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The day I thought I would die…

The day I thought I would die…

I will never forget the memory of an intense argument. It affected my soul so much – my stomach was tense, my whole being in desperate fear. I actually thought I was going to die.

Looking back – most people I know would say that I should have died. More accurately, they would say I should have been killed. 

I was going to be born to a woman who’s partner was an alcoholic. He was bad news, offered her nothing – no support, no care. The woman already had two children to a previous relationship. This baby would push her over the edge. It was a no-brainer. Kill the baby! 

But that woman, my mother, resisted the urge. She carried me full term and did her best to give me a chance at life. I am now a husband of a woman of 18+ years. I am the father of 6 children. I try to help people where possible. I love life and try to be a positive part of society.  I am very grateful that my mother resisted the easy and selfish option to kill me. 

But what of that day I remembered I was going to die? I was less than 8 months old. Not 8 months AFTER BIRTH, but 8 months since conception. I was not yet born, yet I could hear and feel. I was scared for my life as my biological father and my mother argued. 

I have witnessed many other people remember & experience events before their birth. Of course, each time (including my own), I was sceptical and had to find out to see if there was any truth behind it. I mean OF COURSE this was made up right? NOPE. Each and every time the parents confirmed that the way the ‘foetus’, the clump of cells, remembered the event, it was 100% accurate. 

This clump of cells could feel & interpret the life around them. They were aware of the atmosphere and interactions of people outside the womb! Killing these little beings means more than you can think. 

Here’s the PHYSICAL progression of a human…the SPIRITUAL reality is far, far more eye opening and powerful. May we ALWAYS choose to protect and provide for the truly vulnerable in our society. 


Baby development unborn

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