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Trans Last Supper Backfires – Revives Jesus!

Trans Last Supper Backfires – Revives Jesus!

It’s old news that a group of trans people decided it was ok to deliberately try to offend Jesus and His followers. 

I’m sure they never imagined the response and I’m not talking about city-wide blackouts, rail sabotage, constant rain, mayhem at the soccer or even the (fake report) of tens of thousands that worshipped Jesus on the streets in response. 

I’m talking about the way that the event has piqued the interested of millions of people wondering what ‘the Last Supper’ is all about. Even generic terms like “Jesus” have spiked… 

Transgender people get millions to search for Jesus


You see, God can not be mocked. No matter how disgusting you find some of the lewd acts certain people like to force others to watch, Jesus’ death was far, far worse. He was humiliated far more than any group could do no matter their intent, bigotry or hatred. 

The original event, as Jesus died, in agony with huge chunks of flesh missing from all over His body would have been grotesque like no other. Shamed in front of His community & family, hanging naked with derogatory comments & disdain from all angles. 

You may wonder why this character, the very Son of the One true God, the Creator, was in this horrific state. The answer is as horrific as the event itself: because of sin – your sin and my sin. God was punishing Him for OUR SIN. 

We sinned, Jesus paid the fine. He did it willingly. He did it knowing you would sin, knowing you would reject Him. He did it because He knew the love that God Father had for you and I. God’s love was so immense, so pure, that He wanted to forgive a group of people completely, so they would become part of His family. 

The last supper, just before His death, was an intimate meal with some representatives of this new ‘family’, where Jesus explained the power & position of these redeemed souls. They would be ‘married’ to the One that rescued them, adopted into God’s family to be with Him forever. They would get to experience life the way it was originally intended – without pain, without grief, without death or sickness, depression or loneliness, without the reason for any of that – sin. 

The victory over al those things has already been paid for, by Jesus. All that is left is for Him to come back for those who have accepted His gift..will you?

Transgender Last Supper Ressurects Jesus


Transgender Last Supper Revives Jesus

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