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Besides religion, what else is a scam to trick people

Besides religion, what else is a scam to trick people

If you are an atheist, a thinking person, you should be able to read to the end…experiences tells me you won’t.

I just saw a post that something like:

“Besides religion, what else is a scam to trick people” 

Well, what about:

Culture telling you money, success & selfish gratification will be fulfilling. 
Virtually every politician (or political party) that lie to get your vote. 
Climate ‘specialists’ who tell you tax will save the planet 
Known hoaxes in science lessons being used to support evolutionary theory 
Atheists telling you religion causes death & is illogical
Scientists acknowledging all evidence points towards an Intelligent Designer, but denying ‘he’ exists 
Comedians (and shows) scoffing at Christians or belief in “God” 
Environmentalists stating electric cars & wind turbines will help with ‘global warming’
eBay / Facebook adverts that claiming x,y,z but delivering ZERO
Family members or spouses that promise everything but later turn on you 

It could be argued that your *whole* life is a scam. Your parents, teachers, friends, government, TV shows, movies, ‘news’, social media, ALL OF IT has been trying to dupe you.

And it has likely worked as it plays in to your internal prejudice. 

You don’t *want* there to be a ‘God’, so you gravitate towards positions & evidence that you think backs that up. Your bias is normally clearly seen by what you post & like on social media. 

Sin feels good – very good, so we don’t want to accept the fact that a ‘god’ will judge us. It is easier to reject the whole premise – we are all just the meaningless result of random chance with no purpose or significance. 

But none of that makes a scrap of difference to actual Truth, to facts, to where the evidence points. 
Truth, on the other hand, is presented in some religions and has for thousands of years. A thinking mind will be able to assess the claims & make an informed choice. 

Prejudice or ignorant people will just ignore evidence & continue to purport fallacies. 

Others, raised in false religions, will blindly keep following, supporting and even killing in the name of their ‘God’. 

You’d be wise to look objectively. 



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