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Trans’ phobia of Christ

Trans’ phobia of Christ

So a group of transexuals / homosexuals think it is ok to deliberately and knowingly offend billions of people publicly. Shaking ‘their’ fist at the God who created humans, defined marriage & assigned the genders…What could go wrong?! 

Even if you have no understanding that virtually every benefit & blessing we have in our Western culture is because of Jesus and His impact (welfare for the underprivileged, comprehensive healthcare, value of all human life, universal education, science & hygiene etc etc), *surely* you don’t think it is ok to deliberately offend a group of people on their beliefs? 

Aren’t these the people demanding, I mean promoting and championing love & acceptance? We are told we must not only accept but call ’them’ by illogical and incorrect terms, but being Christophobic is apparently ok? To me, it just proves yet again that the Bible was correct all along… 

Jesus is *the* Truth, and those that love this world, sin, will hate Him. I used to too. 

I discovered (*just* before it was too late), that open rebellion to God can only end One Way…with judgment. Thankfully, the One they hate, offers a Way, the only Way, out.

He took that judgment on Himself: He was treated as if He had lived your life, so you can be treated as if you had lived His life. That is the most amazing transaction known, available only through faith (not religion) – it can not be earned. None of us are any better, stooped in sin & evil to our core before His grace started to awaken & transform us. 

May we be bold in our response, shouting louder what He has whispered so powerfully to us. 

#thankYouJesus for Your love and grace. Thank You for your faithfulness. Thank You for Your gift of life, please make it real to these precious souls despite their insolence. Help us to see them, all people, as precious and made in Your image. 


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