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Tag: <span>heaven</span>

Tag: heaven

Are you Born Again? Quick test…

Are you born again? “Unless you are born again, you can not see the Kingdom of God”   – Jesus If we are born again…  1) Our view of Jesus will change: He is the Creator, the Everlasting God, yet became human, lived sin free, died a crimes death on the cross and then rose from the dead. He now reigns in Heaven & will return to bring all of creation under His rule.  2) Conviction of Sin: Instead of thinking we are good, God will open our eyes to understand that we are saturated with sin, opposed to Holy God, …

Have you been Born Again?

4 Areas to assess if you are born again: Our view of JesusConviction of Sin Genuine Repentance Transformation: Assurance of Salvation / Adoption / Love / Obedience & Discipleship / Peace / Humility / Forgiving Others Jesus said you can not see His Kingdom unless you are born again, so knowing this is *very* important, especially as the Bible says we are so good (and persistent) at deceiving ourselves.   Each of the 4 points addresses a different aspect – you need to look at all four to be sure!  Bookmark this page & come back often!    1) It is *ALL* about Jesus! …