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Tag: <span>business</span>

Tag: business

Toranas Holdens and Jesus!

It’s actually quite sad when I look back…  Tonight, I was sharing with someone some elements of my former life (before Jesus), and specifically, my love of old Holdens / Toranas.  I loved them so much I had ‘shrines’ in my house with all kinds of rare collectibles. I owned literally hundreds of them and built a business around them: selling parts & repairing them. At one stage, I wouldn’t even allow people to park on my property if they weren’t in a Holden.  It seems *so* ridiculous now – I mean *WHO CARES??!!* Sure I still like the look …

What you focus on today will affect all your tomorrows

It is amazing how easy it is to put things off: until tomorrow, next week, next month, next year…  Whether it is eating healthier, exercising (more), education, time with God, spouse, children, parents etc, there is only one time to start: NOW!  Let’s be clear: what you put your time and effort into today, will be reflected in all your tomorrows.  If your time and focus is on your friends, your friendships will grow, maybe at the detriment of your career.  If you spend more time with this person or that than your spouse, your marriage will be at risk.  If …

What is bad for business, but good for customers?

Today we tidied a small part of the office – but a very vital one…In the small business we run, we often post items out all over Australia and the world. We have a variety of accounts with different freight companies and there are a large number variables in the method – but one thing is constant: Every single order gets a tract, message, book or gift as we feel is appropriate – what we feel God wants for that person. Sometimes, just sometimes, we put an item or gift in the package that is worth more than the total …