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Tag: <span>History</span>

Tag: History

Octavian versus Jesus who is a son of God?

Listening today of some light history about one of the worlds most powerful leaders: Augustus, also known as Octavian… He was an incredible ruler: defeating the determined armies to ensure Rome would become an imperial empire.  Claiming to be the saviour of the world, he promised peace (through violence) and prosperity: a golden age. His influence so great that glimpses of his political structures are still evident today in many countries.  But the thing that is almost incomprehensible to me: he is virtually unknown as far as famous history figures go. The law demanded everyone to worship him as a ‘son …

What was Jesus crucifixion really like?

At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death. At the time, crucifixion was the most painful and humiliating method of killing available. It was designed for the worst criminals and those the Romans wanted to make an example of. As it so happened, there were 3 people they wanted to make an example of on this day: (not theives as traditionally mentioned) they were revolutionaries, insurrectionists . They wanted to bring down Rome’s domination & occupation of Jerusalem and used violence to achieve it. They were rebels and Rome was about to show what happens when you dare …

Anzac Day 2023

Over the last few months, we have been learning about different periods of history, specifically about war between different nations.  One of the things that has been amazing to me, is just how many wars there have been throughout history. So many, that times without war really stand out – periods of peace are actually *very* rare.  So much death, so much horror it just beggars belief.  But here, in the West, living in this time, it is easy to naively start to take our freedoms for granted. I know I did… As a raging alcoholic all I cared about was …

Homeschool Play: His story

Yesterday I watched an incredibly powerful play put on by a group of homeschoolers. It traced just a few events in history that had a dramatic effect on the world I grew up in and still live in today.  They are events that still clearly reveal that our current world would be in a *much* worse place if our current cultural attitudes were allowed to flourish.  It showed how certain practises (like torture killing of criminals, forced sale of young girls for sex), perceived as fine by the culture, were ended due to the influence on One person. The ramifications …

Passover 2014 – the Meal

It’s Easter – a time where we often spend more time acting Jewish than Christian (sort of!). Today we had our 2nd ‘Cedar Meal’ or passover feast… Topic: Celebrating what God did and has done! Scripture(s): Exodus 1 – 14:4 Notes: The story of the Passover (and indeed all of Israel’s history) is incredible and riveting to adults and children. There is so much to learn about what they did (and how we do the same), the consequences they suffer (which we do too) and God’s character of love and forgiveness despite our constant bad choices. As there is a …

The Slavery of Sugar

There is a lot of talk about sugar and it’s addictive qualities at the moment. While I agree that there are dangers of consuming too much refined sugar, the link between sugar and slavery has another, often overlooked, and possibly more powerful link… While many hold to a relative, social based (or humanistic) moral code, we don’t have to look far to see the results of this belief. When we base our morals on what we see around us, an ‘internal check’ or social norms, many terrible things can and do occur. Slavery is a obvious example. Only a couple …