as I reflect on Mothers Day it brings many mixed emotions and great memories. Lots of joy, happiness, surprises, but also disappointment, sadness and grief. I look back into my childhood and all I wanted was love and attention. I remember giving my gifts to my mum that I made at school…always wondering how would they be received? Would they be good enough? As the years went on, as a teenager who now “knew everything” and was earning money, I would look for something that was expensive enough to show her love the only way I knew how.  I …

God’s Love Letter to you.

This letter reflects the truth of God’s love for you. If He could fulfil one thing, it would be that you know and experience His great love for you. He has already done a lot for this to happen: including sending His Son to die for you… Hello My child, this is Me, God: your real dad. I formed you in your mothers womb, creating you just the way I wanted. With care and deliberate thought, I fashioned you. I loved what I saw and I still do. I made you to be a little like Me. You’re made in …