You may be surprised at what some people think about Jesus:
‘the brother of the devil’ = Mormon teaching
’the sin-free prophet of Allah’ = Muslim teaching
‘a Reiki healing master’ = Reiki teaching
‘a servant, a lesser ‘god’ = Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching
‘an amazing moral teacher’ = Philosophers teaching
‘an unparalleled historical figure’ = Historians / Archeologists teaching
’the son of the blessed Mary’ = Catholic teaching
‘one of millions of gods’ = Hindu teaching
‘a myth’ = Atheists’ claim contrary to all evidence
Many groups try to claim Jesus as part of their field / religion, yet miss the Truth. Zealots from all are adamant in their claims, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
But the Truth is far more powerful:
– there is more written about Jesus than any other character in ancient history.
– our whole dating system can be traced back to Jesus’ birth.
– cultures and languages across the globe have been influenced positively by Jesus.
– many people claim that Jesus changed them and are willing to worship Him.
Put simply, it is because Jesus, although being an actual historical person, moral teacher, healer and prophet, is *far* more than just those things:
He is the King & Creator of everything – and the One that God promised would come. But even those who believed God’s prophecies weren’t ready for Him…
They, like us, misinterpreted what God said as they wanted something different for themselves than what was offered.
They wanted freedom from oppression or addiction or financial stress or hardship. The expected this King to act in the worlds ways, with their agenda in their timing.
They got frustrated with Him, bored, angry – some so angry – that they had Him tortured and killed.
But far from this being the end, this death was all part of the plan.
This forecast Saviour, having been born to a virgin, was not born under the curse of sin. He was able to resist all temptation and live perfectly – sin free – up until His death.
Dying a criminals death on a cross, He took on *all* sin – yours and mine included – suffering the wrath of God for it. He was punished by God as if He had committed our sins and was even separated from Him, dying alone and in agony.
But this was still not the end…this incredible event broke the power of sin & death and purchased freedom for *all* who would ever trust in Him. He defeated death and rose back to life!
Don’t get duped into ignoring or perverting who Jesus is & what He has done. Many religions (mis)use Him to serve their own agenda. To avoid all these traps it’s simple:
“Always follow Jesus!”
Not the Watchtower, not your churches teaching, not the ‘apostles’ or ‘prophets’ of your religion, not hearsay, but follow Him. He is Truth, He is *the* Way and the Life.