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Boycott Israel / the Jews??

Passing through Leederville (W.A) the other night, I briefly took my two youngest through the skate park. All over the place was blatant antisemitism.

These people seem oblivious to the fact they are falling for terrorists propaganda & spreading hatred & racism. Talk about hypocrisy! So sad that one people group has so much racism directed against it that it has its own term. 

It seems that many leftists are quite ok with terrorism, kidnapping, rape and murder if it is against those they disagree with. 

Thankfully, for now at least, our culture is based on what Jesus modelled: that all humans have intrinsic worth as they are made in the image of God. 

I hope we continue to listen otherwise genocide, war and collapse of culture are all that remain. 

Antisemitism Zionists winning propaganda Hamas Palestine