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Tag: <span>faith</span>

Tag: faith

It’s the presence, NOT the presents…

No matter what present/s you received today, *none* will fulfil for long. Within days, weeks or months that thing you love will be worn out, rusted, broken, worthless, lost, stolen or forgotten. There’s only One gift that can fulfil forever: forgiveness and eternal life.  This is the presence of the One who arrived in a manger, determined to die according to the will of God the Father. You either have this gift for free through Jesus or don’t have it at all. You can’t earn it or loose it.  Do you have it or are you deceived, distracted or disbelieving? Your actions, who you love …

When you ‘can’t’ be born again…

Today, I was contacted by someone wanting to purchase something. Within a few minutes, we were talking about Jesus…  He asked me “are you born again?”. “Yes” I answered,” I was born again 23 years ago when Jesus rescued me off a cliff…”  I asked him and he replied that his wife, who had now passed away, was born again but he ‘couldn’t be’. I asked what he meant. His answer saddened and angered me…  He had attended many meetings with his late wife, mentioning the name of a particular (Charismatic type) church. They had prayed over him and talked …

How many who think they have a good religion are hiding from the true God

False religions are everywhere. It is a bizarre reality – with so many different camps believing they are the ones that are correct. Who is right? Who is wrong? The answer is quite simple, but will likely surprise you… Make sure you are in the right camp!

Jesus is *the* King!

You’ve heard some Jesus freaks say it…well maybe you haven’t – but you should have!  Jesus Christ is Lord!  But for those of us who never grew up in English Manor life of the1800’s, what does it actually mean?  Let’s break it down:    Jesus: An everyday, unattractive, Jewish man who lived from 4AD to 30AD. Much has been written about His life & death, with the Bible claiming He rose from the dead.  Numerous specific prophecies thousands of years earlier predicted His very unusual and now famous birth: Born in a manger (animal food trough). Born in Bethlehem, Called a …

When TRY TRY AGAIN doesn’t work

How we normally put all our effort in the wrong place and fail…Today we were thinking about the disciples – in particular Simon Peter and how his life is an example for us to follow, but only in some ways!  Simon Peter followed Jesus for years, saw the miracles and heard Him preach many, many sermons. Some teachings were abstract and others, very, very direct, like this: Matthew 10:32-34“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in …

Head v’s Heart

Topic: Two different types of belief… Scripture(s): Romans 10:9-10 Getting to the heart of belief. Notes: The Bible verses are included below, but it is more beneficial to read any verses from an actual Bible – or better yet, have the children read from their own. We recommend the NLT (New Living Translation – Tyndale Publishers) which is easy to read but very accurate. If you don’t have one please let us know as we may be able to help. Description Sharmini has long had a love of art. She draws & creates things that reflect what she is feeling …

When will it end?

  The Big M (4) – ‘dad will we have finished building the house by the time I’m the Jman’s age(9)? Doubling your age to the completion of a project is huge…5 years is a looong time to a 4 year old! I know how he feels – at the end of a long hard week with virtually no progress in building, health and financial issues and an ever approaching deadline it can seem impossible. At times it is hard to cling to hope through the sickness, pain and trials. But I’m finding more and more, despite the current circumstances …

A property in Sovereign Hill?

We had always loved the area around Guilderton. We regularly camped on the beach in the area and tried to whenever possible. So we looked at looked for properties in the area. From Woodridge to Guilderton to Redfield Park to Sovereign Hill to Seabird and further east – to Gingin, Beermullah are beyond. There was a big jump from large farm type properties to the smaller semi suburban lots.Woodridge was well established but we couldn’t afford it. Sovereign Hill was smaller lots (2.5 acres) and scrubby like bush, Guilderton was more holiday tpe housesout of our price range. Redfield Park …