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Another example how ridiculous God is at a garage sale after church… I saw an office printer that I thought might be a good deal, but decided I would wait before asking him the price to get a good deal. Before I had a chance he tried to sell it to me, offering it at a song – but I was more interested in talking to him about Jesus.

He shared how he used to be a drug addict and was quite sure he had found freedom. After talking for a while it was evident he had just exchanged addictions (albeit for a much more culturally acceptable one!).

He was willing to listen to what I said as I might spend money, and up to a point was happy with what I said – after all ”it worked for me. I have regularly heard this when someone talks about addictions in light of Christianity.

For many addicts, their addiction is the centre of everything (though they rarely admit that) and well-meaning Christians will say things like “Jesus will help you get off drugs”. I myself fell into this trap early on and many responded with the hope that it would be true.

Unfortunately they ultimately found out that this was a false premise – an incorrect attitude and reason to approach the King of Kings. Sure this King has the power to set people free – and sometimes He does. But if someone comes to Him solely for this, they will likely be totally disappointed – or will walk away once they think they are free. A reality I sadly saw many, many times.

The truth is that while He can set us free, it is only a side benefit of what Jesus offers and not a promise. Many things are conditional and some are down to us. As this isn’t the point for this article I won’t go more deeply into this now.

My conversation with this man wasn’t long but I felt it was important. So important the items I wanted (including the printer) and the negotiations for them, fell by the way side. I really should have paid more attention, but until I knew the whole story I was very happy with the printer and number of other items we purchased.

Upon returning home, I discovered the surprise – the printer didn’t work. It had an internal error that made it worthless. I had been ripped off and (as far as I know) deliberately ripped off.

I was disappointed, but hey – God is in control. Before Christ this would have led to a lot of bad feeling and very likely angry retribution. This is despite the fact that I used to do this to others all the time – but if someone did it to me? Look out!

Instead of bad feeling I left it & just thought I would put the spares it came with up for sale. Well THAT NIGHT, 1 of the 3 spares sold for FOUR times what I paid for the whole machine! We have now pulled the printer apart to sell the other spares and disposed of the main bulk of the machine.

To say God is in control and provides when we put Him first is an understatement.

He can make provision come from the strangest and most unlikely places – it is nothing to Him! May we just learn to live in a way that honours this and doesn’t squander what He provides in selfish or greedy ways.

And don’t be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don’t worry about such things. These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

“So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.

“Sell your possessions and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

Luke 12:29-34 (NLT)

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