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The Best commentary on the Bible?

The Best commentary on the Bible?

When we allow our current struggles, pain, grief, frustration, fear (or any hardship) to drive us to God through His Word…

He will reveal His true character and nature.
He will remind us of His faithfulness.
He will expel fear.
He will expand our understanding of His power.
He will grow our faith.
He will convict us of sin.
He will forgive and cleanse us.
He will challenge us.
He will teach us patience.
He will encourage us despite our failures.
He will motivate us to share with others.

But you, O LORD, are a shield around me;
you are my glory, the one who holds my head high.
I cried out to the LORD,
and he answered me from his holy mountain.
Psalms 3:3-4 (NLT)

#ThankYouJesus #MyStrongTower

Lord, give us the desire to pick up Your Word and soak in it. Please reveal Yourself to us in the Way that we need. Help us to see that our current situation, no matter how bleak, desolate or painful is nothing compared to You. 


Grief Quote JC Ryle sorrow sickness Bible

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