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Christian Wife should be deepest love

Christian Wife should be deepest love

For the Christian, it is so easy to want to serve, help & save others – often outside of our family and even our country. 

While we are called to share with others, we need to continually be aware that our *first* and most important ministry is to our spouse…not people ‘out there’.  

At home, more issues, hardship and insecurities come up so it is natural to want to run or put our energy elsewhere.
Don’t do it! 

De dedicated, disciplined and purposeful in your ministry to your wife…even if you think she is not worth it, Jesus commands it! 

For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. Ephesians 4:33 (NLT)

Lord, help us to love, truly love our wives. Even when it is hard, when we feel wronged, criticised or attacked, may we show Your love and make a safe space for our wives to share, to grieve to offload and connect. ThankYou for the love we need to fulfil this role. Give us the desire to come to You for all that we need. 

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