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True Foundations

True Foundations

An activity to illustrate the need to be sure of our true foundations – not just what we think is true! This activity shows clearly that we can be wrong – very wrong – and the consequences are huge. But it was FUN!

True Foundations

Topic: Making sure your foundation is what you think it is


Scripture: Matthew 6:22-23

For-note: The Bible verses are included at the bottom for this who don’t have a Bible.
It is much more beneficial to read directly from a Bible – or better yet, have the children read from their own. We recommend the New Living Translation (NLT) which is easy to read but very accurate. If you don’t have one please let us know as we may be able to help.

It is very easy to believe that we have everything right. In fact, as the Bible says “People may be pure in their own eyes, but the LORD examines their motives” and “They are pure in their own eyes, but they are filthy and unwashed” (Proverbs 16:2, 30:12) – so we need to test that we actually have truth (Acts 17:11) and are not deceived.

I gave the kids a task – to get one section each and then return. They were to build a mini lego house in less than 2 minutes. One would get the roof, one the walls and so on. This house was to be used as part of the lesson but it was also a distraction so I could prepare the rest of the ‘props’.

I snuck out to prepare the main ‘prop’. It was a fairly simple idea…

I got a cardboard box and filled it with sand – but placed a pole in the middle that went to the bottom. On top of the pole I place a flat rock, then buried the rock with a little more sand. This ‘rock’ would look strong form the top, but really was just balanced on a pole and surrounded by sand…

I went back inside and continued the lesson:

First we talked about the house on the rock, foundations and the like. We have talked extensively about these things in the last few months as we have been preparing the foundation to our house – and it is BIG!

So now the fun bit – 2 minutes to build a house – GO!

Once they were finished I led them out to the prepared box with their ‘house’.

Next to the box, we talked about whether it would be wise to build inside the box…- ‘nope it’s all sand’. So what would we do if we owned a property and it was all sand and wanted to build a house? We would look for rock to build on!

I explained that we need to look for ‘rock’ in this box – they were allowed to blow with straws or an electric blower or use one hand gently to remove sand to try to find a solid foundation to build on. They soon discovered the ‘rock’ and cleared it enough to see it was flat and big enough for their lego house.

Now I asked them if this was a solid foundation, making their house strong? Of course! They were all excited as they knew testing this would be fun! So then I asked what came next in Jesus’ parable?
Wind & rain…we would just use wind! I got one of them to hold the blower and start blowing sand from around the foundation of the house. Then I ripped the box down each corner.

As the sand was blown away, the ‘foundation’ stone started to stick out of the sand – then we could see the pole, then the stone looked very precarious, then it all collapsed. Photo below was just as it collapsed!

Inside for the lesson!
Temception – the temple of deception.

Conclusion: Always look deeper – things are not always as they seem!

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