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For my birthday….

For my birthday….

What do I want for my birthday you ask? 

= That’s easy: ‘For you to follow Jesus…’ 

It is simple, but not that easy. 
It sounds like religion, but is actually a relationship. 
It can cost you everything, but you gain even more. 
It starts with Jesus’ death, but ends in eternal life: 

This poor servant child was really the King.
Appearing as human, He was actually God. 
Tempted and attacked, He was never sinning. 
Dying on the cross, He was actually winning

Rising from death, people wanted Him to rule. 
Instead, He went back to heaven where He waits.
Always available giving peace, wisdom and love…
Helping us serve, until He returns from above. 

Everything to gain and nothing to loose, 
Let it be today that you finally choose! 
There’s overwhelming evidence to back His claims. 
Trusting Him you’ll forever be done with shame.

Seriously, your life is not a joke or a waste. 
Don’t make this ultimate decision in haste. 
He has the answer to every hesitation, 
And may even use you for your nation. 

Not for everyone, He has selected a few. 
It all hinges on this God-man, so you can be new. 
Never alone, get ready for the exciting ride. 
Always by your side, in Him you will abide. 

Are you ready? 

Always Follow Jesus!
(start right now)


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