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The New Nature

The New Nature

Talking with someone today, I was reminded of just how powerful God is… 

I recounted how, despite being very head-strong & capable, I was unable to quit certain substances (or activities), even for one night: I was thoroughly addicted despite my best attempts. Even my hatred of being addicted was not enough to ‘empower’ me to change. 

But something far, far deeper than my many addictions was my love of things that were bad. Whether it was fuelled by rage or gratification, the very core of who I was (and what made me tick) was dark, evil and selfish.

Despite being unaware of it, *everything* was about me – what I wanted, what I would get, how I would feel. This drove every single action, decision and plan. But I still believed I was a ‘good’ person…crazy!

Once Jesus showed up though, in that very second, *everything* changed. Suddenly I was aware of my selfish & abusive ways, I could see things from a whole new perspective. I was instantly horrified at my actions (and the way they had hurt others), in disbelief I could be so incredibly cruel. 

As powerful as all this was, it was secondary to something far more amazing and powerful: God was real! My eyes were opened to fact that He created me, had been there all along and, despite my hatred of Him, rebellion, habitual sin and abuse of His people, He offered forgiveness! (What kind of God would do this??! I deserved death & hell, I was responsible for my injuries & pain and I had blamed this ‘god’ I hated for all of it.)

Understanding all this for the first time was the most powerful, gut-wrenching, painful AND JOYFUL experience of my life. This God, knew I would do all that, would hate Him and yet died for me anyway! Purchasing forgiveness, He offered a whole new life, one that lasted forever. 

My whole outlook changed too: now I cared for people, I wanted to help them, even if they abused me…this change was *massive*!!

This change was in no way due to me: nothing I had tried up to this point made any real difference. Previously, the best outcome was just some level of (impartial and) temporary abstinence – which didn’t interest me.

This was completely different…powerful, deep and lasting. From that second, nearly 24 years ago, I have been a different person. Still many failures, still nowhere near where I would like to be, but the change is undeniable… 

For 8721 days, I have been amazed at:
the desire to please God – who I hated & thought didn’t exist. 
my love of people, near and far – who I only used for self gratification.  
my hatred of sin – which I previously loved & pursued. 
my fears, failures and mistakes – which I was blind to before. 
the love, care, protection and provision of God the Father
the purity that Jesus offers to dead beats like me. 

This is so far away from religion (the notion that we can fulfil a heap of rules to be better  please ‘God’), it astounds me that people can’t understand the difference. 

But then I remember what the Bible says: “people are born spiritually blind & dead” – they are incapable of good and even knowing what ‘good’ is without God. The Bible described me to a T: 

Convinced that I was ‘good’, smart and aware, I was actually incapable of wisdom, unable to be objective, deceived and brain washed. I had gravitated to beliefs and people that confirmed my prejudice, I then propagated those lies to others. When blind, it is *so* comforting to be surrounded by others who affirm our reality, no matter how absurd. 

I see this agenda everywhere now, a deep determined to keep people away from the only One that could help (not just with the physical or psychological!). 

The only One that offered Life, the only One that had the answers I needed, the only One that didn’t want or need *anything* in return… Jesus! 

If you want a genuine change, don’t turn to religion, turn to Jesus. 
If you are at rock bottom, don’t wallow or give up, turn to Jesus. 
If you are sick of being addicted, don’t binge & whinge, turn to Jesus. 
If you are lacking fulfilment, don’t be disillusioned, turn to Jesus. 
If you are loosing hope, don’t look within, turn to Jesus. 
If you are confused, don’t worry, you’re not alone, without God it is impossible to have wisdom: turn to Jesus! 

Far from just a historical figure, moral teacher or angel – Jesus is the only One who is there for you, has always been there for you and always will be – don’t wait until it is too late! 

#thankYouJesus #theKing #Hescomingback! 


“I don’t know whether he [Jesus] is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!”

John 9:25 (NLT) 25 

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