504 years ago today someone was so moved by something he read – something so powerful – he was willing risk his life to speak out. What he did has affected your life incredibly, yet you likely don’t know it.
He wrote a letter to his religious leader, highlighting the faults he saw in this religion. 1 On 31 October 1517, Luther wrote to his bishop, Albrecht von Brandenburg, protesting against the sale of indulgences. He enclosed in his letter a copy of his “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”, which came to be known as the Ninety-five Theses. (Wiki)
This religion (Catholicism) was not following the teachings of their own Holy Book (the Bible). Interestingly, you may have the same argument as this man, now famous, who hated the fact that money from the poor was being used to build lavish churches, while bishops and popes lived in luxury 2 In Thesis 86, which asks: “Why does the pope, whose wealth today is greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build the basilica of St. Peter with the money of poor believers rather than with his own money?”(Hillerbrand, Hans J. “Martin Luther: Indulgences and salvation,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007.) : the opposite of what the Bible encourages. 3 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21 (NLT)
Writing this letter eventually led to this man being cut off from the church he had grown up in and was even classified as an outlaw in his own country.
Many, many more since him have also risked (and given) their lives for the same famous (but often misunderstood) book – the Bible.
These people were incredibly smart: scientists, philosophers, theologians, pioneers – but were willing to give up their business, their families and ultimately their lives, instead of simply say they disagreed. They believed it so deeply they would rather die than discredit it.
This position was totally crazy to me…how stupid! In fact, due to etc actions of others, I hated the Bible and anyone who believed it. I thought it was an old outdated religious book that led to control and abuse.
I held this belief until I read it for myself, looking for truth – and I was shocked…big time! Far from useless and controlling, the words cut through to my core. They exposed my innermost fears and sin – and also the love and forgiveness I never knew I was craving. My eyes were opened.
But something else that I wasn’t expecting – the account it gave for the beginning of the universe actually made sense. Far more sense than ‘nothing exploded and created everything’ – a scientific impossibility.
In fact, it may come as a surprise for you to know that it has never been proved false, despite being very clear on a huge range of controversial topics. Many, many have tried and even devoted years of their lives to prove wrong – and have failed. Some of the most learned of these came to believe in the very book they were determined to discredit!
Public perception has swayed away from the Bible – but not for good reason. Science, in it’s limited scope has continually discovered more and more depth, making the ‘Big Bang’ theory seem more and more incredulous.
![Time Magazine Is God Dead](https://i0.wp.com/wildeden.com.au/news/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/TIME-magasine-is-God-dead.jpg?resize=300%2C400&ssl=1)
In 1966, Time magazine had the cover: is God dead? The first all text cover drew quite a reaction, and indicated an exodus of thinking minds away from ‘God’. The early science around ‘Darwinianism’ was weak and flawed though, fed by those who were biased and really hated the idea of God. Many were swayed by weak evidence, elaborate unfounded theories and, at times deliberate hoaxes.
Today, as science has continued to dig up unfathomable complexity in even the ‘simplest’ cells and processes, it is only the most die hard, determined anti-God fanatic who is willing to enter the debate. The debate is often amusing as can be seen if you watch Richard Dawkins try to explain what nothing is. 4 Watch a snippet here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v34QjYPuiEA
The question today could be: Is Atheism Dead?
Ironically, today I read of a book with this exact site being released – have a look here.
New discoveries are continually pointing back to the fact there had to be a Creator. An immensely powerful, incredibly intelligent being or force.
Something or someone that knew how it all needed to fit together:
– not just so that life was possible as a concept
– not just so that humans could exist in a perfect habitat
but so that you – you reading this, would do so. Right now. Today. And experience His love.
He knows you. He has protected you.
Has has heard your complaints, your arguments and questions.
He has seen your pain and He feels the weight of your shame.
He loves you despite your actions against Him, despite ignoring Him and living for yourself.
He sent His only Son to die a horrible death – all for you.
It might seem strange that the Son of God would have to die – especially at the hands of humans.
It’s a far cry from all the stories of the greek ‘gods’ – it is one of complete obedience, humility and selflessness. And one of immeasurable, tangible, complete and unconditional love.
It’s simple but profound: your actions, your mistakes, your sin, has earned you the death penalty: eternal separation from the God who gave you life.
This punishment will be paid no matter what – but God preferred that His own Son would pay the fine instead of you. And Jesus was willing. He paid the fine in full for you and me. A signed release in the court of Heaven exists for you…don’t ignore it!
No excuses, no concessions, no arguments – the final judgment is just that – final. The Judge who knows all thoughts, has a perfect memory, a perfect standard and a perfect memory. There is no escape.
But trust what His Son has done and you will discover He has another side – One that is just as powerful, just as perfect – One of love.
In fact, this all powerful God has the heart of a Father – a perfect, loving, forgiving Father. One that longs for connection with the children He loves. And that includes you.
He longs not to bring judgment, but to connect. To see you filled with undeserved joy. He is love and He loves to forgive. That’s right – His enjoyment? It’s in forgiving! And with some of us – there’s lots to forgive!
So today, my prayer is that for any of the reasons listed above you would start to connect with your Creator, to understand what He has written, to experience His love: you will never be the same again.
- 1On 31 October 1517, Luther wrote to his bishop, Albrecht von Brandenburg, protesting against the sale of indulgences. He enclosed in his letter a copy of his “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”, which came to be known as the Ninety-five Theses. (Wiki)
- 2In Thesis 86, which asks: “Why does the pope, whose wealth today is greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build the basilica of St. Peter with the money of poor believers rather than with his own money?”(Hillerbrand, Hans J. “Martin Luther: Indulgences and salvation,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007.)
- 3Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21 (NLT)
- 4Watch a snippet here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v34QjYPuiEA
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