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The significance of 31

The significance of 31

31 – it’s the age I was 15 years ago! Hard to believe, but 31 has a lot more significance than that… 
It’s also the number of babies that have survived an abortion attempt in Western Australia:  Born alive and able to live, they were left to slowly die. That’s right – in this world where people are up in arms if you smack a child, or kill a fox, or cut down a tree that a bird might live in… trained doctors and nurses stood back and did nothing as a helpless babies struggled in pain and slowly died. 

As barbaric, sickening and sad as this is – it’s only the tip of the iceberg of the evil that is happening. Many of the politicians from the major parties actually support this horror. 
End the babies life right up to the day of birth for any reason they say is ok! Some think it should extend even further (just let that sink in!!.  

A beating heart? Who cares! Can feel pain? So what? Can survive outside the womb and can hear and understand its’ mums emotions? That really doesn’t matter: the mother should always have the right to kill whatever she her free choice has created. 

Labour and the Greens also want to ensure that taxpayers foot the bill for all abortions. Not only should people not have to take responsibility for the life they created, they should get someone else to pay the bill! While we are at the new tax table, why don’t we make it free for anyone who wants surgery to try to change their gender?  

Yep, I put up with agony for 25 years, completely crippled for 12 months waiting for surgery to help me get back to some kind of liveable state, but someone who is unable to accept their gender? They must get free surgery NOW! Don’t worry that history shows they will still be unhappy and suicidal – that is something that our tax dollars should pay for. 

Sorry for harping on – this issue really gets me. How can a loving and accepting society be willing to allow such horrendous deeds? We should know better and we should be vocal about standing up for those who truly have no voice.  


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