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Food giveaway Christmas 2022

Food giveaway Christmas 2022

The other day I had the privilege of serving with my family at a food give away and sausage sizzle trying to brighten some peoples Christmas. 

We met a barrage of people from all walks of life and for the most part it was a heart warming and rewarding experience. 

But a couple of things were definitely *not* enjoyable… 

One, seeing a woman use her young child as a ‘mule’ to try to get twice the amount of food. I felt helpless to change this boys reality – obviously embarrassed and equally powerless in his role. 

Two, seeing people who obviously were not comfortable taking hand outs, very humbling. 

But something else grabbed me more dramatically: People who obviously had enough, some high, some drinking, not just taking a little bit, but taking far more than was fair. 

Then, seeing them outside gloating about how much they had managed to smuggle away from those who genuinely need it. 

Knowing from experience that some of these people will later be buying more alcohol, more cigarettes, more drugs, it really annoyed me. A lot. 

I could physically feel the anger rising up, how dare they rip off the good will of others when they choose to use their money on drugs? I know many people who would go from hand out to hand out, church to church, ministry to ministry and all the money went up their arm. 

Being annoyed in this setting, not ideal so I pushed down the feelings and tried to reason away the thoughts… 

“At least some people in genuine need are getting help…”

“Maybe one day their eyes will be opened…” 

This is where my thoughts were arrested. I suddenly remembered how I used to take advantage of everything, far, far worse than what these people were doing. I would often rip people off or steal, always justifying my actions. 

This business would have insurance, that person has more money than me, they won’t miss this…the list was as long as it was ridiculous. 

But here I am now, today, judging others for far, far less. Disgusting. I have no right, no excuse. How evil! 

 The only reason I am any different now? Jesus!

He changed my thoughts, my desires, my perception of right / wrong, how I treated others – everything

Without Him I would be dead, or at the very least, still taking from society. But here I am, amazing wife and 6 children, all with the desire to give back and serve strangers with the hope that some would meet this same Jesus who loves them and has the power to make the same miraculous changes in them. 

And back to the present, far, far easier to smile genuinely at these precious souls. Even the ‘bad’ eggs…in fact they are the ones I understand best. So lost, so deceived, so hurting, so controlled by desires and addiction, missing out on the best of life…which is to give and serve. 

I have no right to judge, only the opportunity to serve, bless and share of what He has done for me. 

May we all be willing to be Jesus’ hands and feet this Christmas and be willing to share the only Truth that saves, the only One that gives Life, the only Way to God. 

Lord, have Your way through us and be glorified in our thoughts, words and actions this Christmas. May Your message of Truth, hope, joy and peace be proclaimed loudly…even through us. 

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”

– Luke 19:10 (NLT) 


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