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All ‘my’ success and how to imitate it…

All ‘my’ success and how to imitate it…

Today I was thinking: ‘what have I actually achieved in life’ and a few things came to mind… 

Turned $8 into $200,000 in less than 4 years (I started with a $8 TV from the tip)
Started and ran my own business, doing what I loved with no loan or capital (sold parts off my Torana after a high speed chase left me on crutches, which grew into a full time business)
Avoided jail despite breaking the law incessantly, getting raided repeatedly and being charged a number of times (including from high up cops lying in court to try to put me away) 
Survived a number of fairly serious injuries, severe chronic pain and health issues

When I look back at all these ‘successes’, they are all simply indicators of living a life with wrong priorities. I bought in to the lie our culture shouts, that: 

“doing whatever you want, doing what makes you feel good, getting rich, living for yourself, results in happiness “

Nothing could be further from the truth… 

Trouble with the police, chronic pain, injuries and health issues were all due to my lifestyle. Determined to survive & make money I was relentless and pushed my body too far and too hard. 
Using drugs & alcohol did make me feel better – for a little while. Social use quickly spiralled into addiction, leading to more problems with the police. 
My need for acceptance and gratification continually controlled my decisions.  
Discontent, disillusioned, depressed and eventually suicidal, my life was a hopeless mess with no outlook for any type of future.

Determined to end all the pain, at the very last hour I finally relented and looked objectively to see ‘God’ was there… I read the Bible with an open mind for the first time. 

To cut a long story short, God revealed that He is there… He convicted me of my sin and opened my eyes & heart to His love and the fact atet He will judge everyone. 

Everything from that point changed *big time*! 

This new life with Jesus was completely different – His priorities were the exact opposite of what mine had been for 20+ years. 

He instantly changed some of my desires, but others I had (and have) to work on. I fail repeatedly and am far from where I would like to be, but the outcome of God’s priorities is mind blowing… 

Since then, my list of contains *actual* successes: 

I started to genuinely care for other people and was able to forgive people for their past actions against me. 
I was able to move on & deal with issues arising from growing up in an abusive cult. 
Heavy addictions to alcohol, illicit and prescription drugs among other things were no longer an issue. 
Married to the same woman for 20 years (and counting) I have been able to be supporting and relatively selfless.  
Raised 6 children with a wide variety of talents, good morals and individuality. 
Designed & physically built our own house (currently 90% finished) 

There are likely more successes, but the common theme:

I can claim ZERO credit for any of them… 

The only reason I have accomplished any of them? – Jesus! 

He has used all my feeble efforts. Despite my inability, even with all my failures, parts of my life actually reflect *good*! How amazing is that? If He can change someone like me, He can change you too! 

Put Him first, follow Him – live life with His priorities: He will *never* let you down! 

A man’s heart has only enough life in it to pursue one object fully.
C. S. Spurgeon

We will fail Him, we will never measure up to His (or even our own) standard, friends & family will abandon or even attack us.
It is difficult, but as we follow Him, He promises to direct our path. He will give us peace, love and joy despite the trials & persecution…and of course He gives us eternal life!! #thankYouJesus

Godly Priorities Jesus first spouse children ministry distractions BOLD


Lord, please help us to put Your people, Your goals, Your commandments first. Help us to devote our time & energy in to Knowing you, loving You, honouring You, worshipping You and sharing You with others. Help us to put our time & effort in to loving / submitting to our spouse, discipling our children and serving You in the community. Have Your Way in us. 

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