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Nativity #25 Presenting my BEST self

Nativity #25 Presenting my BEST self

This self contained nativity is quite strange…

First off, the figure of Joseph seems to be admiring Himself in the mirror. Despite the fact that the very Son of God, Creator in a human body is before Him, he is looking at himself! 

This reminds me of just how vain, fake and hypocritical we are at times. Compare this to any, hubby bowing to her Son, and it becomes quite stark. 

Unfortunately, I see this in myself and many men in our culture: while the woman seeks God, studies, surrounds herself with Godly accountability, the man may present well, but really be self (or money) serving. 

“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Matthew 6:24 (NLT)

Are we willing to ignore, submit and humble ourselves this Christmas in order to see Jesus for who He is? To bow down and worship the King, to follow Him and reflect His love and Truth to those around us? 

Or are we happy to present the facade? 

“For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.”  Mark 4:22 (NLT)

On a related note, the face of Jesus has nothing but admiration towards His father. A reminder that we, as humans, have an innocent adoration of our father, even if he wrongs us. This is an amazing reality, that when dealt with can free us from much. 

It also speaks of Jesus’ incredible grace despite His knowledge. He knows what we have done, ho owe have sinned & failed Him, yet he looks at us with love.

#unworthy #thankYouJesus. 

“But you offer forgiveness,
that we might learn to fear you.”  Psalms 130:4 (NLT)


Jesus Nativity its not about Him

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