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Arthritis in upper back.

Arthritis in upper back.

I just found out that I have arthritis in my upper back, arthritis in one of my SI joints and a flattened ball joint on my left thigh bone leading to continual grabbing, seizing and spasming. 

They have been causing me a lot of extra grief since my back fusion (L4, L5, S1), making it very difficult to know how much activity or exercise is helpful. 

While it’s not great news, I was starting to believe I was making it up & just needed to keep trying to push through and force everything to move. (Instead it seems that attitude hasn’t been great for me!)  

In the case of the flattened ball joint, I can almost guarantee that was due to a motorbike accident in a high speed chase. While the police tried to ram me & didn’t have their lights on, I accept that my actions and stupid lifestyle were more to blame than them lying in court.

The policeman is your friend folks!

For anyone willing to listen to my ranting: please protect your bodies, treat them with care as they were lovingly & masterfully created by a majestic Being to worship Him. The sooner you come to that realisation, the sooner you will care for yourself properly – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

Outside Him there is only distraction, frustration and pain. 


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