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Tag: <span>Australia</span>

Tag: Australia

The Greens – Environmental Communism

Reading through some of the Greens policies, determined to find some ‘good’. I agree with some of their aims, however the methods to get there are at times absurd.  A number of their policies sum it up for me, one is:  “reform electoral law to allow young people aged 16 and 17 to vote” Seriously? Surely everyone can see that *very* few 16-17 years old have any clue of life, let alone how to run a country or get a culture to thrive?  I would argue the exact opposite: that no one should be forced to vote and only those …

Why won’t Trump enter WW3 – what a BABY!

Scrolling social media, it seems that stacks of people are wanting WW3 to start:  This week on my social feeds I have seen Trump being accused of being juvenile, racist, narcissistic, homophobic, blind, stupid and evil among many. People I consider friends have boldly stated publicly that all Trump supporters are blind and / or brainwashed. Post after post criticising Trump for not bowing down to Zelenskies demands for the US to jump in and fight against a nuclear Russia…why?! Ignoring the fact that Zelensky agreed to a deal & then waited to back out in front of live cameras …

When reporters show their true colours.

I am not sure why so many Christians are up in arms about a woman saying Mary should have aborted Jesus. What do we expect from people who love sin and are spiritually blind / dead? Did we not love sin & hate what was good before Jesus opened our eyes / changed our hearts? I know for one I did. The Bible is so clear on how confused and blind people are: He literally abandons them to their own foolishness. (Scripture below). When I think back at how ridiculous my own beliefs were before Jesus changed me I am …


The Death of the West – Why my grandchildren will never know the Australia I love

History throughout all of known history has confirmed something very sobering: No culture has ever survived more than 100 years after the point the West reached in 1970. Every single one has been destroyed – wiped off the face of the map – for good. If we don’t want this to happen to the West, we had better understand -at the very least – what the indicators are!

Worse than the death of a child: Lindy Chamberlain and the Dingo

Suffering the loss of a child is one of the most painful human emotional experiences for a parent. But imagine, knowing it was a violent death and then being accused of being the one who did it.  That was the plight of Lindy Chamberlain: after witnessing a dingo take her baby from a tent, she was found guilty of murdering her baby and then spent 4 years in jail before new evidence led to her release.  It would be 26 years later before the real cause of death to her beloved baby was a dingo. What a tragic and emotionally crushing …

Australia Day 2022 – Are you ready for the end of Australia as we know it?

This Australia Day, I gleaned a little from some of the mainstream media across the country and world. It is quite interesting to see just how clear the agenda of each news outlet is: many owned by the same umbrella company or person. They are very clever at the way they reach their target market and influence them towards the set agenda.  Of course, the position of the vast majority is that of the left, liberal or progressive ideals that will chop away at the country we love. (If you can’t handle that truth – I suggest you stop reading!) …

The Fence Guy

So, the other day I had to force myself to drive the bus to get it relicensed (I’m sure I will still be taking cars over the pits at 95 if I last that long!)…Driving along the freeway, we passed a vehicle with a flat tyre & stopped to help.I hobble over on crutches & meet the guy, very thankful, saying he doesn’t have a wheel brace. After searching high & low, we discover we don’t either(!). So, standing there on crutches, next to a car with flat tyre and spare wheel I start trying to wave down vehicles with …