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The Chosen reply to LightHouseTrail article.

The Chosen reply to LightHouseTrail article.

 Is ‘Lighthousetrailresearch’ concerned about truth? Consistent with the stances in this article?

If yes:

– Any church, ministry, film or business where the ceos or producers have any friends or partners or staff that do not hold to the same spiritual and religious views must be avoided. 

– No film or sermon should be watched unless it uses the Biblical text verbatim. Or where the actors do not hold to strict protestant Christian beliefs. Or where the producers have any relationships that are ‘unequally yoked’

– All films should be avoided as they have seductive ability. (Or is this only for ‘Christian’ films!?) 

– Any business, film, school or entity should be avoided if it uses marketing for people to find their service. 

– Ministries that desire to see many people come to Christ (revival), should be avoided & are part of the ‘deception’. 

– Movies have the ability to ‘walk the world and the church into a deadly trap’, does this mean God is not sovereign??

Are people that come to faith in Jesus because of the Chosen saved? Is Jesus powerful enough to reveal Himself through this medium or only through the Bible / translation of LHT choosing? 

(Should Christians break fellowship with other believers who ‘indulge’ in watching the Chosen?)

Where is the line: People who call Jesus ‘Jesus’ instead of ‘Yeshua’? Should we judge, criticise or break relationship with them too? 

Often theological differences can not be settled with 100% accuracy anyway, both sides supported by scripture.

Jesus said that our *love* for each other will show the world that we are His. 

Is *love* what we are showing the world with derision, attacks and breaking of relationship? Or was Jesus speaking of unity despite differences, love of those who don’t hold to the same? 

None of us came to perfect theology in one sitting – at what level of ‘good’ theology do we need to reach before we are (a) saved and (b) able to share with others? 

Why use our time and energy to attack other believers while the world slips away into depression, addiction, delusion, suicide and ultimately, hell?

“The scriptures are living and breathing, after studying for years it still speaks to me. If I had known that scene would be taken as pro LDS, I would have put a disclaimer. I want Mormons and Evangelicals to be very cautious and go to scripture. I don’t know what you guys in the LDS believe but, while there are nuances, we largely believe that Jesus as the son of God didn’t have a lot to learn.”  

– Dallas Jenkins

Get with it Christian – if you *really* are His – start acting like it and spreading His Truth & love. Stop attacking brothers over inconsequential details – He is at work through ALL of our feeble attempts… 

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. 

– 1 Corinthians 15:58 

Yours in Jesus / Yeshua, Christ the King,

– Adam 

“Lord help us to see You for who You are and help us to share Your truth with convict8on and clarity to *everyone* around *all the time*. Thank You for saving us despite our lack of knowledge and understanding. Please help us to see the Truth that unites instead of Pharisaical derision. Be glorified in our lives…”  

“ Regarding the newest defense effort—”not produced by Mormons”—it is inarguable that the series is heavily influenced, financed, advertised, promoted, supervised, inspired—and produced by practicing Mormons. Thus, it is misleading, evasive, and wrong to say it is “not produced by Mormons” because that is purporting that Mormons have nothing to do with the creation and production of The Chosen.

While The Chosen may not appear to be a “Mormon production,” this series could not have been created, produced, promoted, and distributed without significant involvement from Mormons (who, by the way, are major shareholders (owners) of The Chosen, LLC.).” 

So, from this 2nd paragraph, you seem to allude to the fact that it is NOT produced by Mormons? Yet your very title (and the paragraph before) says the opposite? Which is it? Was it *produced* by Mormons? Or funded by them? For an article that pro-ports to reveal truth, this is baffling. 

“Thus, it is misleading, evasive, and wrong to say it is “not produced by Mormons” because that is purporting that Mormons have nothing to do with the creation and production of The Chosen.” 

‘Produced by’ does not mean ‘had nothing to do with the creation of’. A producer has a specific role. Why is this conflated in the article? Is it division for the sake of division??

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