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JWs & the Gospel

JWs & the Gospel

Today, we received this in the mailbox {Declare the Good News Pamphlet}. 75AFBAE5 6CD8 4199 AB2B 13C99848412A

It is easy to see from the artwork it is from the JW’s (AKA Jehovahs Witnesses, or followers of the Watchtower organisation). The ironic thing? They don’t even know what the Good News actually is!! 

If you ask a JW to share the Gospel with you, they will stutter. Ray Comfort asks this regularly: 

“I only have 1 minute to live, how can I be saved?” 

They don’t know, because the Watchtower has perverted the Gospel to be a religious system (or cult), that insists its’ members earn their good standing in the group, and earn their way to ‘God’. Constant meetings, studies, readings, ministry, door knocking – the list is as long as it is ambiguous. 

But the Good News (the Gospel) is *very* different… (thankfully!)

Religion says: ‘you must do this and that, and NOT do this and that’. 

But Jesus said something very different: He said we can not earn *anything*. He said that *nothing* we do will ever earn anything. He said that Truth wasn’t a doctrine, but the very personhood of God. 

Please don’t be fooled by religions or cults. Despite all the self-serving interests of so many different groups, Jesus is who He said He was. 

There is a reason nearly all religions point to Him as ‘a Way’, there is a reason His name is used universally as a cure word, there is a reason so many people (including opponents), were willing to die before denying He raised the dead and raised Himself. 

It’s because He is alive! 

Ask Him to show you today & then look, asses the evidence. You may be pleasantly surprised – I know I was! 

#neverthesame #thankYouJesus #JesusNOTreligion 

Lord, please show me Your Truth. Please release me from the burden of my guilt. Help me to understand and experience the Good News for the first time. 

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